
Kindness is a choice

author:Li Shuang LiShuang

John, a taxi driver, works hard day and night to make money in order to get together with his daughter as soon as possible, hoping to have the ability to bring his daughter from the countryside to New York to live.

But after a few years, the savings are still not much...

And the poor savings that are less are made less because of the appearance of an old lady...

Kindness is a choice

One day, he received an order, and when he arrived at the destination of the order, he saw an old lady already dressed and waiting at the door.

Help the old lady to get into the car, arrange for the old lady to go to the back seat, fasten the seat belt, and start the car to set off.

In the car, he asked the old lady where she was going?

The old lady replied: "I don't have much time, I plan to go to the nursing home to see, I don't have any relatives, fortunately I have it with me." With that, the dry hands touched the pendant on the chest strap.

Only then did John see that the old lady had a small ring made of precious stones and gold hanging around her neck.

Arriving at his destination, he waived the old lady's fare, even though he also needed the money.

The old lady got out of the car and couldn't help but touch the small ring on her chest. He knew that this must be the most precious item of the old lady, and it was inconvenient to ask more.

Kindness is a choice

John, who is still returning to the rental profession, was running a taxi one day when he received a call from an old lady, who did not take a taxi but directly invited John to his home.

When John arrived at the old lady's house, he saw that the cook and cabinets were open, and the old lady was holding a small, worn-out box with a few yellowed photographs scattered in it.

It turned out that the ring on the old lady's chest was missing, and after searching all the places in the house, she did not find it, and the old lady said that it must have landed on his car on the day of the taxi.

John was a little angry, because the old lady was in his car that day, and when he got out of the car, he was watching the old lady stroke the ring and get out of the car.

The old lady told him that her marriage had failed in her early years, and that she and her daughter were dependent on each other, and on her 9th birthday, she gave her a small ring wrapped in gold and gemstones. Unfortunately, that year, her daughter was in a car accident, and at the end of her life, her daughter gave her the ring and told her mother to be strong and survive, just like her daughter was by her side.

Since then, the old woman has carried this precious ring for a long time, just like she lived with her daughter, and it was this ring that gave her the courage to continue to live.

John saw that the old woman had such a crush on the ring, and he decided to help the old lady. He asked if the old lady had a picture of the ring and could go back to the car to look for it.

The old woman handed him a picture, and he saw the little girl in the picture holding up the little ring with a big smile.

Kindness is a choice

Bidding farewell to the old woman, John took the photo to the largest jewelry store in New York. The clerk saw the photos and told him that this style was a style from decades ago, the factory has long ceased to produce, can only be customized, but jewelry and gold need to be aged, so it takes three days to wait.

John bought the ring with half his savings of $20,000. When it was delivered to the old lady, the beauty after the loss and recovery made the old lady smile like a child.

John worked harder to make money, in order to get together with his daughter as soon as possible.

A year later, a lawyer approached him and handed him an inheritance and a letter that read: "I am Joey, a passenger in your taxi, an old lady with a child ring around her neck, and I am very grateful that you gave me the same ring as before, but when you handed it to me I already knew that it was not the original one, and you ignored the fact that my daughter's internal test had the abbreviation of her name." ”

None of this matters, you have done the kindness of a strange old lady, you let me feel the warmth of a stranger at the end of my life.

When you see this letter, I am deceased, and the lawyer will give you my entire estate, including the apartment you know, and a villa on the outskirts.

In addition, there are two rings, one customized by you and one original from my daughter, which I found in my suitcase...

A few months later, John took his daughter to a cemetery and bowed deeply to the headstone, where the father and daughter had an identical gem-encrusted ring hanging from their necks.

In this story, we see that sometimes kindness is more precious than cleverness.

Mr. Lin Yutang said: "Intelligence is a talent, and kindness is a choice. In fact, a person's living habits can reflect the light of his faith.

Often people who believe in piety will show good character between their hands and feet. This is not a whim or a deliberate show, but a heartfelt gesture. Because the faithful have great love, a small inadvertent act will sow the seeds of goodness in the hearts of others.