
Walk all the way to see all the way to eat and drink - Su Dongpo is a proficient foodie chef and gourmet

author:Forty unbunded old fan

Throughout history, it is necessary to say that poetry, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are proficient, Su Dongpo said that he was the second, and no one dared to say that he was the first.

Throughout Su Dongpo's life, I have to admire his strong ability to resist pressure and the optimism that far exceeds that of ordinary people. Other people's lives are ups and downs, Su Dongpo's life is ups and downs, falling and falling, up to the Central Education Minister, down to the deputy captain of the Civil Self-Defense Force Su Dongpo is all the way vicissitudes, all the way wandering, all the way bumpy, all the way starlight. Pity his younger brother Su Rui, trying to catch his brother for a while, and keep fishing for his brother has been bitter.

Walk all the way to see all the way to eat and drink - Su Dongpo is a proficient foodie chef and gourmet

If you mark the footprints of Su Shi's life on the map, you will find that his footprints are all over the north and south of the great river, north to Beijing, south to the South China Sea, west to Sichuan, Chongqing, and east to Penglai. Li Bai looked ashamed of this trip, and Xu Xiake looked at it without land. It can be said that Su Dongpo's life is undervalued, either degraded or on the way to being degraded. Although these ups and downs are indispensable materials in the process of literary creation, too many people cannot bear the weight of these lives and fall on the road. And Su Shi found a suitable way to decompress himself, he was relegated to where to eat, where to fall to eat, there is such a saying, there is nothing in this world, it is impossible to eat a meal can not be solved, really can not eat two meals. Su Dongpo has been to countless distant places, and he treats each place like his hometown, feels that it is his hometown, and must excavate and develop local beauty and cuisine, leaving behind many popular american texts and cuisines and beautiful allusions.

Walk all the way to see all the way to eat and drink - Su Dongpo is a proficient foodie chef and gourmet

Let's take a look at how the literary giant's foodie and cook turned his life into poetry. In Su Dongpo's eyes, food is true love, the future is just a passing cloud, the only thing that can't afford to put down is chopsticks.

When Su Dongpo was degraded to Huizhou, he was already over sixty years old, perhaps because of the nature of foodies, he turned grief into appetite, and wrote heartbrokenly, Luofu Mountain is really good, orange bayberry ripens early, lychee eats 300 pieces, it is simply refreshing. (Huizhou is a must At four o'clock in the spring under Luofu Mountain, Lu Tangerine Bayberry is new.) Three hundred litchi in a day, not to quit being a Lingnanian. )

Walk all the way to see all the way to eat and drink - Su Dongpo is a proficient foodie chef and gourmet

After being degraded to Hainan, in order to find food, su Dongpo, a great writer, actually extended his hand to the seafood on the island - oysters. He found that half-cooked wine or grilled to eat, especially delicious, oysters on the wine, the more you drink, the more you have. Mr. Dongpo, who discovered this secret, quickly wrote to his son and told him not to tell anyone else.

Walk all the way to see all the way to eat and drink - Su Dongpo is a proficient foodie chef and gourmet

Therefore, it is not time to smooth Su Dongpo's wounds, but oysters, lychees, and Dongpo meat. It is said that 66 of the Chinese dishes are caused by Su Dongpo, in addition to the representative works of Dongpo Sanwei: Dongpo meat, Dongpo fish, Dongpo elbow and other hard dishes, as well as small dishes, Dongpo tofu (which was invented by Chef Zipo when he worked in Hubei). At the same time, Chef Po also developed a cold dish Dongpo cold powder, noodles Dongpo cake. Of course, as a part-time literary artist, Su Dongpo did not waste his talents, and integrated traditional gossip into the cuisine and made Dongpo soup.

3. Su Shi will make wine

In Huangzhou, Su Shi uses local honey, mixes it into the noodles for fermentation, and finally uses rice and rice as the main ingredients to brew the unique Huangzhou honey wine.

In Dingzhou, he brewed pine wine with a bitter taste.

In Huizhou, Guangdong Province, he used ginger and cinnamon as ingredients to brew cinnamon wine, which can be used to benefit the liver and eyes, strengthen the body and bones, and often drink it with longevity effects.

In Hainan, Su Shi still did not forget his ability to brew wine, he referred to the jasper fragrance brewed by Wang Qima, with white noodles, glutinous rice, and clear water as the main ingredients to brew a fine wine, "True One Wine", for which he also made two poems, True One Wine is mild, it is not easy to get drunk after drinking, it is very popular. Su Shi claimed that this wine was a medicine made in heaven. The name "True One" is because this wine is self-brewed and self-made, which is in line with the human true one Dongpo Lao in the poem.

Shinichi sake song

The thin stems in the air are inserted into the sky, and the depression is not born. Involved in the four qi and six yang, Senran is not subject to borers and locusts. The flying dragon royal moon is cool in autumn, and the cangbo changes color to tun yun yellow. The heavens swirled and thundered the jade dust incense, and the ten cracks shone in the light. The toddler chewed peacefully and serenely, shaking the heavens out of the qiong pulp. NongGong fei kong Ding female treasure, three volts encountered the well does not taste. Brewed for Shinichiwa and Zhuang, three cups are like serving the king. Zhan Ran is not crazy, and he will never enter the hometown of no merit.

Shinichi sake poem

The snow is covered with clouds, and the bees are intoxicated. Rice weeping wheat on the yin and yang feet, the new table of the clean spring wrapped clear. Dawn was red and dizzy, and the spring breeze was silent. The human world is really one of the oldest people, and he is engaged in the name of Qingzhou.

Walk all the way to see all the way to eat and drink - Su Dongpo is a proficient foodie chef and gourmet

With all of the above, who dares to say that Su Dongpo is not a foodie chef gourmet?

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