
Shared housing and love

author:Changsha Xiao Li

I came to Haikou in the summer of my second year after graduating from university. Because of my youth, because of the longing for romantic love, I fell in love with this beautiful coastal city.

Compared with the previous twists and turns in finding a job, my job in Haikou is relatively smooth. After doing half a year of planning and publicity in a real estate company in Guomao, in order to facilitate work, I rented a two-bedroom and one-hall house near the unit. The day after I moved from Haidian Island, I published a rent advertisement in the newspaper "Welcome single young ladies to share a house..." To tell the truth, in Haikou like me, the monthly salary of more than 2,000 yuan is not a small amount, but in the face of the rent of more than 1,000 yuan in the prime location, I can only grievance myself and find someone to share.

Shared love

Ye Zi was the fourth girl to see the house, the previous three, either the rent was too high or too far away from the unit. I saw The leaf and I saw each other as we were. She was about the same size as me, and her figure was similar, but her face was rounder than mine, and she smiled, and she also revealed a pair of dimples, and a childish look. What makes me even more relieved is that she didn't argue with me about rent. The two of us hit it off and she moved in that afternoon. The room was tidy and we sat in the living room drinking tea and smiling at each other. I always felt that she didn't look like a friend I had just met. I asked her, do you have a boyfriend? She took a sip of tea and said, "Just broke up, so I just moved out to find a place to live." I didn't know what to say for a moment. Ye Zi smiled lightly and said, "It's all over, nothing." I admired this girl who looked weak, and replaced me, at least for a while. At that time, I had a secret affair with a department manager named Jiang Feng of the company, but the love had not yet come to light. Ye Zi also worked for a company in Guomao. Every morning, we went downstairs to eat breakfast together, sent at our respective companies at noon, and whoever came back first in the evening was responsible for cooking, and the food for two people was also very simple. Later, we pooled our money to buy a TV, and at that time, the Korean drama "Miss Mermaid" was on the air, and we both cried together, and then looked at each other and laughed. We went shopping together, ate snacks, changed clothes and dressed each other, complained and comforted each other when we were wronged in the unit, and scolded men together for not being a good thing. However, I have always been grinning, things are always thrown everywhere, the leaves are very careful, the hygiene of the room is always cleaned by her, even my underwear is neatly folded, and the toothpaste and tissue at home are basically changed by her. Even the trifles that give me a headache, including light bulbs and water fillers, can be quickly taken care of by the leaves. What makes me even more ashamed is that every time I cook a dish that makes the leaves difficult to swallow, and the dishes she makes make me eat every time. Sometimes when I look at the leaves, I think that I have so many deficiencies, and such a perfect girl as the leaves, there will be men who are willing to leave her. Originally, sharing a room with others was only a matter of economic compulsion and necessity, but after a long time, I felt that the days of sharing with Ye Zi were the happiest time I had since I walked out of college.

Redundant roles

During that time, my relationship with Jiang Feng went very smoothly. Soon, we became open lovers. Jiang Feng is two years older than me, came to Hainan a few years earlier to develop, the position is also one level higher than me, in the company can be regarded as a young talent, very much appreciated by the boss. Although I am still just a deputy manager of a department, no house and no car, in my eyes, Jiang Feng is a potential stock. Later, I thought, maybe the last thing I should do is to bring Jiang Feng to my own home as a guest...

That day, when I took Jiang Feng home, Ye Zi was busy in the kitchen around the floral apron, and when she heard me call her, she came out and talked to Jiang Feng

greet. From the look in their eyes, I found a strange emotion that flashed in an instant. The table that Leaf made that day seemed to be more delicious than usual. Jiang Feng ate very fragrantly, and from time to time looked at the leaves with admiring eyes. After eating, the leaves brought a plate of fruit, sat across from Jiang Feng, and handed the first cut apple to Jiang Feng...

Now that I think about it, that night, immersed in love, I became a superfluous role.

Only let go

From that day on, my relationship with Ye Zi was obviously a little flawed, but I still preferred to believe that the love between me and Jiang Feng was real. But Jiang Feng's time to ask me out was getting less and less, and sometimes he left in a hurry without greeting me after work, and Ye Zi's time to go home was getting late.

I thought about that night over and over again, the interlacing of his and her eyes, but what does that mean? I don't want to believe that what really happened between my girlfriend and my boyfriend? I simply lived in a daze, still wearing leaf clothes, asking her to accompany me shopping, as always, fierce and grinning. The first to hold her breath was Leaf, who began to avoid me, not daring to face me. One night, the leaves came back late, and across a wall we couldn't sleep. She texted me, "I'm dating Jiang Feng, I'm sorry!" Looking at the text message, I spent ten minutes staying. I finally couldn't fool myself anymore. Strangely enough, I didn't have any anger or resentment towards the leaves next door.

Finally it was time for a showdown. The next day after work, Jiang Feng asked me to go downstairs to the company for coffee. A cup of coffee is all over, sit

Opposite me, he was still in a state of embarrassment, and he didn't know where the fierce style of his work had gone. In the end, I still loved him, and the pain in my heart gradually spread to my body. Feeling the tears about to burst out of my eyes, I picked up my bag and got up to leave. I said the last words to Jiang Feng: "Actually, Ye Zi has already told me, bless you!" Hearing Jiang Feng calling me in the back, my tears couldn't stop flowing...

In love, I have never been a woman who is willing to compete with others. Love is something that cannot be seen or touched, not that it can be fought

To get it. When you can't stay, it's best to let go. However, I did not expect that when it came time to really let go, I was so heartbroken and tired.

Meet again

From that day on, I started keeping an eye on rental information. Soon, I saw an advertisement for a shared apartment in a building near the unit. Like me, there was a girl who worked nearby and wanted someone to share. I made a phone call first, then went to see the house.

The owner was a girl younger than me, named Ah Yuan, who had just graduated from college, was from Danzhou, Hainan, and worked as a clerk in a company near the rental house. It was roughly the same as when I was in the first place, a person rented a two-bedroom house and a living room, and in order to reduce the pressure of rent, he sublet out one. Ah Yuan looks idyllic and gentle, just like my original impression of the leaves, there is a feeling of seeing the same thing. I moved in the same day. Maybe for me, changing places is a new beginning, no longer entangled with the past. Moreover, I did not want to see Jiang Feng again, so I decided to resign.

The night I moved into my new home, Ah Yuan came to my room to help clean up. She asked me, why doesn't my boyfriend come to help you? I was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, just broke up. What about you? Ah Yuan smiled and said with some embarrassment that his work place was a little far away, so he could only meet once in half a month. I was anxious to find a new job, and Ah Yuan was very enthusiastic about helping me, and asked her colleagues to ask around where to ask for people. I am very grateful to her for taking care of all the cleaning work in her spare time at home and for giving full play to the cooking skills she learned from the leaves. Every time Ah Yuan came home, she would hug me gratefully, happy like a child.

A month later, Ah Yuan's boyfriend Chen took a week off and came to reunite with Ah Yuan. It was a tall and tall man, and when we nodded and smiled at each other, I found that his smile was a bit like Jiang Feng.

It was also from that night that I found that Chen's gaze always followed my figure consciously or unconsciously. After Ah Yuan went to work, I was left at home

When we were two people, Chen cleaned up with me, helped me choose dishes, and from time to time chatted with me and told me jokes. Under the same roof, a week of getting along is enough to be affectionate. Although I tried my best to maintain a superficial calm, my heart was always filled with sweetness, bitterness, and deep guilt.

I could finally feel the mood of the leaf at the beginning. Especially when Chen Was leaving, he finally plucked up enough courage to say to me, compared to Ah Yuan, he

I prefer a mature and considerate girl like me, and my heart is more godless and full of tastes.

I don't know what's wrong with the world? What's wrong with me? Two girls in the same rental house, why even love will not be expected

And encounter? Is love in the rental house too fragile, or is the desire for youth too overflowing?

But I have always believed that love without hurt is perfect. Again I chose to leave. From now on, I will no longer choose to share a house with another girl. And here, I use my lessons to remind girls who want to share a house, don't even rent out their love.

Shared housing and love

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