
Green vegetables shiitake mushroom lean porridge, nutritious and well-absorbed, healthy home-cooked food, super simple fast breakfast

author:Ann with truffles

Green vegetable mushroom lean porridge, to shiitake mushrooms, lean meat, green vegetables as the main raw materials, viscous and smooth, light taste and easy to absorb, fresh flavor into the taste is very popular with everyone, the elderly, children, friends with weak spleen and stomach are very suitable for drinking.

With the help of the rice cooker, this gourmet porridge is not difficult to cook at all, and there are no requirements for cooking, the kitchen white can also do very well, super simple, let's learn it!

Green vegetables shiitake mushroom lean porridge, nutritious and well-absorbed, healthy home-cooked food, super simple fast breakfast


1 cup rice, 5 dried shiitake mushrooms, 50 grams of lean meat, 3 slices of green vegetables, 3 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon of extremely fresh flavor, 1/2 spoon of starch, 1/2 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 spoon of pepper, 1 spoon of sesame sesame oil.


1, first put the rice clean, put into the rice cooker, pour the appropriate amount of water, the ratio of rice and water is almost 1:6 to 1:7, if you like the viscous one, use the ratio of 1:6, press the boiling porridge button;

2, wash and slice or shred the lean meat, put it in a bowl, add the flavor is very fresh, the starch is grasped and mixed evenly, and the marinade will be flavored;

Green vegetables shiitake mushroom lean porridge, nutritious and well-absorbed, healthy home-cooked food, super simple fast breakfast

3. Cut the dried shiitake mushrooms into slices, wash and drain the green vegetables and chop them for later;

4, after the porridge is cooked, pour the porridge into the pot and put it on the fire to continue to cook, if the rice cooker has the function of continuing to cook, it is directly completed on the rice cooker, put the shredded ginger, put the marinated lean meat and sliced shiitake mushrooms into it, cover the pot and cook for 15 minutes;

5, put in the chopped greens, cook until the greens become soft and dark, you can turn off the heat, the time should not be too long, otherwise the greens will be soft and rotten in the pot;

6, finally add salt to taste, sprinkle some pepper, sesame sesame oil Titian, you can come out of the pot and eat!

Green vegetables shiitake mushroom lean porridge, nutritious and well-absorbed, healthy home-cooked food, super simple fast breakfast

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