
Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

author:Sanda King
Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

After martial arts superstar Bruce Lee pioneered the Chinese invasion of Hollywood, foreigners began to know, learn and love Chinese kung fu. When Bruce Lee's films swept the world, Chinese kung fu became famous all over the world. Bruce Lee was also hailed as "the most effective man in promoting Chinese martial arts." ”

Later, among the "inheritors" who inherited and carried forward Chinese martial arts overseas, Liu Xiangyang, a Shaolin martial arts monk known as the "father of American Sanda", was called "a meritorious man who carried forward the martial art Sanda". ”

Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="3" > legendary "iron leg"</h1>

Liu Xiangyang, whose ancestral home is Anhui, lived a difficult life when he was young, often without food. Fortunately, he met Shaolin Kung Fu, began to learn martial arts with the master at the age of 3, and then converted to the famous martial monk Su Xi of the Shaolin Temple, who is the 31st generation of Shaolin descendants, deeply rooted in the true tradition of Shaolin Kung Fu, nicknamed "Iron Leg".

In 1986, Liu Xiangyang came to the United States to study alone. In 1991, he began to teach Shaolin Kung Fu in the United States and began the spread of the Sanda movement.

Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

At that time, in the southern city of New Orleans, many young people loved to learn martial arts. Watching taekwondo and karate in full swing, as a Chinese, Liu Xiangyang was determined to "heat up" Chinese martial arts. Liu Xiangyang said: "I always want to spread Chinese things into love for China, you are Chinese right, so I decided to do nothing else, just engage in Chinese martial arts." ”

Unlike other instructors here, Liu Xiangyang had both professional martial arts knowledge and fluent communication in English, which made him quickly emerge in the American martial arts world.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="8" > do your best</h1>

At that time, the Americans who learned martial arts had poor sanda skills, and in order to improve the overall level, Liu Xiangyang personally funded eight consecutive international sanda open tournaments, paying travel expenses and bonuses for all foreign players. At the same time, he has also been committed to the study of free-form fighting projects, integrating its essence into Sanda and increasing the intensity of Sanda sports, so as to attract more people to join the Sanda program.

Many people may remember the sensational Sino-American Martial Arts Sanda Tournament held in Honolulu in 1999, when the organization of the US side was completed by Liu Xiangyang.

Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

This is the first time that Chinese Sanda athletes have gone abroad to show their skills, and it is also the first confrontation between Sanda athletes at home and abroad. Liu Xiangyang served as the vice president of the competition and the head coach of the American team. From the setting of the competition level, the formulation of the competition schedule to the scoring method of each action, Liu Xiangyang participated in it one by one.

Under his influence and drive, the level of Sanda in the United States has improved rapidly.

From learning martial arts at the age of 3 to hosting various martial arts tournaments in the United States. Along the way, Liu Xiangyang's original intention has not changed, and he has used his love for kung fu to make Chinese martial arts take root and blossom everywhere in the land of foreign lands.

Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="14" > Peach Plum Guangcheng Material</h1>

Under the influence of Liu Xiangyang, the level of Sanda in the United States has improved by leaps and bounds. Liu Xiangyang's disciples are also masters, such as "American Sanda King" Kang Li, UFC heavyweight tough generals Nagano and Pat Barry.

Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

Liu Xiangyang (left) with Pat Barry

The most famous of these is Kang Lee, who was the first fighting superstar to conquer the American boxing scene with the martial art Sanda, and is widely known for his super gorgeous flying body leg scissors.

Like his master, Kang Li has always vigorously promoted the Chinese sport of Sanda in the United States, and has participated in international mixed martial arts competitions as a sanda player many times, using exquisite technology to explain how sanda players use their weapons to base themselves on the MMA ring. On March 29, 2008, Conley defeated former UFC champion Frank to win the Strike Force middleweight title in mixed martial arts.

Character | "revealed" that the American godfather of Sanda was actually a Shaolin warrior monk? The disciple once frustrates the UFC champion legend "Iron Leg" and poured all his strength into Tao Li Guangcheng

Liu Xiangyang (first from left) and Kang Li (first from right)

Kang Li once said in an interview: I first learned wrestling, and then I successively learned taekwondo, Muay Thai, etc., and later I studied with Liu Xiangyang, a Master of Chinese Shaolin Sanda, and my skills grew.

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Original/Responsible Editor: Kinse

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