
A girl's rebellious thinking during adolescence

author:Bean rice hemp ~

When I was a child, I always thought about growing up, thinking that when I grew up, I was free, but who knew that growing up was the shackles of freedom, and at that time I always felt that I did what I wanted to do without the discipline of my parents, and I was free, and now I found that when I was a child, I was what we most yearned for.

When I was in high school, I was very happy, because I wanted to live in school once a month and go home, at that time, I only had one thought that I didn't want to go home, and I didn't have to listen to my parents nagging in my ear and always felt that they were very annoyed, and everything had to be said and managed. Soon I got used to high school life, especially the high school class was very intense, almost once every two months, and it was only two days to go home. But looking at the parents of the classmates around her every month will come to see her, and I feel very unhappy in my heart, watching my classmates and my parents talk very happily, but I can't, I won't say anything to them, I always feel very awkward.

Later, going to college is not the same as high school, high school can go home once a month or two, college is once a half a year, and I choose to go home once a year, I thought I would not get used to it, because I have never been away from home for so long, but I was wrong, I was used to it, only if there is no living expenses will call home to ask for money, and now how many college students are the same as me.

After graduating, working, always have to go through something to suddenly realize, I want to care about them, but I don't know how to say it...

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