
The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

author:Blue sky says history

In the history of China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, there was such a person who, with only one man, one gun and three grenades, successfully blocked the powerful US Second Cavalry Division at Height 109 for eight hours.

He created a miracle that is unique in the history of Chinese and foreign wars, and it is impossible to be copied. He was also awarded the title of national first-class combat hero, and even after the war, he was received by the chairman, and five marshals, including Peng Dehuai and Nie Rongzhen, toasted to him.

So, what kind of courage is he? Actually single-handedly fighting against the powerful Second Division of the American Horseman? Why did he allow the chairman to receive him and the marshal to toast?

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

On October 1, 1951, a special person accepted the invitation to observe the National Day ceremony at the Tiananmen Tower. He had a serious face and was plainly dressed but clean. At the celebration banquet for the hero, Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and President Zhu even received him in person, and the five marshals lined up with admiration to toast him.

This person who accepted such a special honor was Tan Bingyun. After the commendation meeting, Peng Deqing, commander of the 27th Army, privately found Tan Bingyun, with tears in his eyes and too excited to speak. Excitedly, he expressed his lofty gratitude to this lone hero for his own 27th Army. It was Tan Bingyun's courage to put life and death aside, and the 27th Army was able to preserve its strength and play a greater role in the subsequent battles.

In fact, Tan Bingyun's bravery is not simply in this battle, since he chose to join the Chinese People's Liberation Army, every performance he has performed on the battlefield has been remarkable. Tan Bingyun was born into a poor peasant family in Jiangjin, Sichuan.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

Because of poverty, his parents and relatives had to work for the landlords to farm. In those dark ages, the inferior peasants had no choice but to accept exploitation by the landlords. Even just because the landlord was in a bad mood, the whole family did not have food to eat that day.

Tan Bingyun herded sheep for the local wealthy families, worked as a long-term worker in the landlord's home, and in such an environment where the landlords and rich households were frequently beaten and scolded, Tan Bingyun often wondered why his family had to be exploited and bullied, why couldn't everyone be equal? This question deeply sowed the seeds of revolution in his young heart.

Tan Bingyun grew up hungry and full, he thought he could live a plain life, who knew that when the Kuomintang recruited the army, he forcibly recruited Tan Bingyun into the army as a strong man. With his arms twisted around his thighs, Tan Bingyun had no choice but to join the Kuomintang and start his military career.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

Although Tan Bingyun joined the Kuomintang army, his people were sober and he knew deeply that the Kuomintang did not represent the will of the people, and his life in the army was not pleasant. At this time, he heard from his friends about the Communist Party, a large organization that was dedicated to the people, and he became interested. Knowing that the Kuomintang was about to go to war with the Communists, Tan Bingyun finally made up his mind.

Our army is an inclusive team, and after hearing about Tan Bingyun's experience, the comrades in charge of recruiting in our army agreed to Tan Bingyun's request. While the Liberation War was in full swing, Tan Bingyun was transferred to Shanghai to participate in the battle.

In the Shanghai battlefield, Tan Bingyun was unexpectedly brave. In the face of enemy fire, he rushed up without blinking an eye, brushing shoulders with death several times. Even in a battle that did not stop day and night, he broke through the physiological limits, annihilated countless enemies, and made great contributions to our army. After the war, Tan Bingyun was awarded the third class merit.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

After the victory in the War of Liberation, with the changes in the international situation, China decided to send volunteer troops to aid Korea. After hearing about the conscription, Tan Bing did not hesitate to sign up for the volunteer army. Soon he left the mainland with a large army and stepped into the Korean battlefield.

As a squad leader of the 27th Army, Tan Bingyun burst out of the Korean battlefield with a dazzling light. Tam Byung-yun, who has just arrived in North Korea, has not been passively idle because he has broken away from the central government's control. On the contrary, he took the lead in every battle. He was awarded two third-class merits and five fourth-class merits in the early days of the Korean War. These honors were all bought with his life, and his bravery made his comrades who fought alongside him admire.

In April 1951, our army took the initiative to launch an attack on the United Nations army, and under the guidance of our army's exquisite tactics, our troops were divided into three routes and caught the United Nations army by surprise. Not to be outdone, the UN forces, which had suffered heavy losses, soon began their ferocious counterattack.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

At that time, the war situation was very tense, and it could even be said that it was extremely critical. In the face of the frenzied bombardment of the United Nations army, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China urgently issued an order for strategic transfer. The army south of the North Han River encountered great difficulties in the process of rapidly moving south.

Enemy fighters circled across the river, and we had no conditions to build bridges. The volunteers, who had few boats and few boats, had no choice but to cut wood on the spot, swimming to the north shore, and holding wood and following the ropes set up by the army, step by step, to the north of the Han River.

It takes time for the warriors to cross the river, and the enemy's pursuers are behind them. At this time, Tan Bingyun's Twenty-seventh Army of the Chinese Volunteer Army was in danger, and they rushed day and night to the high ground where the enemy had to pass, urgently built strategic fortifications, suspended the enemy's march, and bought more time for the soldiers crossing the river.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

On the evening of May 24, 1951, Tan Bingyun led the recruits and soldiers to look at the scattered pits dug by our army in advance. Tan Bingyun looked at the terrain here solemnly, and his eyes were resolute. This section of the road is narrow, sandwiched between mountain rocks and small rivers, with steep rock walls and slippery embankments. The width of this section of the road is only allowed to pass one tank at a time, that is to say, the advantages of tanks cannot be played here at all.

There is no doubt that this is the burial place of the enemy tanks that Tan Bingyun has carefully selected. It was late at night that he finally welcomed his enemy. The roar of the tanks was getting closer and closer, and Tan Bingyun got off the road alone after leaving the fighters on the mountainside for cover.

Tan Bingyun knew the importance of this battle, and he stared warily at the end of the road, and sure enough, he saw that the enemy tank troops were getting closer and closer. At this time, the enemy's searchlight suddenly moved from the narrow river surface to Tan Bingyun's hiding place. Fortunately, Tan Bingyun knew the usual tricks of the tank army and had already covered himself with branches and leaves.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

From the gaps in the leaves, Tan Bingyun carefully observed the enemy tank troops. In the middle of the night, on the high ground, only the sound of the road vibration could be heard, and the search beams of the tanks were one after another, seeing that the tanks were getting closer and closer, Tan Bingyun knew that he could not stay here any longer, and he wanted to act.

Tan Bingyun quietly left the scattered soldier pit and crawled forward in the grass. This was the first time Tan Bingyun had faced an enemy tank, and he was extremely nervous. But he could not retreat, and behind him were thousands of volunteer soldiers. Until the tank was less than 15 meters away from him, he slightly propped himself up and knelt on one leg. One hand holds the grenade, and the other hand is always ready to pull the insertion of the grenade. He calmed down and patiently waited for an opportunity.

With each step forward of the tank, the hearts of the comrades on the mountainside tensed up a few points, but Tan Bingyun became more and more calm. When the tank was only two or three meters away from the road, Tan Bingyun raised his hand, and the grenade made a beautiful arc in the air, accurately landing on the headlights of the tank.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

Tan Bingyun was angry, and at this time the "slightly wounded" enemy tanks continued to drive forward. Tan Bingyun was in a hurry, and it was absolutely impossible to let the tank advance became his only belief. He took a big stride, quickly caught up with the tank, and threw a second grenade. The grenade exploded very precisely into the tank's power system, and the tank quickly stopped advancing. Before Tan Bingyun could be happy, he was hit in the forehead by a piece of shrapnel.

Tan Bingyun's eyes were black, and at the moment his eyes were full of blood flowing from his head. Tan Bingyun suppressed the pain and quickly wiped the blood stains on his face with the hem of his clothes. At this time, the enemy's artillery fire was completely aimed at Tan Bingyun, who had caused them to lose a tank. As the shell exploded around him, Tan Bingyun staggered toward the second tank with his gun.

With the last grenade in his hand, he slammed it into the second tank. As the tanks raised huge fireworks, the second tank came to an abrupt halt. Tan Bingyun took the opportunity to pick up the machine gun and began to strafe, and with several cries from the tank, the second tank was completely wiped out by our army.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

Tan Bingyun stood on the underground tank and looked into the distance, and the enemy tank had escaped a long distance. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. After getting off the tank, he quickly felt dizzy, and his hands were full of blood when he touched his forehead.

After a streamlined bandage, Tan Bingyun's blood was quickly stopped. During this time, he commanded the soldiers to rebuild the scattered pits and wait for the next wave of UN attacks. Soon, it was dawn. This was followed by new UN artillery fire.

Looking at the artillery fire of the UN bombardment, Tan Bingyun lay quietly in the scattered pit. Finally, the UN tank unit once again drove uncontrollably toward the road and once again entered Tan Bingyun's ambush range.

Tan Bingyun skillfully threw grenades and successfully destroyed the enemy's third military tank. Because it was a one-man operation, Tan Bingyun's own target was very small, and the enemy did not find him. Enemy tanks could only fire in confusion and anger halfway up the mountain.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

By the time the U.S. army reacted and cleared the three tanks that had been destroyed by our army, 8 hours had passed. These 8 hours of time are extremely precious and have created conditions for our army to smoothly realize the strategic transfer.

Tan Bingyun successfully trapped the powerful U.S. Second Cavalry Division in Heights 109 for eight hours with only one person, one gun and three grenades. This is unique in the history of Chinese and foreign wars, and it is impossible to be copied. This is a true miracle in the history of war.

After the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Tan Bingyun returned to the DPRK with our army's squad. After returning home, I was warmly welcomed. He was even cordially received by Chairman Mao. At the celebration party, even the 5 founding marshals such as Zhu De, Peng Dehuai and Nie Rongzhen, who were highly powerful, also toasted and congratulated him one after another, and their attitude was full of admiration.

The miracle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! A soldier surrounded a division, and when he returned home, the chairman received a toast from the marshal

Tan Bingyun was not lost in the honor of blowing up three tanks, he thought he was just an ordinary soldier who did what he should do. Tan Bingyun, who returned to his hometown, did not even make any demands to the organization, but instead became a coffin carryer in his hometown.

Tan Bingyun is a real hero! During the war years, he took up the grenade and fought for the country. In peacetime, he did not seek fame and was willing to make his own contribution to the cremation cause of our country. Today, we live in a stable and peaceful era, there is no artillery fire around us, there is no hunger, we are undoubtedly a happy generation.

However, we must not forget the people who dug wells, and we must not forget the soldiers like Comrade Tan Bingyun who once threw their heads and spilled their blood for us. Some of them are still alive today, and some of them have long been buried in their bones. And while we enjoy peace, we must take their spirit to heart.

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