
Novel: Relatives are arrogant in front of their sons-in-law, but the big guy comes but bows his knees: call me Xiao Yang!

author:Last night was full of stars
Novel: Relatives are arrogant in front of their sons-in-law, but the big guy comes but bows his knees: call me Xiao Yang!

Tianyuan Clubhouse!

The third strongest presence of the five major forces in the province!

However, now that it is said that there are five major forces, there are only three major forces left!

Because of the low-ranking Shenghao Group, Wansheng International was overthrown because it provoked the unfathomable Ye Shao!

Nowadays, but all people who are a little famous have heard of the name of Xizhou Ye Shao, it can be said that Xizhou Ye Shao alone suppressed many cattle ghosts and snake gods in the province and did not dare to move!

However, how did the chairman of this Tianyuan Club come here in person?

Li Shangchong's face was full of confusion, who had a relationship with the chairman of tianyuan clubhouse? And the other party actually came here to celebrate his birthday in person!

Could it be That It was Luo Qingyun?

If it was really Luo Qingyun who called them, then they were afraid that they would only be trampled under the feet of Li Shangde's family in this lifetime!

Li Shangde also looked at Luo Qingyun with an unexpected face: "Qingyun, this Chairman Yang was called by you?" Your face is really big enough! ”

The shock in Luo Qingyun's heart, what kind of character is Yang Zhenhong, who needs to see his face?

But with so many people here, who can have such a skill?

Could it be that his leadership is about to rise? What did Yang Zhenhong want to come over and discuss with him? If that's the case, it should be possible too!

It's just that Yang Zhenhong came over with such fanfare, isn't it too noticeable?

However, he concluded that no one present could make Yang Zhenhong give face, so he pretended to be an unpredictable posture: "This is all a small matter!" ”

Li Shangchong's heart was very depressed, Yang Zhenhong actually came for Luo Qingyun?

Why don't his descendants have the slightest ability?

And Li Qiuming and Li Qiuwei were full of excitement, and Ye Lingfeng's arrangement was probably coming!

Tang Fan and Li Qiufeng were also finally relieved, how the Shenghao Group and Wansheng International were destroyed, they had also heard some rumors, especially Lao Dai had said a lot to Tang Fan, and the news was very accurate.

At this moment, Yang Zhenhong walked in surrounded by four high-ranking members of the Tianyuan Club.

Luo Qingyun coughed, got up and sorted out his clothes, there were so many people present, who else but him was more suitable to greet Yang Zhenhong?

"Chairman Yang!" Luo Qingyun walked over.

Li Shangchong's face was ugly, and it was indeed directed at Luo Qingyun, Li Shangde was really too bullying!

Just let Old Liu come over and beat him, even if he didn't care, now he actually let such a tall big guy come over, how can he raise his head in front of Li Shangde's family in the future?

Li Ling appeared next to Tang Jinyu again, sneering and saying, "I would like to know if your man has the ability to suppress Chairman Yang of the Tianyuan Club!" ”

"Isn't your man a Nishi state ye less?" Why doesn't the shrunken-headed turtle dare to appear now? ”

"Li Ling, you'd better shut your stinky mouth!" Tang Jinyu's voice was cold.

Li Ling disdainfully said, "What? Don't have the ability to let people say? Last time in Xizhou, weren't you all flaunting your mighty and mighty appearance? Now another cow to try? ”

At this moment, Luo Qingyun had already arrived in front of Yang Zhenhong, greeting him with a smile on his face!

As a result, one of them suddenly stepped forward and directly pushed Luo Qingyun to the side!

Because of the excessive strength, Luo Qingyun stumbled and actually fell directly to the ground, which was extremely embarrassing!

What's the situation?

Suddenly, the people present were shocked, Yang Zhenhong did not sell Luo Qingyun's face at all, and it could even be said that he did not know Luo Qingyun at all!

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Yang Zhenhong went directly to Li Shangchong's side!


Many people couldn't help but take a breath of cool air, Yang Zhenhong actually came for Li Shangchong?

When did Li Shangchong have a relationship with Yang Zhenhong? And they were able to let Yang Zhenhong personally come to the door to celebrate the birthday, how could they not know anything?

Don't say that they don't know, even Li Shangchong himself is full of confusion, is there any misunderstanding in this?

Yang Zhenhong and other people are full of aura!

Luo Qingyun had already stood up at this time, he was unwilling, and rushed up with a meteor in a big stride: "Chairman Yang, I am Luo Qingyun, I am..."

"Shut him up!" Yang Zhenhong didn't even look at Luo Qingyun, his voice was cold!

Suddenly, the person who had just shot took a step to Luo Qingyun's side, and a slap was slapped on Luo Qingyun's face, and Luo Qingyun had already fallen to the ground.

"Dare to speak out again, and ask for your life!" The man's voice was not high or low, but his body emitted a fierce and fierce breath, so that everyone present did not even dare to breathe!

Luo Qingyun only felt a cold breath entering his body, his body was shivering constantly, he was an ordinary person, he had never seen such a scene at all!

Li Qiuyong, who was arrogant just now, quickly took a few steps back at this time, Yang Zhenhong's name was the first time he had heard it, but the words of the chairman of the Tianyuan Club were enough to make him afraid.

Li Shangchong looked at Yang Zhenhong, who was already seventy years old, and he didn't know how to open his mouth at this time, because he was nervous!

Am I mistaken?

At this moment, Yang Zhenhong suddenly bowed to Tang Jinyu and respectfully shouted, "Tang is always good!" ”

This sound of Tang Zong was good, so that the eyes of the people present were staring at the boss, and they really couldn't believe it, the chairman of the Tangtang Tianyuan Club actually said hello to Tang Jinyu?

Yang Zhenhong did not come for Li Shangchong, but for Tang Jinyu!

At this time, Li Shangchong recalled in his mind when he introduced Tang Jinyu before, saying that Tang Jinyu was very capable!

He didn't think so, and now he knew how stupid he was at that time!

Tang Jinyu was also a little surprised, she hadn't seen Yang Zhenhong either, but she didn't need to think too much to know that the other party was here because of Ye Lingfeng!

"Chairman Yang, hello!" Tang Jinyu opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say at this time!

"Tang Zong is polite, Tang Zong calls me Xiao Yang!" Yang Zhenhong nodded his head and was extremely respectful.

Poof, many people present are confused, Yang Zhenhong this is not a face? Call him Xiao Yang?

And such a conversation, Li Ling's face has become pale, she finally understands what is called self-humiliation, what is called not knowing the sky is high!

"Chairman of Tianfu Group, Wang Tianfu arrived! Offer a pair of jade ruyi and two gold bars! Congratulations to Lee Lao! ”

"Chairman of Zhenyuan Group..."

The chairmen of a large group with heads and faces in the province all came personally to celebrate Li Shang's birthday, and one by one for Li Lao's birthday, so that the people present were stunned one by one.

"Chairman of Qianhong Entertainment, Shang Qian, Vice Chairman Shang Hong arrived! ...... Congratulations to Lee Lao! ”

There was an uproar!

"Chairman of SkyOcean Group, Yi Tianyang to... Congratulations to Lee Lao! ”

All the people of the Li family at the scene have long been numb, so many big people in the province, how come all the swarms have come here?

At this time, Li Shangde's family was already completely dumbfounded, originally in order to come back and trample on the dignity of Li Shangchong's family, how could it become like this?

When all these people arrived at the inner courtyard, they stood respectfully in front of Tang Jinyu and bowed down in unison: "Tang is always good!" ”

The momentum is monstrous, and the wind is all over the place! Shock the four!

Li Shangchong's body trembled, the Li family, there was a great character!

They Li family, they are going to rise!

Tang Jinyu was shocked in her heart, and at the same time extremely moved, was this the surprise that Ye Lingfeng gave her?

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