
Goodbye Rose! Zhang Ouying, put on the national team uniform and "go far"

author:Football Newspaper
Goodbye Rose! Zhang Ouying, put on the national team uniform and "go far"

Special correspondent Lan Qing reported

Zhang Ouying, the former side horse of the Chinese women's football team, died at the age of 43 at a hospital in San Diego, USA at 7:27 western time on December 1 (23:00 Beijing time) due to lung cancer. On her deathbed, Zhang Ouying put on the national team uniform, white socks and football boots – an honor she could not give up in her life.

Zhang Ouying's condition was disclosed by the outside world in early May this year. At the beginning of the year, Zhang Ouying was diagnosed with lung cancer in Beijing, and the type of lung cancer he suffered from was a large cell carcinoma that is relatively rare and has an incidence of only 1%. Due to the rapid spread of cancer cells, Zhang Ouying returned to the United States for further treatment, and doctors expressed pessimism about the diagnosis results at that time, but Zhang Ouying did not give up treatment from beginning to end.

After returning to the United States, the hospital finalized the final treatment plan for Zhang Ouying, but the cost of treatment was quite high. Due to the seriousness of his illness, Zhang Ouying's family, which was not originally financially well-off, was difficult to pay for huge treatment costs. The non-profit club SDSC where she works specially organized online fundraising for her, and Zhang Ouying's condition was known to the domestic public - originally, Zhang Ouying, who had a strong personality, had always refused to disclose his illness.

Goodbye Rose! Zhang Ouying, put on the national team uniform and "go far"

It is understood that Zhang Ouying has done more than 300 kinds of genetic testing in the United States, hoping to find a suitable drug, and the results are not ideal. The first attempt at targeted therapy was very good when it was first done, but a few days after discharge, the situation deteriorated and I returned to the hospital again.

Zhang Ouying's second treatment did not improve significantly. Because the lumbar tumor expanded, compressing the nerves, her lower limbs gradually lost consciousness, the doctor would ask her about her pain every day, grade 3 and 4 pain is already considered daily, and the second treatment is almost every day The pain level is 9 or 10.

Even though her body and mind are suffering greatly, Zhang Ouying is still trying her best in the last moments of her life: her lower limbs have lost consciousness, she still wants to stand up, quietly practicing walking in the room, but accidentally fell and caused a fracture of her left arm; due to the spread of cancer cells on her waist, she was told that her body could not withstand surgery, Zhang Ouying hugged the doctor and cried bitterly, hoping to save her life... She turned down the doctor's advice on hospice care and wanted to keep living.

Goodbye Rose! Zhang Ouying, put on the national team uniform and "go far"

In the end, the miracle failed to fall on this sonorous rose that once brought the supreme glory of Chinese football. The only fortunate thing is that in early November this year, Zhang Ouying spent his 43rd birthday accompanied by family and friends. In the photos circulating on the Internet, Zhang Ouying smiled like a flower at that time.

Zhang Ouying is one of the representatives of the most brilliant period of Chinese women's football. As a player, she has participated in the World Cup three times and the Olympic Games twice, and is the fastest horse on the flank of the sonorous Rose Golden Generation. Her cheerful personality and sincere love for football have also won her a good reputation and a number of friends.

In the last moments of Zhang Ouying's life, many friends inside and outside the circle are running for her, dividing up their work and cooperating, and providing all possible help - many of them have traveled thousands of miles from China to accompany her close friends.

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