
Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

author:Xinjiang 0 distance

Fishing fun

New Year's Eve Ice Fishing

Seeing that the New Year is coming, Three fishing friends, Ah Tao, Jiang Gong and Li Yang, came to Fuhai County to experience the fun of winter fishing here. I was accompanied by Ah Bao and felt the whole process of winter fishing.

Located in Fuhai County, Xinjiang, which is located in the northwestern border of the motherland, the special geographical environment determines the difference in the quality of cold-water fish such as "five blacks" here - the meat is tender and the nutritional value is high. For anglers, because the "five blacks" wash their cheeks, the feel of fishing is strong and very "detoxifying". Ah Tao and Jiang Gong have many years of fishing experience, and the "drug" addiction is very large, the masters meet each other, the heroes pity each other, and the natural happiness is infinite.

The "Big Deep Pit" in Fuhai County is famous because of the large size of the "Five Blacks". When we stepped into the "big pit" again, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon. After a few heavy snowfalls, the lake had already frozen to death, and the flat surface of the lake was thick and soft snow.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

Li Yang is a master of drilling holes, he uses an ice hammer, on the ice about forty centimeters thick, about ten minutes to chisel through an ice opening, three in one breath. Without waiting for Jiang Gong and Ah Tao to come over, Ah Bao and I couldn't wait to use the No. 10 big hook to open the fish. Ah Bao almost put down the bait, and there was an immediate reaction under the ice cave. When he first came, he was still grinning and shouting that his waist hurt, and it was like a change of person for a while. "Up—fish—la," Abora shouted in a long tone. A tail of more than 500 grams of "five blacks" was dragged out of the water by him. I was about 5 meters away from Ah Bao, and my fish drift began to move, because I was slower to lift the rod, running two fish in a row. Ah Bao quickly told me: "When you find a black drift, you must sharply lift the rod, only in this way can the fish hook pierce the mouth of the 'five blacks'." As soon as his voice fell, I appeared black drift again, my hand shook upwards, a force was transmitted from under the ice, and a small "five blacks" of 200 grams was captured by me, "Why is it so small." Ah Bao said quickly, "It is indeed a little small, but this is the first fish I have caught in winter this year." To be honest, I was too small, and with a wave of my hand, I threw the fish into the ice hole, and the little guy turned his head down, swung his tail, burrowed into the water, and ran.

Jiang Gong and Ah Tao skillfully set up tents, set up alcohol stoves, and officially started fishing, where the water depth was more than 4 meters. At this time, Li Yang, the "Hercules", chiseled 3 ice holes. In less than a quarter of an hour, Ah Tao's joyful laughter came from the tent, "Fishing", when I ran over to take pictures, Ah Tao's frozen red face, a pair of eyes laughed into a slit, he lifted up a tail of more than 400 grams of "five black" for me to shoot.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

Li Yang was not idle, and after digging the hole, he also fished up, and did not hesitate to go up 3, the largest of which was more than 400 grams. Li Yang smiled and said, "LaifuHai has been coming to Fuhai several times, and it has always been a "black pole", and today can be regarded as breaking this spell." ”

Since Li Yang finished fishing, I don't know what happened, half an hour has passed, and everyone has not seen a mouthful. Ah Bao began to direct Li Yang to dig holes and fish while chiseling, but there was still no movement, and everyone became dull for a while. "It's a far cry from last time, and I think it's still a hole to be dug." Li Yang, 20 meters ahead, continue chiseling. Ah Bao pointed to the south and said, Li Yang dragged the ice axe to chisel the hole.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

"Slow down, slow down. Quick, quick, don't run! Giggles.... "Hahaha.... Big guys! The voices of Jiang Gong and Ah Tao came from the tent, and I ran over to the fishing sound, and Ah Tao held a brightly colored "five blacks" with a large dorsal fin in both hands, and smiled thickly: "What is this like?" Jiang Gong fished. I replied as I took a picture, "It's really good!" With a kilogram, Jiang Gong is still powerful! "Jiang Gong, who has always been reluctant to show his face, is just a strong smile." That is, to be whole and big! Ah Tao then shouted at Ah Bao, "Ah Bao, it's up to you later." Ah Bao obviously heard the conversation on our side and teased, "Ah Tao, it's like you fished." No problem, right away the whole big one will open your eyes! Ah Tao did not show weakness: "What? The fish were all out of the hook, and if I hadn't picked it up from the water, I would have run away earlier. ”

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

As a ferocious carnivorous fish, the "five blacks" have poor activity in winter, but the habit of foraging around is still there. According to the words of Ah Baodong's "five blacks", it is "digging holes diligently, not staying dead, ten minutes, changing places". The process of fishing for the "five blacks" is a process of searching, especially the wild "five blacks", and it is not easy to hunt it.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

At this time, although I was wearing thick clothes, I actually wore a pair of single leather shoes in a hurry. From the first foot out of the car, snow poured into my shoes, and almost every step I took, snow would burrow into my shoes. In this weather of more than minus 20 degrees, the snow in the shoes turned into water, and after a short time, my socks and pant legs were frozen hard, and my feet were frozen and painful, and I began to regret it. Think of Jiang Gong and Ah Tao, for winter fishing, from Urumqi City to Fuhai more than a thousand kilometers back and forth, this kind of ice fishing essence, qi, god, let me move and admire!

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

Drilling a hole is a chore, it requires arm strength and endurance, Li Yang chisel stops, stops chiseling, and we take turns to take the hand. Li Yang used his feet to pull away the thick snow, the ice layer was more than forty or fifty centimeters thick, and at the end of the day, Li Yang actually chiseled thirty or forty holes, and afterwards in his words, "Quickly cut through the earth!" ”。

In the later fishing process, it was confirmed that Ah Bao's experience was correct.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

Jiang Gong and Ah Tao were in the tent, it took more than half an hour to get on one, and we were outside, most of the fishing was about 400 grams, and a kilogram was missing, making people wait a little anxious. After trying to fish for more than a dozen holes, Ah Bao and Li Yang finally changed in a place where the sun was rising on the south side of the lake and the water depth was more than two meters deep. A tail of more than a kilogram of "five black" appeared, Ah Bao "hahaha..." laughed loudly, Li Yang also cheered with excitement, I rushed over, quickly took pictures. Subsequently, another tail of more than a kilogram of "five blacks" was dragged out of the water by Ah Bao. Jiang Gong finally couldn't stay still, got out of the tent, and ran over with a fishing rod. Ah Bao let go and instructed Li Yang to quickly dig a hole nearby. The hole had not yet been chiseled, Jiang Gong had fished, and a "five blacks" of more than one kilogram were dragged out of the water by him. "Hahaha..." Jiang Gong laughed heartily. Under the hook again, the interval is less than five minutes, Jiang Gong hit the fish again, and it is a big guy, in the moment of drilling out of the water, the hook was unhooked, Ah Bao, who was born in sports, had fast eyes, pounced on the ground at the same time, and actually used his hands to hold the fish out of the water, Ah Bao "hahaha" laughed like a child, it did not look like a person with waist pain. "Big fish, big fish," we cheered. Ah Tao, who had been "snailing" in the tent, could not hold back, drilled out like a big bear, breathless, trotted all the way over, and hooked when he saw the hole.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

I looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock, and after three or nine days, in the evening of Fuhai, the days were long and the nights were short. Li Yang chiseled the hole, has not yet come and the hook, Ah Tao took the opportunity to hook down to the hole to catch up, Li Yang then chiseled the hole, about ten minutes one, chiseled three holes in a row, ah Tao who did not go to the fish then took the hook, whether Li Yang wanted to or not, the two laughed, quarreled, and played. Watching him scramble for ice cave fishing, we felt as if we were back in childhood. Jiang Gong was still an old man, and then he got on a big guy.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

Seeing that it was getting late, Ah Bao and I agreed to come back tomorrow, so everyone laughed and laughed and began to pack up their things. Ah Tao went into the tent and found that the other fishing rod left in the ice hole was actually black, so he dragged the fishing line out while pulling out, and pulled up a strange fish that could not be named, about fifteen centimeters long. After reading it, I said, "This is one of the five underwater killers of our Fuhai - the sticky perch." (Pike, Pike, Perch, Sticky Perch, Jero Salmon), not very big, and some are called "old man fish". After I took a picture with Ah Bao, Ah Tao then quickly released himself.

Altay Culture: Fishing for Wild "Five Blacks" in the Rifu Sea

The setting sun stained the snow on the lake a golden red, and we began to retreat. Stepping on the soft snow, it was as if you were walking on a golden carpet.