
The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

author:A tale of foreign cuisine
The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

Strawberry puff pastry large puffs

Recently, the streets are full of colorful small colored lights, the front of the mall is also arranged with tall Christmas trees, hung with small stars and various gifts, there are cute children and sweet little couples taking pictures under the tree, relaxed and cheerful Christmas songs sound, and suddenly feel that Christmas is really close at hand.

Before the Christmas strawberry bowl, did everyone make it? Isn't it simple and delicious? Now is the time when strawberries are on the market, and the big and red strawberries exude a seductive atmosphere, which coincides with the cheerful Christmas atmosphere and gives people a soft and sweet feeling. The most suitable small dessert for Christmas should be strawberry puff pastry!

Wonderful recommendation in the past

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Material preparation

Choux paste material

Eggs 150g

Purified water 140g

Low gluten flour 75g

Unsalted butter 50g

Caster sugar 3g

Salt 1g

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

Puff pastry material

Unsalted butter 65g

Low gluten flour 60g

Caster sugar 30g

Milk powder 5g

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious


1, first to make puff pastry: butter softened at room temperature in advance, add caster sugar and milk powder, whisk evenly;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

2, sift into the low gluten flour, press and stir until there is no dry powder;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

3. Put the dough into a plastic bag, roll out into about 2 mm of dough, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it to harden;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

4. Tear off the plastic wrap of the frozen dough, use a circular mold to buckle out the puff pastry one by one, and continue to put it in the refrigerator for freezing;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

5, now make puff paste: mix pure water, butter, salt and caster sugar, heat it with a non-stick pan to boil;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

6, low gluten flour sieved in advance, pour boiling liquid, quickly stirred to a state without particles;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

7: Stir-fry for about 1 minute on low heat, stir-fry the conjunctiva to the bottom, pour the fried batter into a large bowl, spread out and cool to 70 ° C;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

8: Beat the eggs into a clean container and stir for later;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

9, a small amount of egg liquid into the batter many times, each time to add a quick stir evenly, observe the viscosity of the batter, whisk until the batter glossy and smooth, lift the inverted triangle state;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

10. Pour the batter into the framed flower bag, squeeze evenly on the baking sheet, and cover with the puff pastry slices prepared in advance;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

11, the oven is preheated in advance, up and down the heat 200 ° C, put into the bottom layer, bake for 15 minutes, turn up and down the heat 180 ° C, continue to bake for 15 minutes;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

12, after baking, cool thoroughly, cut the top position, squeeze in the cream, put the cut strawberries or other fruit grains, the beautiful strawberry puff puffs will be ready ~ ;

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious


1, butter softened to the plasticine state, fingers can easily press down on it, do not soften into liquid, then the production of puff pastry will definitely fail;

2, butter and fine sugar whisked to complete fusion can be, no need to send;

3, do not stir excessively after sifting into the flour, once stirred up the tendon, the crisping effect will be very poor;

4, when frying the batter, if you use a non-stick pan, fry for about 1 minute, if you use an iron pot, pay attention not to paste the bottom;

5, the eggs must be used at room temperature, the refrigerated eggs will dry out when stirred, be sure to take the eggs out in advance and put them at room temperature;

6. Friends who are worried that they are not round, you can put a round mounting mouth on the mounting bag in advance;

7, if the oven capacity is too small, may be too heavy, you can cover a layer of tin foil in the last 10 minutes or so, the operation should be fast;

8, in order to make the puffs swell, the step of scalding the batter is very important, be sure to blanch thoroughly.

Finished product display

The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious
The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious
The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious
The sweetest strawberry in winter must be offered to strawberry puff pastry puffs, simple and fast hand super delicious

The roasted puffs are chubby, cut open and squeezed into the cream, then put on the prepared strawberries, and the strawberry puff pastry is ready! Sprinkled with thin powdered sugar, it feels like it's rustling and snowing at Christmas.

Puff puffs are always associated with sweet happiness, crispy on the outside and delicate inside bring people double taste happiness, sweet and rich cream and crispy skin in the mouth meet, can't help but make people feel excited, a mouthful of sweet Merry Christmas.

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