
The United States issued the first X-gender passport, and the owner was exposed

author:Global Times

On Wednesday, local time, the U.S. State Department announced that it had issued the first passport marked with x, that is, passport holders did not define their gender as male or female as customary. The Associated Press reported that this is a milestone in the recognition of the rights of groups that are not defined as men or women.

Jessica Stern, the State Department's special envoy for sexual minority rights, called the move historic and celebratory, and would align the government-issued document with the "living reality" of having a broader spectrum of gender identity in society that exceeds the previous gender definition.

According to media reports, Dana Zzyym got her first U.S. passport with an "x" mark. After receiving his passport, the U.S. Navy veteran said: "This is a legal recognition for me and our group. Dana zzyym has been seeking through litigation for years the option to add a neutral person's name to the passport.

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Source: China Daily, Look at News knews

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