
The biggest difficulty of modern education: the implementation of "teaching according to aptitude" and avoiding "teaching according to finance"

author:Parenting neighbors
The biggest difficulty of modern education: the implementation of "teaching according to aptitude" and avoiding "teaching according to finance"

Nurture neighborly dreams

Netizen asks: What is the most difficult part of modern education?

Reply: The biggest difficulty of modern education: the implementation of "teaching according to aptitude" and avoiding "teaching according to finance".

Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator in modern China, said: "To cultivate educators, like planting flowers and trees, we must first understand the characteristics of flowers and trees, distinguish between different situations to fertilize, water and cultivate education, which is called 'teaching according to aptitude'. ”

The German philosopher Leibniz said, "There are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same." Similarly, it is not possible to find two identical children in the human world. Therefore, although human beings have summed up many successful parenting experiences in the course of tens of millions of years of evolution, no experience can be used more than twice in a completely copied manner, that is, identical multiples cannot use exactly the same educational methods to assist them in their talents.

Educational work is the most complex comprehensive performance art in the history of human society, it is like a painting, parents and teachers color the child over and over again, expecting the child to be able to present the picture picture he envisions. However, children are independent individuals with full behavioral willpower, they will give up or add many colors according to their own preferences; educational work is the most difficult picture in the history of human society, because every parent and teacher can only rely on their existing experience to guide children to learn and grow, and can only use the known social civilization of human society to guide children to adapt to the unknown world; education work is the easiest picture in the history of human society, because as long as the environment adapts, Children will always color themselves according to their own preferences, and children can always use their existing wisdom and experience to "see the tricks" of the problems encountered in life; education work is the greatest century project in the history of human social civilization, because only by supplying the best resources of human society to children can human society have talents from generation to generation, and can we ensure that the generation of talents is stronger than the generation.

The biggest difficulty of modern education: the implementation of "teaching according to aptitude" and avoiding "teaching according to finance"

Teaching according to aptitude is the biggest difficulty of modern education

The idiom story of the ruler is short, the inch is long:

Bai Qi was a general of King Qin Zhao during the Warring States period and was very good at using soldiers. In the fourteenth year of King Zhao's reign, he broke the Wei soldiers in Yique, killed 240,000 soldiers, and captured Gongsun Pei, the commander of the Wei soldiers; Fifteen years of attacking Wei, taking the large and small sixty-two cities; attacking Chu, pulling up the capital of Ying, burning Yiling, the king of Chu fled, and moved the capital to Chen; King Zhao, in thirty-four years, attacked Wei and beheaded 340,000 people. Especially in the forty-seventh year of King Zhao, the Battle of Qin and Zhao Changping, Bai Qi cut off the Zhao soldiers' grain routes, surrounded the Zhao soldiers, and made them cut off the grain for forty-six days, and the Zhao commander Zhao Kuo broke through with his elite troops, was shot to death, and Bai Qi killed 400,000 Zhao soldiers, and then surrounded the Zhao capital Handan. The chancellor of the State of Qin, YingHou Fanju, was jealous that he had done too much, and persuaded King Zhao and the State of Zhao to make peace and ordered the withdrawal of the army. Bai Qi looked at Zhao qi and could destroy Zhao immediately, but he was forced to withdraw his troops, and his heart was unhappy, so he formed a grudge with Ying Hou.

In September of that year, King Zhao wanted to attack Zhao again, just when Bai Qi was ill, so he had to send Wang Ling to lead the troops, and after a long fight, the soldiers were damaged, and King Zhao had to ask Bai to go up to replace Wang Ling. Bai Qi, who had recovered from his illness, said to King Zhao: "This battle cannot be fought, our soldiers will be tired, the foreign aid of the Zhao kingdom is coming soon, Handan is the capital of the Zhao kingdom, and under the difficulty of the city, they will fight to the death to defend the capital." So he firmly refused to go. King Zhao sent Wang Yi to replace Wang Ling, and sent many more troops, besieging the city for eight or nine months, but still could not attack. Wei Guoxin Lingjun brought troops to rescue the Zhao state, and the Qin soldiers suffered huge losses. In the end, Ying Hou had to personally invite Bai Qi, but Bai Qi still refused to agree to take the soldiers. King Zhao became angry, reduced him to a soldier, and then forced him to commit suicide.

Sima Qian commented: "The proverb says: 'The ruler is short, the inch is long'. Bai Qi's accurate estimation of the enemy's situation, the wonder of the changes in the use of troops, the endless number of strange plans, and the prestige shook the world. However, he failed to have a good relationship with the prime minister, and finally led to his death, which was his shortcoming! Warring States Chu Qu Yuan's "Buju": "The ruler is short, the inch is long, and the material is insufficient." The intellect is unknown, the number is not caught, and the gods are incomprehensible. "Some children have a strong memory ability, some children have strong motor adaptability, some children have active thinking, some children like to conduct and coordinate, some children are good at drawing, some children love music... Therefore, expecting to use the same scale to measure children's growth momentum and expecting to teach children the same way is not "teaching according to aptitude".

Where the economic development is better, the educational resources of the places with better economic development, the families with a good economic foundation can help their children connect with better educational resources, and the educational resources other than the compulsory education curriculum have become commodities... In the educational work, there is a great desire to take advantage of the east wind of the development of the market economy and rush toward the trend of "teaching people according to finances." At a time when all the affairs of social life are "on par with money", the fertility of the population is on the downward slide. Because, in the case of a certain total family income, the more fertility consumes the family's energy and financial resources, the family's comprehensive fertility naturally declines.

There is no such thing as a free lunch:

Once upon a time, there was a king who loved the people like a son, and under his wise leadership, the people had enough food and clothing to live and work in peace. The far-sighted king was worried that when he died, the people would be able to live happily, so he recruited people of insight at home. Order them to find an eternal law that will ensure the happiness of the people's lives.

Three months later, the scholars presented three six-inch-thick books to the king and said, "Your Majesty, the knowledge of the whole world is gathered in these three books. As long as the people read it, they can ensure that their lives are worry-free. The king disagreed, for he did not think that the people would spend so much time reading books. So he ordered the group of scholars to continue their research, and within two months, the scholars had reduced the three books to one. The king was still not satisfied, and a month later the scholars presented a piece of paper to the king, and the king said with great satisfaction: "Very well, as long as my people really have this precious wisdom in the future, I believe that they will be able to live a rich and happy life." After saying this, he rewarded the group of scholars heavily.

It turned out that there was only one sentence written on this piece of paper: there is no free lunch in the world.

Indeed, people are not gods, clothing, food, housing, and transportation all need to consume the social consumption wealth created by human beings, and the basic demand for everyone to participate in the division of labor and cooperation in human society is to better achieve a happy life. Children are minors, and modern law stipulates that minors cannot independently participate in the social division of labor, that is to say, children do not have the ability to independently create the value of human social consumption wealth, and all economic expenses that education assist children in learning and growth must be borne by adult society. Of course, if the economic burden caused by education to assist children's learning and growth is too heavy, then people will take the initiative to birth control and eventually affect the long-term sustainable prosperity of human society, which has become a negative teaching material in the so-called developed countries such as the United Kingdom + Germany + France + Russia in Europe, the United States + Canada in North America, and Japan + South Korea + Singapore in Asia. Therefore, the biggest difficulty of modern education is to implement "teaching according to aptitude" and avoid "teaching according to finance".

The biggest difficulty of modern education: the implementation of "teaching according to aptitude" and avoiding "teaching according to finance"

The mission of raising neighbors: to be a sparring partner and consultant on the road to children's growth.

The vision of nurturing neighbors: let there be no small and difficult old people in the world.

Nurturing neighbors: Promote social harmony with neighborhood friendliness, promote social moral education and indoctrination, and promote the healthy and happy growth of everyone. Explore a set of public welfare and inclusive education undertakings that solve the problem of "one-child syndrome + intergenerational education" in the form of neighborhood mutual assistance, and work with parents to "tailor" children's growth plans to provide children with games, cooperation and shared growth space... That is, the community neighborhood education service ecosystem.

The biggest difficulty of modern education: the implementation of "teaching according to aptitude" and avoiding "teaching according to finance"

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