
The Invitation of the Covenant of Ice and Snow china | to engrave the Olympic glory on the Concentric Jade Bi for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games medals

This is the highest glory of the Olympics!

The source takes the jade bi, and the five rings are concentric. On the 100-day countdown to the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the medals of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games "One Heart" came out. Between the inches, the ancient Oriental civilization and the Olympic spirit flashed, and the "double Olympic" inheritance ingenuity was hidden.

"The medal is one of the important elements of the winter Olympic landscape, representing a tribute to the Olympic spirit and symbolizing the supreme glory of athletes." Gao Tian, deputy director of the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, said with feeling, "The release of the medal at the special moment of the countdown of 100 days is to announce to the world that Beijing is ready, and welcomes the world's ice and snow athletes to show their style and enjoy the glory on the Winter Olympics." ”

Continue to write about the golden jade good relationship

Which one is the most widely known work of Professor Hang Hai of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts to date? The high probability is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games medal "gold inlaid jade".

He was also obsessed with this. In April last year, the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games medal design plans began a public call, and Hanghai immediately began to form a team. One of the basic design strategies he proposed is to continue the jade culture concept of "gold and jade", reflect the historical context of the "City of the Two Olympics", and "use China's highest level of jade to praise the winning athletes and praise the Olympic spirit".

Cang Bi Li Tian, Huang Zhen Li Tian. Since you used Yubi's creativity in 2008, can you try Yuqi this time? Isn't that the unity of heaven and earth and the attainment of perfection? A square medal design was unveiled. But in the end, the plan was not selected by the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, Hanghai analysis, or round medals are more in line with the convention, in addition, the Winter Olympics will be held during the Spring Festival, the circle fits the meaning of reunion.

The team read the manuscript every two days for a brainstorming discussion. Graduate students Lin Fan and Gao Yitong were inspired by the concentric circles on the double ring jade bi and the ancient bronze mirror respectively, and conceived the medals of two rings concentric and three concentric rings. Subsequently, the two read a lot of literature and perfected the plan - "Five Rings of One Heart" was born. At the end of June last year, the plan was submitted to the Organizing Committee of the Winter Olympics, and more than two months later, it was notified that it was shortlisted as a candidate.

The medal is like a concentric circle jade bi, with a total of five rings, concentric circles, meaning "the unity of heaven and earth, the unity of people's hearts". "On the one hand, it is the continuation of the concept of medal jade in 2008, which can show the meaning of 'city of the two Olympic Games'; on the other hand, concentric circles give people a sense of cohesion and unity, symbolizing that people all over the world are inspired by the Olympic spirit to share the joy of the Winter Olympics, mutual understanding, symbiosis and common prosperity." Hang Hai explained it this way.

Polishing the Oriental "Mooncake"

The medal design entered the stage of deepening and modifying, and since this was a confidential project, the team pondered giving it a code name. It happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, and everyone had a clever move, simply called "moon cake".

"We have been discussing the design and craftsmanship of 'mooncakes' for nearly a year, and our family thinks we are really designing mooncakes." As soon as he mentioned this experience, Li Wenlong, a member of the design team and a teacher at CAFA, felt very moved.

Polishing the "moon cake", the subtleties need to be repeatedly considered. Taking the brand face pattern as an example, at first Hanghai hoped to simplify as much as possible, but he immediately realized that "the medal is not for the designer to see, it is for the people to see, and the people want to see the story behind it", so he decided to add four circles of patterns: the plant pattern of the Yangshao period, the palindrome of bronze, the diamond pattern on the fabric, and the ice chip pattern on Song porcelain, all of which are closely related to ancient Chinese civilization. Later, the proposal of the Organizing Committee of the Winter Olympics was adopted, and the ice and snow patterns and auspicious cloud patterns were engraved on the front, the former showing the characteristics of the Winter Olympics, and the latter conveying auspicious meanings and echoing the 2008 Olympic Games.

The back of the medal is inspired by an ancient astronomical chart. The ring is scattered with 24 points and sports arcs, symbolizing the vast starry sky, the harmony between man and nature, and also alluding to the 24th Winter Olympics, athletes galloping on the field, just like the stars.

The medal in Hanghai's eyes is "simple and generous", which meets the requirements of simplicity, safety and wonderful competition, and at the same time, the subtleties are also unique. For example, the string pattern jade bi is borrowed, the front ring is pudded, and the elegant "Chinese style" process makes the medal more permanent.

"When an athlete holds a medal in his hand, he will touch some Chinese details, and then if he looks closely, he will see the auspicious cloud pattern and the ice and snow pattern from the front, and the starry sky pattern on the back." Let the beautiful and delicate oriental elements be perceived by people of different cultural backgrounds, think of this picture, Hanghai feels very beautiful.

Create timeless beauty

In the later stage of the design, the plan was sent to the Shanghai Mint for proofing, and the two teams of design and production worked closely together to continue to be meticulously crafted. Li Wenlong felt more and more like an "underground worker."

In order to ensure safety, every time the proofing object is escorted back and forth. The time is often stuck very tight, sent the day before, and may have to be sent back to modify after one night. So often in the dead of night, on the side street of Hanghai's house, where there are no street lights, several designers crowded into Li Wenlong's car and had a heated discussion on the car lights.

Holding the physical object in his hand, Li Wenlong's first reaction was "sinking". Indeed, Winter Olympic medals are generally larger than Summer Olympic medals, because Winter Olympic athletes wear heavy clothing, and if the medals are too small, they are not eye-catching. What makes Li Wenlong sigh even more is: "Its actual value and the efforts of all people may be heavier than its own physical weight." ”

The medals are constantly improving, and the accessories are also working hard. The hanging strap uses the traditional mulberry silk weaving process to weave ice and snow shading. In terms of color, the team initially wanted to choose blue to reflect the ice and snow sports, and finally accepted the recommendation of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee to use red, which is in line with the cultural characteristics of the Chinese Spring Festival, auspicious and festive.

The blue color is used on the lid of the medal box. The box material is mainly lacquer and bamboo. Lacquerware was commonly used in Han Dynasty sacrifices; bamboo is renewable and symbolizes the personality of a gentleman – both materials that reflect Chinese cultural characteristics and are in line with the concepts of "green Olympics" and sustainability.

In another 100 days, "concentricity" will hang on the athlete's chest. The design team is looking forward to this day, while at the same time with greater "ambitions". Hang Hai said affectionately: "After an athlete wins a medal, it is likely to be passed on to his children, or even grandchildren, from generation to generation." After the passage of time, I hope that the medal can make people feel that its beauty is eternal. ”

The Invitation of the Covenant of Ice and Snow china | to engrave the Olympic glory on the Concentric Jade Bi for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games medals