
For the first time, Altea introduced "interests" into philosophy as an important philosophical category

author:Hai Shu reads

Claude Adrien Helvetius (1715-1771), one of the main exponents of 18th-century French materialism, has a place in the history of philosophy for its utilitarian ethics with interests at its core. He believes that interests are the value standards for measuring all ideas and behaviors, and interests dominate all human judgments. "The only emotion that nature has engraved in our hearts since childhood is love for ourselves. This kind of love, based on the sensuality of the flesh, is common to all. No matter how different people's education may be, this emotion will always be the same in them; in any age, in any country, people have loved themselves more than others. "// All human actions are based on self-love, and love for others, compassion, and compassion are the result of self-love. Love of justice, love of power, love of virtue, and love of truth are also an extension and manifestation of self-love. People superficially respect justice, but in fact, in their hearts they only respect the power, and the purpose is to protect their own interests. Everyone loves the justice of others and wants others to be righteous to themselves.

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