
Holding high the flag of the team and following the party The First Primary School held the inaugural meeting of the School Committee for Young Workers
Holding high the flag of the team and following the party The First Primary School held the inaugural meeting of the School Committee for Young Workers

Leopard Li No.1 Primary School held the inaugural meeting of the School Committee for Young Workers. Courtesy of the school

Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily Network) (reporter He Peng, correspondent Shen Xiao) In order to enhance the sense of honor and responsibility of the Young Pioneers, improve the overall quality of the Young Pioneers organization. On October 29, Wuhan Optics Valley Leopard First Primary School held the first session of the Youth Congress and the inaugural meeting of the School Committee of Young Workers, and elected a new team member and the first school young worker committee.

Accompanied by a sonorous and powerful flag-raising song, all the representatives of the Young People's Congress sang the "Team Song of the Young Pioneers of China", and the delegates and team members attending the meeting were full of spirit and greeted the team flag with a solemn team salute.

Holding high the flag of the team and following the party The First Primary School held the inaugural meeting of the School Committee for Young Workers

The meeting elected a small new brigade member and members of the Young Workers' Committee. Zhang Zhulin, chairman of the trade union, read out the list, principal Yuan Zhibo and secretary Liu Jiakui of the school jointly unveiled the plaque for the Young Workers' Committee of Leopard Li Primary School, and the school leaders issued letters of appointment to the members and wore the logo for the new brigade committee.

Hu Jie, vice principal of The Leopard LiYi Xiao Moral Education, extended sincere greetings to the outstanding Young Pioneers who came out of various practical activities, hoping that the representatives of the Young Pioneers attending the meeting would conscientiously perform their duties as representatives and make suggestions for building a happy Leopard Small.

Subsequently, Wang Yali, counselor of the brigade headquarters, reported on the work of the brigade headquarters. Teacher Wang Yali summarized the work of the past year in combination with the various activities held by the brigade headquarters, found problems on the basis of review, reflected on deficiencies and thought about the main points of work in the new year.

Holding high the flag of the team and following the party The First Primary School held the inaugural meeting of the School Committee for Young Workers

In response to the proposals put forward by the Young Pioneers in the collection of small proposals for red scarves, President Yuan Zhibo of the school gave a positive response, promising to adjust his work ideas in a timely manner and strive to provide a better and better living environment. Principal Yuan Zhibo placed great expectations on the Young Pioneers, hoping that they would take responsibility with practical actions and seek school development and social construction for the school with the spirit of ownership.

"It is hoped that the Young Pioneers will establish lofty ideals from an early age, cultivate excellent moral character, cultivate excellent skills, exercise strong physique, make comprehensive preparations for the prosperity of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and use practical actions to add glory to the bright flag in their daily lives." Secretary Liu Jiakui, secretary of the party branch of the school, was full of expectations for the Young Pioneers.

Holding high the flag of the team and following the party The First Primary School held the inaugural meeting of the School Committee for Young Workers

It has been learned that the convening of the first Young Pioneers' Congress will further strengthen the building of the Young Pioneers organization in schools and will also effectively enhance the advanced nature and sense of glory of the Young Pioneers organization. At the same time, it also encourages all Young Pioneers to take up the baton of the revolution, hold high the party banner and follow the party, and strive to be good teenagers in the new era.

[Error correction] Editor: Huang Pei

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