
Serve a super face-saving home-cooked dish, the method is simple and special, and it is not tired of eating and withstanding the test!

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Everyone will have their own little comfort in their hearts, and my comfort is food. I feel like I'm a snack bar, I love to eat and cook, and I hope to recommend these simple food recipes to everyone.

Tomato mushroom goulash

Serve a super face-saving home-cooked dish, the method is simple and special, and it is not tired of eating and withstanding the test!


2-3 pounds of beef brisket; 1 piece of ginger; appropriate amount of fragrant leaves; 2 star anise; 2 pieces of cinnamon; 1 handful of peppercorns; 2 tomatoes; 1 onion; 1 carrot; 2 apricot abalone mushrooms; 1 green pepper; salt to taste; pepper to taste;


Cut the beef into large pieces, wash and soak in water for 20 minutes, then drain the blood and wash it twice. Place in a pot of cool water, bring the water to a boil, remove the foam from the washed surface and set aside.

Bring another pot of water to a boil, add blanched beef, ginger, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, star anise, peppercorns and other spices on high heat and simmer for more than 1 hour until the beef is crispy.

Remove the beef needed for a meal, cut into thick slices and set aside; wash the tomatoes, apricot abalone mushrooms, carrots, onions, and green peppers separately, and cut into hob pieces for later.

Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoons of oil, sauté the fragrant leaves and cinnamon to create the aroma, then add the onion and sauté until fragrant. Add carrots, tomatoes, and apricot abalone mushrooms and stir-fry in turn.

Add the cooked beef and 1 bowl of beef stock to a boil, simmer over low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Finally, add the green pepper and add salt and pepper and cook until the green pepper is ripe.

Deliciously served ^_^

Serve a super face-saving home-cooked dish, the method is simple and special, and it is not tired of eating and withstanding the test!

Garlic fried meat slices

1. Prepare the ingredients, slice the pork, onion and green pepper, and cut the garlic seedlings into sections.

2. Add cooking wine, salt and starch to the pork.

3. Grasp and mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

4. Mix the sauce: Put a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoonful of sugar and a little sesame oil in a small bowl and set aside.

5. Heat the appropriate amount of oil in the pot, reduce the heat, add the onion slices and stir-fry to burst the aroma.

6. Add slices of meat and stir-fry until slices are raw.

7. Pour the sauce into the slices and stir-fry until the slices are cooked.

8. Stir-fry the garlic sprouts and chili peppers for two or three minutes.

Serve a super face-saving home-cooked dish, the method is simple and special, and it is not tired of eating and withstanding the test!

Date walnut soup


Dates 250g, walnut kernels 100g, rock sugar 40g


1: Remove the kernel of the dates and clean them

2: Pour the washed dates, walnuts and rock sugar into the pan

3, add water, no ingredients

4: After bringing to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer

5: Cook until the soup is thick and the walnuts are soft

Braised tofu

Serve a super face-saving home-cooked dish, the method is simple and special, and it is not tired of eating and withstanding the test!

Ingredients: Tofu, egg, chili, oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, starch

1, prepare the ingredients, beat the eggs with salt, add starch and stir well;

2, cut the tofu into small cubes and pour in the egg mixture;

3, Cut the chili pepper into sections and prepare the sauce (oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, water mixture)

4, pour oil in a hot pan, add tofu over low heat and fry slowly;

5, Fry until one side is golden brown and then carefully fry the other side;

6, Add chili peppers, simmer over high heat and stir-fry evenly, plate on top.

It is a great honor to share with you more detailed recipes of delicious food for everyone to learn, don't forget to pay attention to those who like it, and every day will be updated on time with the latest gourmet recipes! Hope you guys enjoy it!

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