
The Foreign Ministry responded to the so-called "Copenhagen Democracy Summit": I hope that individual European politicians can really talk about democracy

Source: People's Daily

Beijing, 11 May (Reporter Rong Yi) Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said on 11 May that the so-called "Copenhagen Democracy Summit" is full of ideological prejudices and is a political farce to the letter. The socialist democratic politics practiced in China is a kind of democracy that is the whole process and the most extensive. I hope that individual European politicians can truly talk about democracy and seek more happiness and security for their own people.

At a regular press conference on the same day, a reporter asked: "The 2021 Copenhagen Democracy Summit" was held from May 10 to 11, at which the Danish foreign minister alluded to China's sanctions against Europe as "bad" in his speech. The summit also invited "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence" elements to speak. What is China's comment on this?

Hua Chunying said that the so-called "Copenhagen Democracy Summit" is full of ideological prejudice and is an out-and-out political farce, and the organizer of the event, the "Democratic Alliance Foundation", has long maliciously spread China-related lies and false information. In view of the fact that the unilateral sanctions imposed by the European side on China based on lies and false information harm China's sovereignty and interests, China has made a necessary, legitimate and just response.

She said that the Taiwan issue and Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, and no foreign government, organization or individual has the right to interfere. We urge relevant countries, organizations and politicians to earnestly respect China's sovereignty and not to send any wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence" forces.

Hua Chunying said: Democracy is a common value of all mankind, and there are many forms of realizing democracy, and a country's democratic system should and can only be formulated by the people of this country from their own reality. The socialist democratic politics practiced in China is a kind of democracy in the whole process and the broadest possible way, which embodies the will of the people, conforms to China's national conditions, and is supported by the people.

She said that China adheres to the people-centered and adheres to the supremacy of the people. In the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia, the Chinese government insists on putting people's life, health and safety first, adopts the "hardest core" epidemic prevention and control measures, takes the lead in controlling the epidemic, and the vast number of people have taken the lead in enjoying safety and normal production and living order. According to relevant media reports, after experiencing the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the Chinese people's trust in the government has reached 98%. This is true democracy. ”

Hua Chunying said that China ensures that the fruits of development benefit all people more and more fairly. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government wholeheartedly serve all Chinese people, and regard the happiness and satisfaction of the people as the standard and pursuit. After more than 70 years of unremitting efforts, 1.4 billion Chinese people have been lifted out of absolute poverty, ensuring that everyone has food, housing, education, and medical care. "The people live happily, no longer suffering from war, poverty, hunger, this is true democracy."

She said: China insists on asking questions of the people, asking questions of the people, and letting the people be the masters of their own affairs. For example, the preparation of the 14th Five-Year Plan gives full play to the characteristics of the Internet era, carries out a wide range of online solicitation of opinions, and the broad masses of the people express their wishes and reflect their demands through online channels. "The people's affairs are handled by the people through consultation, and this is true democracy."

"Democracy is not a rally to shout slogans, and it should not be a political tool to suppress other countries." Hua Chunying said that she hopes that individual European politicians can truly stress democracy and seek more happiness and security for their own people.

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