
The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

author:Cricket Literature History

On the evening of September 23, 1949, Chairman Mao set up a banquet to invite the Kuomintang uprising generals to attend the party, and Zhang Zhizhong, who had always dared to speak out and advise, took the opportunity to put forward his own suggestions to Chairman Mao: "Chairman, many committee members are now in favor of using one star and one bar to make the pattern of the national flag, which I think is inappropriate. ”

"Huh? A star represents the leadership of the Party, and a yellow bar represents the Yellow River, and the intention is still very clear! The chairman smiled and asked Zhang Zhizhong, "What do you think is inappropriate?" Let's hear it. ”

Zhang Zhizhong hurriedly said his thoughts in its entirety: "How many people can think of the Yellow River on that horizontal bar?" I'm afraid it's more about Sun Wukong's golden hoop stick. Moreover, the whole flag represents the red land of the motherland, and isn't a horizontal bar in the middle engaging in splittism? ”

The chairman's smile faded, nodded, and said, "Well, it does make sense, but it still needs to be discussed again." ”

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

At the same time, at different locations, Peng Guanghan, who was the secretary of the Sixth Group at the time, recommended a five-star pattern to Premier Zhou Enlai...

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="81" > the motherland to be born and work together to make the national flag</h1>

In 1949, after a century of war and countless hardships and hardships, China finally ushered in a new era. While people are looking forward to a new life in the future, they are also full of imagination and expectations for the national flag that will represent the image of new China's sovereignty.

The motherland is newly born, and the wisdom and efforts of the group are pooled.

After the news of the solicitation of the national flag was published in the people's daily, xinhua daily, liberation daily, and other major newspapers across the country, the whole country, and even overseas Chinese, rejoiced. Everyone spread out paper and pencils, drew their hopes and patriotic enthusiasm for new China into a national flag pattern, and sent them to the National Flag and National Emblem Selection Committee.

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

Among the many people who wanted to give gifts to New China was a young man named Zeng Liansong.

Zeng Liansong participated in the liberation campaign in Shanghai and was the secretary of the Shanghai Modern Economic News Agency at the time. He did not have professional art design skills, but he had a passionate heart to add color to the new Chinese flag.

During that time, after completing his job, Zeng Liansong devoted all his body and mind to designing the national flag.

He shut himself up and conceived of which specific image to use to symbolize the national and political characteristics of new China, and how to design a simple and solemn beauty.

"Hope for the stars, hope for the moon, look forward to the Chinese Communist Party..." The singing coming from outside the window made Zeng Liansong Mao Set open. After not knowing how many drawings were discarded, the idea of the national flag finally became clear.

Zeng Liansong thought to himself: The Communist Party is the great savior of the Chinese people, so it is necessary to use a large five-pointed star embedded with a sickle and hammer to symbolize the Communist Party of China; the Communist Party leads the liberation of the people of the whole country, and in the future it will lead the people of the whole country to continue to move forward and create a new life, so it will use a few small five-pointed stars to represent the masses of the people; if the people support the Communist Party, they must let the small five-pointed stars surround the big five-pointed star.

When deciding to use a few small five-pointed stars to symbolize the masses of the people, Zeng Liansong once again made a mistake. He thought hard and didn't know what to choose.

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

"Oh, how many are you going to use?" Zeng Liansong scratched his head and said to himself as he leaned back in his chair to relieve his tired body.

I inadvertently saw a book at the table, which was Chairman Mao's "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship." Zeng Liansong suddenly thought of something, quickly reached out, picked up the book and turned it over.

"Haha, there is." Zeng Liansong was overjoyed. It turns out that Chairman Mao divided the people into four parts in this book: the working class, the peasant class, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie, so he used 4 small stars to symbolize the people!

After countless deliberations and changes, Zeng Liansong finally decided: To design the entire flag in red, indicating that all the vast land of New China is a red revolution; for the sake of color coordination, but also to highlight the national characteristics of the yellow race of the Chinese nation, the five stars were designed yellow; in order to show that the Communist Party is the core and leadership of the masses of the people, the five stars were placed in the upper left corner, and the center of each small star was connected in a straight line through a corner and the center of the big star.

After finishing the manuscript, Zeng Liansong was excited, and he produced two samples at the same time, one to send to the selection committee and one to keep as a souvenir for himself.

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

The five-star pattern designed by Zeng Liansong is the prototype of our current national flag, but when the sample first arrived at the jury, it did not attract much attention. Because from mid-July to mid-August, in just one month, the committee received a total of 2992 submissions from overseas and the liberated areas, and even Commander-in-Chief Guo Moruo, Chen Jiageng and Zhu De submitted samples of the national flag they designed. It's not easy to stand out.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="55" > argued with reason, bluntly saying that the general recommended the national flag</h1>

In order to facilitate the review of the delegates attending the new CPPCC session, the judging committee selected 38 samples of the national flag in accordance with the instructions of Premier Zhou Enlai, compiled them into the "Reference Materials for the Pattern of the National Flag", and submitted them to the newly established Chinese Political Consultative Conference for discussion.

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

After removing the sickle hammer, Zeng Liansong's motif was advocated by the famous dramatist Tian Han and ranked as "Compound Character No. 32".

"Dear deputies, the yellow bar in the compound character No. 1 pattern represents our mother river, the Yellow River, and the intention is very good, please raise your hand if you agree." This was the first plenary session of the Political Consultative Conference to discuss the plan for the national flag.

"I object!" As many deputies raised their hands, a sonorous and powerful voice rang out. Everyone turned their heads and found that it was General Zhang Zhizhong, who had given Chiang Kai-shek the "Book of Ten Thousand Words."

"A banner is a whole, and inserting a horizontal bar in the middle will give people a feeling of division, which is inconsistent with the fact that we want to carry out the revolution in the end; in addition, in the absence of any prompt, ordinary people can hardly imagine this horizontal bar as the Yellow River, and what they can think of is probably a wooden stick, or even Sun Wukong's golden hoop stick!"

"I agree with General Zhang." It was Tian Han who opened the mouth this time, "From an aesthetic point of view, compound character No. 1 also gives people a sense of split beauty, and the expression of compound character No. 32 is better." Tian Han said as he stood up: "The first time the Compound Character No. 32 plan was eliminated, I brought it up again, because this design is full of emotions!" ”

"I object to the idea that 4 stars represent 4 classes, or the pattern of the Yellow River is better." Another delegate also made his comments.

Due to the different opinions of the delegates attending the meeting, the meeting did not draw conclusions on the national flag plan, but there were still many delegates who agreed with the Yellow River plan of one star and one bar.

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

With only 4 days left before the final draft of the national flag pattern, Zhang Zhizhong decided to find an opportunity to report directly to Chairman Mao, so there was a scene at the beginning of the article.

At the same time, Premier Zhou Enlai was also working on the national flag plan.

He asked Peng Guanghan, who had come forward to report on the discussion of the national flag: "Comrade Guanghan, you have come into contact with so many national flag patterns, which one of the deputies is unanimous?" ”

Peng Guanghan looked down and thought for a moment and replied: "The one-star and one-bar pattern is in favor of, and there are many opponents, and the opposition is very resolute; the five-star flag has representatives who oppose because of the significance of the four small stars, but in general, the design of the five-star flag is better." ”

The Prime Minister said, "Very well, then you will use this pattern to make a big flag for me and see how the real effect is." ”

Peng Guanghan took the order and went away, and did not sleep for a night in order to design a big picture. As soon as the sky was slightly bright, he rushed to the flag shop again and made a five-star red flag with the best materials.

In the afternoon, the premier saw the five-star red flag brought by Peng Guanghan and nodded with satisfaction.

Chairman Mao at the party, after listening to General Zhang Zhizhong's suggestion, after some thought, already had a decision in mind.

Two days later, Chairman Mao affirmed the five-star red flag at the meeting, saying: "This pattern shows that the revolutionary people of our country, whether now or in the future, must unite in great unity, and this pattern is a relatively good pattern of the national flag."

Listening to the chairman's speech, General Zhang Zhizhong stood up from his seat excitedly and said loudly: "I support No. 32!" ”

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

On September 27, 1949, the First Plenary Session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference unanimously adopted that the national flag of the People's Republic of China is the Red Earth Five-Star Flag, symbolizing the great unity of the Chinese revolutionary people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > a needle and a thread, a strong and affectionate embroidery of the national flag</h1>

Once the national flag pattern was adopted, the task of formulating the first national flag of New China reached the Beijing Fine Arts Supply Society. Such a glorious and arduous task, we must find a reliable talent line.

After research, the leader of the society found the best technical female worker master Zhao Wenrui, excited and serious and long-winded: "Master Zhao, the society has received the task of sewing the first national flag of New China, you are the best technology in our company, do you have the confidence to complete it?" ”

"Yes!" Zhao Wenrui answered without hesitation. After receiving the five-star red flag pattern and production requirements handed to her by the leader, Zhao Wenrui couldn't help but burst into tears.

She cuts exactly according to the pattern size and stitches carefully and meticulously. The most difficult thing is the stitching of the five-pointed star, because the two large stars and eight small stars must be precisely stitched on both sides of the flag.

Zhao Wenrui was not intimidated by the difficulties, she carefully pasted the five-pointed star pair well, not impatient, and patiently sewed it.

After two days and two nights of rushing, a five-star red flag with a length of 4.6 meters and a width of 3.38 meters, sewn from red and yellow satin, was completed as scheduled.

The above needle and thread are full of ordinary people represented by Zhao Wenrui, their joy at the founding of New China and their infinite hope for their future lives.

The history of the national flag: Originally a bar and a star, Zhang Zhizhong's words made Chairman Mao change his mind about the rebirth of the motherland, work together to make the national flag and argue on the basis of reason, bluntly say that the general recommended the national flag with a needle and a thread, and embroidered the national flag with deep affection

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong personally raised the first five-star red flag of New China on Tiananmen Square, announcing to the world: The People's Republic of China has been founded!

Since then, every Chinese's heart has a bright red color, guiding the industrious Chinese people to work hard and build their own beautiful homeland!

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