
To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

When it's cold, dumplings become more popular because they are warm and satisfying, and I think you also like to eat dumplings, and you like to eat lamb stuffing. Usually everyone loves to make pork stuffed dumplings when making dumplings, this filling is indeed very fragrant and delicious, but some are too popular, and lamb stuffed dumplings are different, the taste is very characteristic, once eaten will not forget, like scallion lamb stuffing, carrot lamb filling, cabbage lamb stuffing are particularly delicious, if you have not eaten, then you must do a taste, make sure to eat without regrets.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

Speaking of lamb, some people have to say that the smell of lamb is so big, the lamb stew is not necessarily well done, and the lamb is chopped into a filling and wrapped in the skin of the dumplings, which is simply too difficult. In fact, it is not so difficult to make lamb stuffed dumplings, as long as you master the method of mixing the filling, you will find it very easy after understanding.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", the dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless! Below I will share with you the specific method of adjusting the lamb filling, as well as small tips, not too good friends to do together, according to the steps to do a success, in the future want to eat no longer need to go to the dumpling restaurant, their own delicious and affordable.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

Steps to prepare lamb stuffed dumplings:

Knead the dough well, the requirements of the dough is slightly softer, and to knead to the hand light, basin light, face light, after reaching the three lights can not be immediately rolled out, to cover up the waking noodles for more than half an hour, after such an operation better rolling, the dumpling skin tendons made taste good.

Rinse the lamb clean, cut into small cubes and then repeatedly chop into delicate minced meat, try to chop by hand, really troublesome use the blender, but the taste is slightly different.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

After the minced lamb is chopped, rinse with a little dried peppercorns, put them in a bowl and soak in hot water, soak in the taste of the peppercorns, and make the peppercorns and set aside.

Put the minced meat into the bowl and add salt, soy sauce, pepper, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, minced ginger, stir well, stop when the meat filling becomes very sticky, put aside and marinate for a while.

At this time, the vegetables are processed, for example, if you use green onions, wash and chop the green onions into minced pieces, put them in a bowl and set aside.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

Then add pepper water to the lamb filling, add it in parts, almost a pound of lamb stuffing plus three or two pepper water on it, stir until fully absorbed, remember not to pour a brain into it, otherwise it is not easy to operate.

Finally, pour the chopped green onion on the surface of the lamb filling, heat the oil in the pot, pour the hot oil on the green onion, and stir it well when the aroma is strong, or stir in the same direction, so that the lamb filling is adjusted.

Then roll out the dumpling skin, wrap an appropriate amount of dumpling filling, boil the underwater pot and cook.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

To make lamb filling, remember 2 filling tips:

First, do not put the ingredients when seasoning the lamb filling, especially the cooking wine, if you put it, it will affect the taste of the filling, in general, what meat filling should not be put cooking wine, which is a big taboo to keep in mind. If you want to add flavor to the lamb filling, the best way is to put pepper water, which can also add fishy flavor, and can make the lamb filling more tender, which is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Pepper water is very simple to make, just need to soak in hot water to soak in peppercorns.

Add pepper water to the meat filling pay attention to two points, one is to add it in parts, the other is to stir in the same direction, so that the effect is better, but also remember a pound of lamb stuffing plus three or two pepper water, if you add too little effect, if you add too much will not be good.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, remember 2 "filling techniques", dumplings are tender and juicy, delicious and tasteless

Second, the mutton filling can not be filled with raw oil, but with cooked oil, and the cooked oil should be poured on the green onions and vegetables, which can stimulate the aroma and make the dumpling filling more fragrant and delicious.

You understand the above two skills, right? It is very suitable for eating dumplings when it is cold, and it is more suitable for eating lamb stuffed dumplings, so hurry up and make it at home. My sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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