
Read "Only You Hear"

author:Lotus Heart 2021

Just look at the cover of the book "Only You Hear", there are two teenagers holding hands, which makes people think that it is a youth work.

Turning the opening page, the author Yi Yi is a well-known Japanese ghost writer, a writer with twin personalities in his body. Thinking of the male ghost of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the green ghost of the closing ceremony, I am a little more curious. Looking at the content, a few small stories, warm and warm, are some unusual stories of a few middle school students, completely without the horror of ghosts.

Japanese writers are more or less known for their delicate descriptions, Yi Yi is a very patient writer, a trivial little thing, a few ordinary children, in the corner of the school or hospital, those teenagers are communicating with themselves, using their own weak strength, unloading the burden of neglect and harm, accepting themselves, and reconciling with society.

1. Only you hear. A girl who does not have a mobile phone and is also very introverted, fantasizes that she has a small white mobile phone and has a chord ringtone in her imagination. She often used this invisible mobile phone, tried to make a call, and one day actually opened Makoto's mobile phone, talking and chatting with a fantasy and real boy, she felt her presence, and she gradually became a talkative girl. They said nothing, became good friends, they plucked up the courage to agree to meet, she went to the airport to pick up Masaya, when the airport was going to take a bus, Makoto died in a car accident to save her. Only the voices you hear, even if you know that the car accident will happen in eight minutes, have to come to you. Their silent invisible cell phone calls were broken.

2. Injuries. The introverted Ann Has a special function, that is, he can transfer other people's wounds to himself. A boy who was scarred by a rough father on his back, because he was looked at by the enemy, became more and more mischievous and playful, and had the idea of breaking a broken jar. Arranged by the teacher to a special education class, isolated from normal children. Until one day when he met Anri and saw that he had broken his wrist for carpentry, Anri grabbed his wrist, and then his wound was transferred to Anri's wrist, and he said, "The pain is divided into two, one person is half." Anri is pure in heart, but has strange powers, as if he exists to save the wounds of others, to save bad children from shadows and wounds. It makes people believe that the world is warm, and after the rough father left, he kept a puppy collar, which was reserved for him.

3 lies girlfriend. Two middle school students lie that they have girlfriends, so that classmates believe that they are worthy of being loved, and the lie is getting longer and longer, only to reveal the stuffing. But they paid a lot for their lie girlfriends, playing tennis, singing, and one day they really found a girlfriend.

The book "Only You Hear" is somewhat illusory and somewhat realistic. Each of us has two egos in our hearts all the time, chatting with each other, attacking each other, sometimes bent on moving forward, and sometimes lazy and bored.

Listen carefully to yourself, get along with the world in a friendly way, do everything for good, and be at peace with everything.

Read "Only You Hear"

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