
Reading Notes Episode 25: Zhu Ying's "Three Unexpecteds"

author:Miao Sen's reading notes

Editor's note: As a reading note of the Zizhi Tongjian, it will be updated every Monday. The chronological order and selection of materials for the Chinese chapters are based on the author's learning progress and personal superficial understanding and cognition. For a reader who studies international relations and strategy, all international and domestic issues and governance methods seem to be answered in the General Commentary.

Zhu Ying's "Three Unexpecteds"

Who is Zhu Ying? One of the four sons of the Warring States, Chun Shenjun Huang Xie's aide.

The four princes of the Warring States are quite a bit of a catch-up with the contemporary "four young people in the capital". It seems that in history and reality, all small groups with "four" have a derogatory taste, such as "Gang of Four". As for the characterization of the four princes of the Warring States, the previous articles have been mentioned, and they are all regarded as traitors who steal the power of the country. Chun Shenjun was characterized by historians as a typical example of "when the break is continuous, it is against its chaos". Of course, there are still high-ranking people around him, such as Zhu Ying.

Zhu Ying had asserted that there would inevitably be a "frontal battle" between Qin and Chu, and chun shen jun carried out an important "strategic retreat" of the chu state after receiving advice, and then chun shen jun took charge of the chu state and did things.

However, the powerful Chunshen Junli Ling Zhidi, in order to ensure that he continued to control the power of the Chu state, secretly married the sister of the doorman Li Yuan, and after conceiving, he dedicated Li Sister to the King of Chu Kao Lie, "helping" the King of Chu to "realize" the dream of seeking a son, and this child was the future King of Chu You.

Li Yuan was a traitor, he originally wanted to dedicate his sister to the King of Chu, but because the King of Chu was not good at giving birth to children, he "saved the country by curve", first took the opportunity to be a disciple of Chun Shenjun, and then designed to introduce his sister to Huang Xie, and after his sister married Chun Shenjun and became pregnant, he borrowed his sister's mouth to persuade Huang Xie to think in the long run, and in order to ensure stable control of authority, he secretly put a "green hat" for the King of Chu.

In this regard, Chun Shenjun was deeply impressed. The typical "duplicitous" and political unreliability.

Li Yuan's sister Gui became the queen, and Li Yuan was also favored and took power, but he was afraid that Chun Shenjun would leak secrets, so he secretly raised a samurai who was not afraid of death, and wanted to kill Chun Shenjun to destroy his mouth. There are no impermeable walls. Li Yuan's plot was already rumored in the media, and Zhu Ying was also very aware of it, and when the King of Chu was seriously ill, Zhu Ying immediately told Chun Shenjun the following "three unexpecteds":

Zhu Ying said: "There are unexpected blessings in the world, there are also unexpected disasters, and there are unexpected people who can help you." Chun Shenjun said that he would like to hear more about it.

Zhu Ying continued, "The unexpected blessing is that you have actually held the royal power in the Chu Kingdom for more than twenty years, and now the King of Chu is seriously ill, and once he dies, the young lord is still young, and in the end you still control the real power, which is an unexpected blessing." ”

"The unexpected disaster is that Li Yuan will use you as a thorn in his eye because he cannot take power, and he has already raised a samurai who is not afraid of death." Once the King of Chu dies, Li Yuan will go to the palace, take power, and kill you to extinguish your mouth. ”

"And the person I didn't expect to be able to help you was me." You can send me to be Langzhong, and as soon as King Chu dies and Li Yuan enters the palace, I will kill him for you, so that you can be completely protected. ”

Chun Shenjun smiled after hearing this, and said to Zhu Ying, "Sir is too worried." Li Yuan is a cowardly person, and just by virtue of my friendship with him, such an accident would never have happened. ”

Zhu Ying was still so confused when he saw that Chun Shenjun was dying, and in order to avoid disaster, he quickly fled abroad. Therefore, seventeen days later, the king of Chu fell ill and died, and Li Yuan entered the palace and sent the dead soldiers to cut off the head of Chun Shenjun.

In traditional history, Chun Shenjun is a celebrity, and Zhu Ying belongs to the "horns and horns" type of figures in the history books, which is easy to be forgotten or ignored. But it is precisely this kind of "divine dragon does not see the beginning and the end" characters, just like the Zhiguo who foresaw the demise of Zhibo in the "Father's Vision" at the beginning of "One Saying", although they are inconspicuous "little people", they are all "capable people and strangers" and representatives of the wisdom of life. One of the original intentions of the writing of "One Saying" is to "see the big with the small" and excavate, learn and absorb the "great wisdom" from the "small people" on the fringes of history.

Sometimes, those "little people" are more readable and more attractive than many "celebrities" or so-called "big people", aren't they?

In a word, laugh.

Reading Notes Episode 25: Zhu Ying's "Three Unexpecteds"