
In the first three quarters, electric bicycle accidents increased by 30% year-on-year, and Guangzhou comprehensively strengthened the rectification of electric bicycle accidents showed a high incidence of comprehensive strengthening of electric bicycle rectification

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

The chaos of illegal driving and illegal modification of electric bicycles has led to frequent accidents involving electric bicycles, which has always been the "heart problem" of major cities across the country.

Recently, Nandu reporters investigated the chaos on the road after the modification of electric bicycles in Guangzhou and found that offline electric bicycle shops provided modification services. Guangzhou traffic police responded to the Nandu reporter that since the beginning of this year, 22,000 cases of electric bicycle modification have been investigated and punished, and will continue to unite multiple departments to focus on cracking down on electric bicycle violations.

In view of the severe situation of electric bicycle management, in order to reduce the chaos of electric bicycle traffic order, Guangzhou registers and licenses the city's electric bicycles and continues to strictly manage them. For the restriction policy, the Guangzhou traffic police, on the basis of the previous solicitation of opinions, further listened to the opinions and suggestions of the public, and then issued a separate release in accordance with legal procedures and launched it as soon as possible.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > the high incidence of electric bicycle accidents</h1>

The frequent occurrence of traffic violations and traffic accidents caused by electric bicycles is a problem that cannot be ignored.

At 10:32 on April 28, 2021, located 10 meters south of Lianxi Heng Road, Huicai Road, Tianhe District, Zou Mou drove an electric bicycle without a number plate and collided with a medium-sized ordinary passenger car, and Zou died after rescue. After investigation, in this accident, Zou mou did not drive in the non-motorized lane, and violated the traffic signal instructions, which was the main cause of the accident.

At 19:16 on September 22 of the same year, Wang drove an electric bicycle carrying Li through Beijing South Road into 86 meters north of Baqi Erma Road, colliding with a bus, causing Li to die on the spot.

In the course of the previous visit, Nandu reporters found that the phenomenon of illegal driving of electric bicycles is more common, including random passage on the highway, retrograde, running red lights, and not wearing helmets. And these traffic violations, often easy to induce traffic accidents, so the incidence of electric bicycle-related traffic accidents continues to show a high incidence.

According to the statistics of Guangzhou traffic police, in the first half of 2021, there were 189 traffic accidents involving electric bicycles in Guangzhou, with 24 deaths, up 56.2% and 14.29% respectively year-on-year. In the first three quarters of this year, there were 654 traffic accidents involving electric bicycles in Guangzhou, an increase of 33% year-on-year, and the number of casualties showed an upward trend.

This set of data also reveals the severe situation of electric bicycle management and the urgency of standardized management.

Guangzhou traffic police analysis, on the one hand, Guangzhou's traffic facilities are seriously insufficient, the number, length and width of non-motorized lanes are difficult to meet the traffic demand, non-motorized vehicles have no road feasible problem is becoming increasingly prominent, while pedestrian bridges, crossing tunnels and other crossing facilities are mostly step-by-step, without considering the traffic needs of non-motorized vehicles, resulting in a large number of non-motorized vehicles crossing the road.

In addition, due to the lack of management of the takeaway industry, the traffic violations of takeaway electric bicycles remain high. Guangzhou has identified the lead management department of the takeaway industry and formulated a joint management mechanism, but there is still a lack of practical and feasible detailed management measures, especially loopholes in enterprise management.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > comprehensively strengthen the rectification of electric bicycles</h1>

On March 1 this year, Guangzhou launched a 300-day special campaign to rectify the road traffic order throughout the city, clearly mentioning the focus on rectifying "eight categories" of illegal acts, including the rectification of non-motorized vehicles (including electric bicycles) running red lights, driving in the opposite direction, not driving in accordance with the prescribed lanes, illegally carrying people, not wearing helmets and other illegal acts.

For the comprehensive management of electric bicycles, Guangzhou relies on platforms such as the "Great Rectification Office" and the "Pre-Joint Office" to fully mobilize the strength of various districts and departments in the city to strengthen the comprehensive rectification, and has also achieved certain results.

Data show that in the first three quarters of this year, the city investigated and dealt with a total of 750,000 cases of electric bicycle traffic violations, an increase of 198% year-on-year, of which more than 120,000 vehicles were seized, an increase of 48% year-on-year; more than 90,000 takeaway electric bicycle traffic violations were investigated and handled, an increase of 295% year-on-year.

In terms of facilities improvement, since the beginning of this year, Guangzhou has completed the transformation of 74 kilometers of non-motorized lanes in 84 road sections, built 86 kilometers of non-isolated guardrails, and focused on making up for the shortcomings of transportation infrastructure construction through the improvement of facilities, but the overall gap of non-motorized roads is still very large, and it is urgent to further increase construction.

In an interview, guangzhou traffic police said that Guangzhou has comprehensively strengthened rectification efforts, through the establishment of a guard control mechanism, strict investigation of electric bicycles without licenses, running red lights, retrograde, not driving according to the lane, not wearing helmets and other traffic violations. At the same time, a large-scale "encirclement" operation was organized in a timely manner to intercept all illegal electric bicycles and carry out punishment education.

Written by: Nandu reporter He Shengting

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