
Xing'an: The "three-character recipe" of Mochuan Township promotes the study and education of party history in depth and in a down-to-earth manner

author:Guangxi News Network

Xing'an, 1 Nov (Guangxi News Network) -- Since the launch of the study and education on party history, Mochuan Township in Xing'an County has closely adhered to the target requirements of "studying history with clarity and reason, learning history to increase credibility, studying history with reverence, and practicing history with great merit," done a good job in the three-character trick of "studying, doing, and supervising," made great efforts in "studying party history," "doing practical things," and "producing practical results," and promoted the study and education of party history in a high-quality manner.

Do a good job of "learning" the word, and political guidance shows loyalty

The Mochuan Township Party Committee makes full use of the central group of the Party Committee to concentrate on study, three meetings and one lesson, theme party days, party members celebrating political birthdays, party committee groups attending party classes, and other forms, relying on online platforms such as "studying to strengthen the country," "WeChat study groups," and "party lessons are open," and at the same time, combined with offline activities such as "ten thousand party history books for everyone to send," organizing party members and cadres to read original works, learn original texts, and understand principles, and persistently promote party history study and education to go deeper, to the heart, and to the truth.

Do a good job of "doing" the word, service for the people to do practical things

Mochuan Township has always regarded the practice of "I do practical things for the masses" as an important part of the study and education of party history, combined the study of party history with the solution of the actual problems of the masses, and through activities such as "night visits," "heart-to-heart talks," and "petitioning the people's feelings and relieving the people's worries," organized leading cadres from contact points to go to villages and households, collected the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems reflected by the masses, sorted out 42 items of the "List of Projects For the Masses," and has completed the project of improving the style of Zhoujia Village and the improvement of the living environment of the Qiaotou Village Committee. The hardening of the road into the village of Dalijialing in Qiaotou Village, the expansion, hardening and bridge construction project of the Xianli Village Committee to Zhuping Road were 28 practical things for the people, and the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses was continuously enhanced.

Do a good job of "supervision" and strengthen the implementation to produce practical results

Members of the leading body of the Mochuan Township Organization led the establishment of a supervision and liaison group to strengthen the supervision, guidance, and promotion and exchange of party history study and education, supervise and supervise the study in batches, grasp the development of the grass-roots frontline study and education and the actual results, supervise and guide the grass-roots party organizations to combine their own actual conditions and central work, strictly and earnestly grasp the study and education of party history, and lead the party members and cadres to study and do a solid job. At the same time, based on practice, with learning to promote use, knowledge and action are integrated, supervise and urge grass-roots party members to combine party history study with epidemic prevention and control, social governance, rural revitalization, and civilized practice in the new era, and effectively promote the study and education of party history to achieve practical results.

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