
Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!


In the past, in order to give chicken blood to myself who wanted to work out, I specially searched for a large number of action movies to watch, and later found that the more I watched, the more I felt, and I couldn't extricate myself from it. Man, you have to watch action movies. Favorite favorites follow a wave!

Ultimate Fighter Series 1.2.3.

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: free fighting, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Brazilian war dance, etc

The third of the three is the best.

The protagonist, Boyka (actor Scott Akins also played the mercenary in Wu Jing's Wolf Warrior) is so wild!

Scott Akins earned himself the chance to play the lead role in the third with his outstanding performance in the second part!

For this kind of film, there is nothing to pursue the plot at all, and all you want is a cool word.

And I think the action design in this movie is exactly what it is!

Moreover, the actors inside are particularly explosive in all shapes, and when they see it, they almost want to go to the gym to practice immediately.

Raid 1 Series 1.2.

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: free fighting, short knives, short sticks, group fighting, etc

Didn't hesitate to hit five stars.

Because this film is really too good as an action movie genre, the four words "simple and rough" are implemented to the point where I am amazed.

Especially now, the current action movie boom pays attention to a "fist to flesh", and this film is a non-stop fist to flesh from beginning to end.

I was watching in the dormitory, my roommate saw that I was watching, and then I simply sat down, and then the classmates from the next dormitory came to our dormitory, and finally the whole class of boys formed a circle in front of the screen. Everyone thinks, lying in the grooves, too good.

This is a film that impressed me with the Indonesian people.

Violent Neighborhood, Violent Neighborhood 2.:13 Ultimate

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: parkour

The presentation and setting of the scenes are completely refreshing.

Such a cattle jump escape fight in the film is not a stunt! Let them add stunts they refuse! duang!!! duang!!!! duang!!!

It can be said that this movie is also a parkour sports promotional film!

After reading it, I can only say, my God, it's so cool.

"Fuse" - Zhen Zidan

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: free fighting, mixed martial arts

Why do I recommend this movie?

Because this is The first, first, and closest action movie to actual combat in Zhen Zidan, or even in China.

Instead of the flowery fist embroidered legs (such as unrealistic flying legs) that were often seen in previous action movies, Zhen Zidan replaced them with the real kung fu of fist to flesh.

China's MMA is very backward, which everyone knows, but Zhen Zi Dancan studied and worked this, which I personally admire. So if you're a domestic action movie lover, you have to watch this movie!

"Kill the Wolf" - Zhen Zidan, Hong Jinbao, Wu Jing

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: martial arts combat, military weapons (steel whip, coercion)

The name "Kill the Wolf" is very attractive.

The Seven Killing Lords are tortured and killed, and the success or failure of the Lonely Chen, in the number of slaughters, the authority of the multi-division is life and death. The Broken Army, also known as the Consuming Star, is murderous in numbers. The wolf is the Lord of misfortunes, and the joy of the Lord is the appearance of debauchery.

The Killer Wolves are doomed to turmoil.

This movie not only shows the violent aesthetics of action movies, but also like we recommended a good action supporting role, his performance in it made action film fans sigh, and he later became an atmosphere in the field of domestic action movies - Wu Jing.

Kill the Wolf 2 – Wu Jing, Tony Jia, Zhang Jin

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: free fighting, group fighting

The soundtrack is fabulous. But what is even more praiseworthy is that it has seen such a large-scale plot in the domestic cinema.

I think the long shot of the middle prison brawl is really good.

Toni Jia's fight saw the shadow of the boxer of that year, the elbows and knees were fierce!

Zhang Jin fought and fused traditional Chinese martial arts, wearing a suit, so handsome that the girls next to me couldn't see their legs together.

And Wu Jing is more of a free fight.

Although the fight scene does not have the power to suddenly punch the flesh, it is gorgeous and refreshing.

In addition to the excessive length of the literary drama and the hard plot, other basically for action movies are almost full marks.

Boxer – Tony Ja

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: Muay Thai

After all, Tony Jay is The Bruce Lee of Thailand.

Although the plot of "Boxer" is a bit silly, it really made me appreciate the fierceness and solidity of Muay Thai for the first time.

For the first time, I learned that the elbow and knee joints of the human body can hit people like this. I was also surprised by Tony Ja's flying knees.

The design of the movie red parkour is actually very good.

This movie, I think, can be used as a Muay Thai initiation for many people.

"Lone Agent" - Yuan Bin

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: uncle, Lori, gangster

At first I was asked to recommend an action movie with a stick, but I refused.

But Yuan Bin's performance in it is too good.

Honestly, the action scenes in it are not outstanding compared to other movies here.

Yuan Bin's momentum of seeing people killing people and killing Buddhas in the movie, as well as the first-class figure that conforms to the general aesthetics in China. I have to sigh that Yuan Bin is outstanding in addition to being a high-value entertainer.

Not to mention that the plot of this movie is much stronger than other action movies. The people always like the story of Uncle and Little Lori.

Spy Series 1-5 – Matt Damon

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

And "007" and "Mission Impossible" and called the three major agent series of movies.

But I think "Spy Movies" is the fastest paced and most action-studded movie in a secret agent movie.

Before this movie, no one should have realized that Matt Damon was so capable.

Maybe this series of play scenes is not as much as the previous ones, but the plot is clear, not procrastinating, and the rhythm is perfect.

1, 2, 3, and 5 are the canonical series starring Matt Damon, and the fourth is a sequel starring Jerry Mirena.

I suggest that when watching the movie, read all four parts of 1, 2, 3, and 5 at once, and you will understand what it means to gradually enter the best situation.

"Warrior" - Tang Lao Wet, Joel Edgerton

Classic and popular, after watching an action movie that can make people's blood boil!

Keywords: mixed martial arts

"Warrior" is my favorite action movie, and after watching it, I immediately replaced my avatar with Tom Hardy's muscular latissimus dorsal muscles.

The whole movie can be summed up in one word: TM burning!

With a lot of close-ups, shaking shots, and splashes of blood and sweat, we see iron-boned men fighting for their beliefs.

Not only that, but the brotherly affection in it is also touching.