
In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

The Lanzhou Military Region guards the northwest gate of the motherland, which has a long history and an important strategic position. In November 1949, the First Field Army and the Northwest Military District were merged to form the new Northwest Military District. In 1955, the Northwest Military Region was renamed the Lanzhou Military Region, and later in the 1985 Million Disarmament Campaign, the Urumqi Military Region was merged into the Lanzhou Military Region.

Many commanders in the history of the Lanzhou Military Region are familiar with them, such as Pi Dingjun, Han Xianchu, Du Yide, Zheng Weishan, and so on. In 1992, Fu Quanyou, commander of the Lanzhou Military Region, was transferred to the post of director of the General Logistics Department, and the Central Military Commission appointed Wang Ke, a war general from the 21st Army, to succeed him.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

As for Fu Quanyou, many people have heard of him and know that he is very powerful, but as for why he is so powerful, many people are not clear. Fu Quanyou, a native of Chengxian County, Shanxi, was born in November 1930, joined the revolution in October 1946, and successively participated in the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the War of Self-Defense against Vietnam, and made outstanding military achievements.

Fu Quanyou's first unit was the Independent 2nd Brigade of the Jin Sui Field Army. In July 1947, according to the orders of the Central Military Commission, the Independent 2nd Brigade crossed the Yellow River in the west and joined the Northwest Field Army, becoming a strong brigade under Peng Dehuai. General Manager Peng would never have imagined that a new recruit in his ranks would become the chief of the general staff of our army 50 years later.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

Fu Quanyou, who came from a poor background, had a firm revolutionary will from the very beginning when he joined the army, and compared with the recruits of the same period, he was not afraid of death in battle and always rushed to the front. In the first year of his service as a soldier, in the Battle of Qingjian, Fu Quanyou was the first to rush into the enemy position, suffered serious head injuries, and was awarded the first class battle merit, and was promoted to squad leader after returning from his wounds. In the second year of his service, in the Battle of Yiwa, he was again seriously wounded, and after returning from his wounds, he was promoted to platoon leader. At this time, only 17 months after he joined the army, Fu Quanyou had grown from a recruit to an excellent combatant.

Fu Quan had not only fought fiercely, but also had his own set of skills in leading soldiers. In 1950, he was appointed company commander of the 21st Regiment, when the country had been established, major wars had been fought, and the troops had entered the training stage in peacetime. He used the experience he learned in the Liberation War to lead the company to do a good job in tactical and technical training, and the 4 companies he was in were rated as typical of the training of the whole regiment.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

In July 1952, the Third Army and the First Army were merged into the First Army, and Fu Quan had any deputy battalion commander of the Army, and from then until he was transferred to the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, he never left the First Army. In January 1953, Fu Quanyou entered Korea with a first army and participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, during which he was promoted to battalion commander. On July 27, the Korean Armistice Agreement was officially signed. Four days earlier, on July 23, in order to cooperate with the signing of the armistice agreement, Fu Quanyou led a battalion, supported by 32 artillery pieces, to completely annihilate more than 210 people in a reinforced infantry company of the US Army, creating a record for the annihilation of the enemy by the battalion-level troops of the First Army. After the end of the war, Fu Quanyou's 7th Division evaluated his cadres as "cadres with great prospects for development."

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

In November 1984, Fu Quan had any military commander at this time. According to the order of the Central Military Commission, the First Army took over the Kunming Military Region to participate in the Battle of the Two Mountains. After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the First Army has not fought a war for more than 30 years. Fu Quan's practical actions proved the invincibility of the First Army. In 6 months, the First Army annihilated 5,007 enemy troops, and only 397 of themselves were killed, reaching a staggering ratio of 1 to 12.6. Due to his outstanding achievements, Fu Quanyou returned from the war for only one month, and in June 1985, he was promoted from the rank of commander to commander of the Chengdu Military Region. He then became the commander of the Lanzhou Military Region in April 1990, returning to the Northwest Field Army when he was a soldier 43 years ago.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

In October 1992, Fu Quanyou was transferred to the Central Military Commission and director of the General Logistics Department. After careful consideration, the Central Military Commission was succeeded by Wang Ke, who was from the 21st Army. Wang Ke, born in August 1931, is a native of Xiaolizhuang, Xiao County, Anhui Province. He was 1 year younger than Fu Quanyou, both from poor families, had a firm revolutionary will, and participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Wang Ke's eldest brother and second brother both joined the Xiaoxian guerrilla detachment of the New Fourth Army and were killed in battle with the Japanese puppet army, and his second uncle Wang Hong'en was also killed by the Japanese army while on a mission. The sacrifice of his relatives did not frighten the young Wang Ke, who actively sent intelligence and information to the armed forces behind enemy lines. In August 1944, at the age of 13, Wang Ke joined the New Fourth Army in order to avenge his relatives, and his chief of staff at that time was the famous Zhang Zhen. In the 60 years of Wang Ke's military career, Zhang Zhen greatly appreciated and cultivated him.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

During the Liberation War, Wang Ke was in the 2nd Company of the 15th Regiment of the 5th Division of the 2nd Column of Huaye. The Battle of Huaihai was the first time Wang Ke experienced a major war, and he successively served as a company culture instructor and platoon leader, and was awarded the first class battle merit. During his time as a cultural teacher, Wang Ke's main task was to carry out a political offensive against the enemy, shake the enemy's determination through shouting and propaganda, and disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit. When he was a platoon commander, in the Battle of Suxian County, Wang Ke braved a rain of bullets and carried a red flag to attack the bridgehead, which greatly encouraged the morale of the officers and men of the company. Zhang Zhen vividly described Wang Ke's heroic behavior in his memoir "Decisive Battle of Huaihai". In February 1949, according to the order of the Central Military Commission, the second column was reorganized into the 21st Army. Wang Ke served as a deputy instructor in the 186th Regiment of the 62nd Division of the 21st Army.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Ke and Fu Quanyou both entered the Korean War in 1953. In early March, Wang Ke joined the Korean War with the 21st Army. At this time he served as the battalion commander of the artillery regiment, mainly participating in the preparation of the spring anti-landing operation and the summer Battle of Jincheng. In the Battle of Gimseong, the 21st Army was tasked with defending the eastern front of the frontal battlefield, and the artillery battalion commanded by Wang Ke carried out a large number of firepower to kill and wound the South Korean Army, opening up a victory channel for the infantry troops.

After returning from Korea, Wang Ke successively served as the political commissar and division commander of the 57th Garrison Division of the Lanzhou Military Region, the commander of the 21st Army in May 1983, and the deputy commander of the Lanzhou Military Region and the commander of the Xinjiang Military Region in April 1990. In October 1992, he was appointed commander of Lanzhou Military Region. However, Wang Ke was the commander of the Lanzhou Military Region with the shortest tenure in the history of the Lanzhou Military Region. Just a month later, in November, he and Liu Jingsong, commander of the Shenyang Military Region, switched positions. Wang Ke served as commander of the Shenyang Military Region, and Liu Jingsong served as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region.

In 1992, who succeeded Fu Quanyou as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region? Wang Ke, a general from the 21st Army, took over

In September 1995, Wang Ke and Fu Quanyou's military careers intersected again, and he succeeded Fu Quanyou as a member of the Central Military Commission and director of the General Logistics Department, and Fu Quanyou as a member of the Central Military Commission and chief of the general staff. Both were awarded the rank of general and stepped down from leadership positions in March 2003. Today, General Fu Quanyou is 91 years old and General Wang Ke is 90 years old, and I wish the two veteran generals who have made outstanding military achievements and made great contributions to the construction of our army good health!

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