
Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite

author:Anhui New Oriental Culinary Institute

Early autumn has arrived, midsummer is not yet in the middle, at the time of the handover of summer and autumn, when there is a long tail in summer, Xiaobian has begun to think about what to eat in autumn. Now this season, the chestnuts are almost ripe, and in the cold weather of winter, eating freshly fried Tang Dynasty chestnuts that are a little hot on the hand seems to have become the standard in winter. Fresh chestnuts picked in autumn are more suitable for making chestnut roast chicken!

Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fragrant and tender, super delicious!

Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite

Preparation materials:

Fresh chestnuts, 1 whole chicken, green onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce


1: Cut the whole chicken into pieces, cut the green onion and ginger into segments

Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite

2: Fry the chestnuts and garlic in a frying pan

Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite

3: Blanch the chicken in a cold underwater pot, add green onion, ginger and cooking wine to the water to remove the fish

Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite

4: Stir-fry the chicken with soy sauce and soy sauce, add water, green onion, ginger, chestnuts, salt and sugar and simmer until the chicken is cooked.

Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite
Chestnut roast chicken: Chestnuts are sweet and soft, chicken is fresh and tender, and it will fall after eating one bite

After stewing, collect the juice on high heat, add a small amount of MSG and stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot, chestnut sweet and soft glutinous mixed with the umami taste of chicken juice, chicken is full of chestnut fragrance, delicious and not greasy, eat it in the dry autumn.

Note: Chestnuts are not easy to digest, it is best not to eat too much at a time, especially small partners whose spleen and stomach are not very good.

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