
Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

author:Armor nurse

Introduction: The liver is the largest digestive gland in the human body, is the "central station" of material energy metabolism in the body, is the "officer of the general", the liver secretes bile to help digest food, stores and burns fat in the body, is a storage organ for fat-soluble vitamins, and can also swallow bacteria in the body, decompose toxins, and is the largest detoxification organ in the human body.

Nowadays, there are more and more patients with liver disease, and common liver diseases include hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver abscesses, primary liver cancer, etc., which are called "liver disease countries" by foreigners.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

People want to protect the liver but have no way to start, for the medical professional language, many professionals said it is difficult to understand; the physical examination report sheet can not be understood, want to consult the doctor but do not have time; The Internet search ushered in a flood of drug sales advertisements.

Regardless of whether you have liver disease or not, it is very necessary to know more about the maintenance of liver disease in ordinary times, to help better understand the condition of our liver, learn how to raise the liver and protect the liver in daily life, and take fewer detours.

First of all, as the saying goes: the disease comes from the mouth, and if we want to maintain our liver, we must first start from the diet. Academician Li Lanjuan is China's liver disease experts, the pioneer of artificial liver, she once said in an interview with reporters: The morning is the golden period of liver nourishment, eat a nutritious breakfast, liver maintenance work will be successful for a large part.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

If you want to maintain the liver, then you may wish to listen to Academician Li Lanjuan and adjust your diet. You may wish to eat these 4 kinds of breakfast regularly, which may make the liver more rosy and energetic.


Spinach is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals, of which carotene content is "the best" among many vegetables. Spinach is a very common green leafy vegetable on people's tables, which has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxatives, activating blood and dissolving stasis, nourishing yin and flat liver.

Chinese medicine believes that green food into the liver meridian, spinach is a kind of green food, often eat spinach can maintain our liver. The carotene in spinach is converted into vitamin A after entering the human body, which can prevent liver cells from becoming cancerous and have the effect of nourishing the liver and protecting the liver.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver


Seaweed is a common seafood, people like to drink a bowl of hot seaweed egg flower soup in autumn and winter, in fact, seaweed has the effect of nourishing the liver and protecting the liver. Seaweed is rich in vitamins, minerals and taurine, taurine is a special substance, can reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduce the burden of liver metabolism, to achieve the role of protecting liver function.

The zinc element contained in seaweed can inhibit the regeneration of cancer cells, help the liver to detoxify and detoxify, seaweed itself is a food that can detoxify, in the usual eating of seaweed can be discharged as soon as possible in the body of garbage and harmful substances, reducing the burden of liver operation.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver


Cucumbers are mostly listed in the summer, with the development of modern technologies such as greenhouse planting, you can also eat fresh cucumbers in autumn and winter, cucumbers are crisp and delicious, whether it is cucumber scrambled eggs or cold cucumbers are deeply loved by people.

Cucumber has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, moisturizing the lungs and nourishing the liver, cucumber is rich in cucumber acid, which can promote metabolism, speed up blood circulation, and help excrete garbage and toxins in the body.

The nutrients in cucumbers can slow down the conversion of sugars into fat in the body, and eating cucumbers in the morning can protect our liver.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

Fruit and vegetable juice

Liver is not good to often eat fresh vegetables, melons and fruits, you can also squeeze fruits and vegetables into juice to drink, drink a cup of fruit and vegetable juice in the morning can clean the intestines, is the human body's "scavenger". This is because fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber and chlorophyll, which can dissolve the toxins in the cells after entering the human body and purify the organs.

If you want to nourish your liver, you can insist on drinking a glass of fresh vegetable juice every morning.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

Acne on the face

The liver can stabilize hormones in the body, avoid endocrine disorders, and have a good regulatory effect on the secretion of hormones. Hormones affect the secretion of sebum and have a certain effect on the state of the skin. After the liver is damaged, the endocrine disorder, the internal balance is broken, the oil is secreted too much, and the skin condition becomes worse, resulting in too many acne on the face.

If you find that you have a lot of acne on your face for no reason, after eliminating skin problems, check yourself whether there is a liver problem.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

There is more eye

After a night of sleep, there will be some secretions in the eyes, which will form eye droppings in the corners of the eyes. It is normal to have eye droppings in the morning. If there is often eye feces in the eye, and the amount is relatively large, then it needs to be paid attention to, it is likely to be caused by liver damage, affecting the health of the eye.

If you use more eyes in normal times, eye fatigue, vision loss, long-term poor sleep quality, insomnia and dreams, it is easy to have more eye feces, but also to bring certain damage to the liver, should pay attention to time to go to the hospital to do liver CT.

Li Lanjuan: Morning is the "golden period" of liver nourishment, often eat 4 kinds of breakfast, or help the liver

In daily life, we should be more kind to our liver, once the abnormal symptoms on the body should be paid attention to, can not be ignored, find the cause of the symptoms, solve the problem at the source, so as to ensure good health.

How do you think we should take care of our liver? Leave a comment in the comments section below.

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