
Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

author:Guangzhou Liwan release
Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese
Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

The Japanese are coming, our brothers and nephews, don't come out and be traitors. Our anti-Japanese contingent will soon return, and if we come back and find that our brothers are not ashamed, I must settle accounts with him. "Driven by the influence of Xie Sanjie, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the children of Xie surnamed Xie in the whole Fangcun Zhongshi City straightened their waists and made a dignified Chinese...

On August 15, 1924, the Farmers' Association of the First District on the outskirts of Guangzhou was established in the Nanben Ancestral Hall of Xie Clan Ancestral Hall in Fangcun Zhongshi. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the Xie clan joined the peasant army one after another, and some people grew into revolutionary fighters in the struggle under the influence and education of the party. Among them, Xie Cong, Xie Shikang and Xie Dasheng are their outstanding representatives.

Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

Participated in the Guangzhou Uprising

At that time, Xie Cong was the president of the Fangcun Xie Jiazong Fathers and Elders Association, and served as the leader of the Peasants' Self-Defense Army in the First District Farmers' Association. Xie Shikang, then 16, the nephew of Xie Cong, wrote slogans, letters and documents for the Peasant Self-Defense Army and participated in the military training of the Peasant Self-Defense Army. Xie Dasheng was a member of the Xie clan who was inspired by the revolution to join the peasant army.

On December 11, 1927, after the gunshots of the Guangzhou Uprising broke out, most of the members of the Fangcun Peasant Self-Defense Army crossed the Baietan from the Shangfangcun Wharf to Guangzhou to participate in the uprising.

Xie Cong, Xie Shikang, and Xie Dasheng all participated in the battle against Shiweitang. After the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising, Xie Cong was arrested and imprisoned in Panyu Prison, and a few years later, he was jointly released on bail by villagers surnamed Xie, and continued to participate in revolutionary activities after returning. Xie Shikang, because of the cover of the workers of the Fangcun Tea House, hid in a tea house in Fangcun to work, avoiding the eyes and ears of the enemy, while Xie Dasheng went to Fengxi in Kuipengzhou to work as a farmer and got out of danger.

Joined the Pearl River Column

On July 7, 1937, the Japanese Kou started a war at the Lugou Bridge. In October 1938, Guangzhou fell. Xie Cong and his wife moved to Chigang, Nanhai County (now Hainan Village, Liwan District), and before leaving, he warned the children of Xie surnamed Xie in the village: "When the Japanese are coming, our brothers and nephews must not come out to be traitors." Our anti-Japanese contingent will soon return, and if we come back and find that our brothers are not ashamed, I must settle accounts with him. Under Xie Cong's advice, throughout the Japanese occupation period, none of the children surnamed Xie in Zhongshi worked for the Japanese, nor did anyone join the pseudo-self-police regiment.

After the Japanese occupied Fangcun, a group of hooligans such as the traitor Tang Gui organized the Fangcun Self-Police Regiment. In early May 1939, tang gui's self-police regiment station in Fangcun Zhongshi was attacked by anti-Japanese guerrillas, and the Japanese army Shaolin Jiro and Shimada Saburo were also killed, Tang Gui and the Japanese gendarmes conducted a large-scale search and arrest in the Area of Zhongshi, found a Kuomintang Party flag at the Xie Ancestral Hall's Beloved Primary School, and in a dark room, found a number of peasant association trumpet belts, as evidence, and detained more than 30 people over the age of 16 in the Xie clan in Zhongshi City in the Tong'an Gun Tower, and Xie Shikang was also arrested, tortured and tortured, and his body was scaled.

Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

After consulting with Xie Gao, who was a roommate, Xie Shikang, who was resourceful and brave, tore the clothes and pants he was wearing overnight, tied them into a belt, took advantage of the enemy's lack of preparation, and escaped by hanging the belt outside the wall, and quickly contacted Xie Cong.

Xie Shikang grew kohlrabi for a living, and secretly joined the Pearl River Column led by the Communist Party of China with Xie Cong and others, actively participating in the various secret activities of the anti-Japanese guerrillas, resisting Japanese hoeing, collecting intelligence, distributing leaflets, attacking Japanese puppets, and so on.

Sanjie was heroic and righteous

On May 12, 1945, Xie Shikang and Xie Cong received a notice from the organization to go to the Wuyanqiao Weiji Hotel to meet Xie Dasheng and others from Fengxi Village in KuipengZhou to accept the organization's assignment. The news of the operation was intercepted by Tang Gui, who sent a pistol team, colluded with a group of more than 20 bandits, and set up an ambush at the Weiji Hotel to capture Xie Cong, Xie Shikang, and Xie Dasheng. Xie Dasheng was shot and killed in Xijiaodutou, and his remains sank in the river. Xie Cong and Xie Shikang were escorted to the vicinity of Chigang Village and tied up in a rotten dung boat by the river.

Hearing this news, the party organization immediately launched a rescue. However, Tang Gui wanted to kill the two of them quickly, so he paid a lot of money to buy the big bandit Fish Boy Water and put the two of them to death. On May 27, Xie Cong and Xie Shikang bravely rebelled at Dutou, Pingzhou Market.

After the founding of New China, with the approval of the organization, Xie Cong, Xie Shikang, and Xie Dasheng were posthumously recognized as revolutionary martyrs, and Tang Gui and other traitors and bandits who killed several martyrs were punished according to law.

Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese


Imprint ★★★

The monument of the centennial journey tree, the red mark reflects the original heart.

A century ago, the Communist Party of China set sail on a "red boat," united and led the masses of the people to forge ahead and struggle hard, opening a new chapter in history. Looking back at the road ahead, during those years of war, Liwan District, as the birthplace of the modern Chinese revolution and the forefront of China's reform and opening up, also lit up clusters of revolutionary sparks. It not only gave birth to revolutionary martyrs such as Chen Tiejun, a famous revolutionary activist, and Zhou Wenyong, one of the leaders of the Guangzhou Uprising, but also possessed the sites of revolutionary activities such as the Xie Clan Ancestral Hall of the Earliest Suburban Peasant Association in Guangzhou and the Fengxi Old Revolutionary Area, accumulating valuable revolutionary spiritual wealth.

In order to continue the red bloodline, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Guangzhou Liwan released the "Red Mark" column, through 20 independent short stories, introducing the major party history events and important party history figures that left a sonorous mark in Liwan, and carrying forward the spirit of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries who stubbornly worked hard and struggled unremittingly. Stay tuned.

【Source Liwan Red Seal】

【Editor Zheng Shaoshan】

Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese
Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

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Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

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Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese
Red imprint | Fangcun Peasant Army Xie Sanjie, a heroic lifelong hero who never bowed to the Japanese

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