
Once you enter the sea, Party A is a father: how to save you, the beater of B and B? Humility into the bone: The sequelae of Party B change the flattering personality, and bid farewell to Yili Yiqi

author:Southern Weekly
Once you enter the sea, Party A is a father: how to save you, the beater of B and B? Humility into the bone: The sequelae of Party B change the flattering personality, and bid farewell to Yili Yiqi

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Surfing the internet these days, unfamiliar with both buzzwords, you can't keep up with the times.

This is not recent, there is a new stem of "B li B qi" is on fire again. The so-called "B li B qi" refers to many people who have stayed in Party B's company for many years to serve, leaving a body of occupational diseases, humble habits have penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and Party B's temperament cannot be touched, even if it is not in the process of talking with Party A, it will be involuntarily revealed.

Come and go, please test yourself first, see if your WeChat, DingTalk and other work software, is the following vocabulary, high frequency appears: OK, received, hmmm, you, trouble you, disturb you, please ask when you are free, very sorry, thank you... The recruited student is definitely a "Taiyi Zhenren" who is "Yi Li Yi Qi" and has practiced in place.

The sequelae of staying in party B's position for a long time has a far-reaching impact. As the saying goes, if you kneel for a long time, you can't stand up straight. Therefore, when the identity is switched, whether it is party A or party B, it is "B and B", and it does not usher in the imaginary turning serf to sing, but also makes people hate iron and steel.

In the rumors of the rivers and lakes, the four major "multi-B industries" are engineering, supermarkets, advertising, and the Internet, but in recent years, "Yili B gas" has been raining and dew in all walks of life, and the contemporary "Kong Yiji" has grasped a big handful. In the online discussion about Party A and Party B, "B Li B Gas", many netizens have commented, it is my own mistake, enough to see the wide range of relevant personnel.

And even if you are the fish that slipped through the net of "B and B", luckily standing in the position of Party A, you can arrogantly put forward various needs, but in the face of the boss, you will return to the original shape in a second, and the B state will be exposed. It can be said that "Yili Yiqi" has gradually been internalized into the self-cultivation and standard of this session of workers.

Kong Yiji, who used four ways to write the "fennel" character of fennel bean, must not have thought that B's classmates, even in the face of Party A's eighteenth revision suggestion, could also express the reply words such as "good" with dozens of tone words such as "tick-tock-hey-hee Humble Party B, either online for forgiveness, or on the way to online forgiveness. And all this is of no use, in front of Party A's sentence "I don't want you to think I want me to feel", it is as if I have encountered the Avada So Life Curse, and instantly collapsed.

In addition, "Yili Yiqi" is also manifested as the following symptoms: before sending a sentence, you must repeatedly type a draft, carefully consider the words, for fear that if you do not pay attention, you will offend the partner's father. How humble the attitude should be, how gentle the tone should be, how full the sincerity should be. Every word typed is a handful of bitter tears, revealing the bitterness of the workers.

Just as the so-called one into the B is as deep as the sea, from then on party A is the father. Many people say that I am also helpless, the other party just does not want you to live well, and can not go back, what else can I do, can only endure. The smile on his face, the swear words in his heart, or have to force himself to continue to do it, dare to be angry and dare not speak. After all, it is not easy to beg for food under the burden of life.

So the question is, more and more "B in B", how to break?

Once you enter the sea, Party A is a father: how to save you, the beater of B and B? Humility into the bone: The sequelae of Party B change the flattering personality, and bid farewell to Yili Yiqi

To be honest, humility is not a bad thing, but it depends on what exactly you are facing. In Party B, you can occasionally become a strong "Party A" and fight for reasonable rights and interests for yourself. Being in Party A, forcibly finding stubble, adding drama to yourself is not allowed, but it is even more impossible to please the personality.

I can't help but think of the Korean drama "Unborn", which has a Park agent of "Yi Li Yi Qi". Obviously, the supplier deliberately uses bitter meat tricks and tricks to delay the supply, but the kind and good talking Park agent is precisely pinched by the other party to hold this personality, resulting in his inability to make a smooth delivery, not only being bullied by the collaborators, but also criticized by the boss, and even almost lost his job.

Agent Park is a typical "good old man in the workplace", obviously a Party A, but he has lived his life as hard as Party B, putting himself in a dilemma.

Too much "B li b qi", in the final analysis, is because of the "flattering personality" caused by the disaster. At any time, always want to be harmonious and beautiful, no one can be guilty; on any occasion, it is not the first to consider their own position, but the empathy is too strong, like to think from the perspective of others, experience the difficulty of others, think that they are righteous and do not throw the pot, do not shirk, and put the responsibility on themselves, and the result will only be laborious and unflattering, and make themselves full of scars.

As "The Courage to Be Hated" says: "It is a painful thing to be hated, and if possible, we all want to live unspopularly, thinking of trying to satisfy our desire for approval." But the way of life of pleasing everyone on all sides is an extremely unfree way of life, and at the same time impossible to achieve. ”

I don't want to continue to "B li b qi", the first step is to change the flattering personality, and have the courage to be hated. If you are still in Party B, you must also correct your attitude. In essence, the purpose of Party A and Party B is the same, no one on both sides is more noble than anyone, they both want to do a good job of the project, get things done, and belong to the grasshoppers on a rope.

The reason why in the actual operation process, many people will feel that identity and status are not equal, that is because they have fallen into the inertia of thinking, who pays who is the father, because if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

But many things, not who speaks loudly is justified, not who pays who makes the most reasonable decisions. Holding such a stereotype will only keep you in a low profile at the beginning of the cooperation, and then continue to slide into the strange circle of humility and flattery.

If you want to go further and longer in the workplace, it is not okay to blindly serve softness, and you need to stick to principles when you should be tough. As Ridalio wrote in The Principles: "In order to achieve great things, we must stand firm and not give in to what should not be compromised." However, in reality, I find that people are always compromising, often to avoid embarrassing others or themselves, which is not only outdated, but counterproductive. Put feeling comfortable before you succeed! ”

So, say goodbye to "B Li B Qi", stand up, hit the worker!

Wen | Nan zhou knew