
From Uncle Pan to "Pan Zi", Pan Changjiang live broadcast and then overturned, which was ridiculed by countless netizens and ruined

author:Entertainment Star Records

The live broadcast room is full of mouths running trains, deceiving consumers, Pan Changjiang was ridiculed by the netizen group, was jokingly called "Panzi", what Pan Changjiang did to make netizens express their disappointment.

As a well-known comedian in the past, Mr. Pan Changjiang has always been deeply loved by the public, not only because of his performance and language art charm, Pan Changjiang has left many popular works that are still popular with the public, and individuals also pay attention to family feelings, so they have gained a lot of popularity.

It is such an actor with both virtue and art, who almost lost his late life.

This also starts from the story of his selling wine, after Pan Changjiang returned to the background, he did not disappear into the public vision, but chose to enter the most popular industry at the moment, became an Internet celebrity, and later began to do his own goods.

Because he still has some fame, Pan Changjiang is strongly supported by netizens, and Pan Changjiang's business is gradually booming, but he made a joke at a recent wine sale.

In order to give back to his family, Pan Changjiang sold a high-end wine to a cabbage price.

Is Pan Changjiang really so kind? No.

Netizens listened to his pompous lines and said that they could not be stopped, which is obviously running a train with a full mouth, setting off a boom on the Internet.

Why did Pan Changjiang become unscrupulous in order to achieve sales, step by step to destroy his reputation?

Is it because of the temptation of money, or let the mouth become a habit.

If there is no incident of selling alcohol, perhaps Pan Changjiang is still a respected teacher, and now it is he who has ruined the road, although it is very profitable to bring goods on the Internet, especially for those artists who bring their own fan traffic, almost a large number of people come to place orders with a few words.

If the goods sold can guarantee the quality, it is enough, I am afraid that artists with goods such as Pan Changjiang teachers will make up things without understanding the goods in advance in order to sell, which is equivalent to deceiving consumers in disguise.

In fact, Pan Changjiang, the first person to transform into an Internet celebrity in the liquor industry, is not the first, and Xie Mengwei, the actor of "Gazi", is the guide who led him on this road.

At the beginning, "Gazi" Xie Mengwei was selling wine in his own live broadcast room, when some netizens looked at the price attractive, they were bought home to taste, because of the quality of the wine, Xie Mengwei received more and more negative feedback, and Xie Mengwei was reported by netizens before he did too long.

At that time, Pan Changjiang was also exposed to the Internet, and under the advice of netizens, he connected to Xie Mengwei, and expressed his views on the sale of inferior liquor, and educated and criticized Xie Mengwei with righteous words like an elder to a junior.

To say that the Internet is virtual, you simply don't have a good grasp of it.

Xie Mengwei was also left with tears of remorse after listening, saying that he had done something wrong and would never sell alcohol again.

Netizens have also expressed the right education of Pan Changjiang and gave a thumbs up to Pan Changjiang.

From Uncle Pan to "Pan Zi", Pan Changjiang live broadcast and then overturned, which was ridiculed by countless netizens and ruined

Who knew things had a wonderful flip.

Until the majority of netizens saw Pan Changjiang selling wine in the live broadcast room, without sighing, your uncle is still your uncle.

Feelings Xie Mengwei can not control the control of the Internet, you can control it.

In this way, Pan Changjiang stepped into the footsteps of "Gazi" and stayed in the live broadcast room to sell wine in full swing.

This incident was also ridiculed by netizens as "persuasion into Gaga", on the Internet this battle is called "Pan Ga's Friendship", Pan Changjiang later also had a loud name "Pan Zi".

Now "Panzi" is on fire again.

This time it is still a liquor sale incident, but the central character of the story has been changed from "Gazi" to "Panzi".

Due to the serious and unbearable story of the rollover, here is an oral paraphrase, the full video can be found by itself, and a simple description is made here.

In the video, Pan Changjiang did not sell low-end wine to everyone as usual, but brought high-end wine to recommend to the family in the live broadcast room.

The family members also carried small benches to sit underneath.

From Uncle Pan to "Pan Zi", Pan Changjiang live broadcast and then overturned, which was ridiculed by countless netizens and ruined

First of all, Teacher Pan showed the high-end wine of this golden yellow body to everyone, and said that this shell is made of 24k pure gold, and the whole look does look luxurious and advanced, but the local luxury flavor is heavier, and with the golden light, it almost blinds the eyes of the audience.

Pan Changjiang said that the original price of the wine was more than 90,000, and then showed the audience a rhinestone on the bottle mouth, and said that the diamond was worth more than one million. The staff next to them listened to it, and Teacher Pan privately said hi, how not to play cards according to the routine this time.

Pan Changjiang saw the look in the staff's eyes and remembered what immediately changed his mouth and said that he was joking with his family.

Netizens are just hehe, do not know that Teacher Pan drank a few or two drinks beforehand, which will start to float kung fu.

Then Pan Changjiang and the staff sang a harmony, saying that they would send preferential treatment to their families and engage in big promotions, the original price was 99,000, and now it is only 19,800.

This one promotion down the gold diamond wine directly into the price of cabbage, Teacher Pan but where drinking two peanuts rice will not be so drunk.

Netizens naturally do not believe that the two prices are 10,000 fast, not as simple as erasing a fraction.

As soon as Pan Changjiang's words came out, netizens also questioned whether the bottle gold creation he just talked about was true.

Netizens with a little common sense can see at a glance that this wine is not valuable, and they don't know whether Teacher Pan has done his homework before going on stage, and he directly dares to fool the audience.

From Uncle Pan to "Pan Zi", Pan Changjiang live broadcast and then overturned, which was ridiculed by countless netizens and ruined

If you say that buying one or two hundred pieces of wine netizens will buy back to drink themselves, you will drink bad one or two hundred pieces and lose nothing pity, but you buy high-end wine is different, the quality can not be guaranteed, a look is a cottage wine, the price is nearly twenty thousand yuan, lost it is a pity, drink it is a pity.

Pan Changjiang not only deceived the public, but also consumed the trust of netizens.

Buying cottage wine to make the masses pay for his sales is really a bit unkind, and once the consumer has any adverse reactions, who is responsible for the consequences.

I feel that Pan Changjiang is a bit impetuous on the road of carrying goods, rushing to make quick gains, and does not hesitate to consume his reputation, so that sooner or later he will lose his popularity.

Previously, some people broke the news that after buying the wine promoted by Teacher Pan, drinking on the head, even wanting to vomit when it was serious, although the taste did not look like it was mixed with water, but there were adverse reactions after drinking.

Feelings He sells not alcohol, but emetics.

After deep pickpocketing by netizens, it was found that Pan Changjiang had also sold gold jewelry, and it was also complained about by a large number of people, and the quality of the goods sold was worrying. Originally, the market price of gold was not cheap, but in Mr. Pan's live broadcast room, it was jewelry as cheap as cabbage.

These merchants are actually to buy very cheap things to set a high price, and then take the live broadcast room to give back to the netizens under the pretext of selling at a low price, under normal circumstances, as long as the merchant sells goods in this way, the general public will not be easily deceived, but if the merchant and the artist join forces, the effect is different.

The effect is natural celebrity effect, in the eyes of some of their fans, as long as the speech endorsement indicates a certain degree of credibility, so netizens will choose to believe.

These artists may not know the quality of the goods themselves, so they come up to deceive consumers, they just think about how to get a large number of orders from consumers, how to distribute dividends, and put consumers first.

Such as Pan Changjiang such a type of artist by bringing goods to make money, in order to expand sales at the expense of the business to fry the script, such a practice in the eyes of netizens like a jumping beam clown, really want to do the brand to expand sales, you should put consumers first, and strive to improve the quality of goods, so that the market will naturally open for you.

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