
First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah

author:Beiqing Net

A national first-class protected animal was found in Yuhang, Hangzhou! This time, a unique occult creature was discovered, the black chamois (jǐ)!

First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah

Shen Qiu, executive director of the Hangzhou Former Rural Land Ecological Protection and Research Center, revealed the latest details to reporters! Since the end of September, the Yuanxiang team has begun to recycle the infrared cameras placed in Yuhang Trail Mountain at the beginning of the year. In the camera retrieved on September 25, they were pleasantly surprised to find a huge lupine-like tail dangling from the infrared camera, which was the national first-class protected animal black chamois!

First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah

Typical feature of the black chamois - black and white big tail Source: Yuanxiang

After the inspection, it was found that in the infrared cameras deployed in the village of Jingshan Town, there were three very clear and complete images of black chamois! Shen Qiu said that although Yuhang Forestry Zhi had previously had relevant records of the discovery of black chamois, it was the first time it was photographed by the camera!

Black Chamois: One of the most hidden animals in the world, the black chamois is an animal of the deer family And the subfamily Of the deer family, which can be considered a black fawn. However, the black chamois is timid by nature, and it is day and night, and has very few chances of meeting humans, and it can be said that it is one of the most hidden species in the world. Until the 1950s, only three specimens were collected, two at the British Museum of Natural History and one at the American Museum of Natural History. But at that time, the range, ecology and habits, reproduction and population of the species were still almost unknown.

First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah

Very few directly photographed ecological photos of black chamois, taken by Wen Chaoran, were taken in Fengyang Mountain

After the 1960s, Chinese scientists began to study the black chamois, because the black chamois is too secretive, the research is also difficult, even today, ecological photographers in the wild to take the ecological photos of the black chamois is still very rare. It is gratifying that in recent years, with the widespread use of infrared cameras for wildlife monitoring, the wild state of black chamois has been better captured. At present, it can be determined that the black chamois is only distributed in Zhejiang and some mountainous areas adjacent to Zhejiang in Anhui, Jiangxi and Fujian.

Can adapt to life at lower altitudes

It is of great significance for conservation and research

The reporter learned that this discovery has brought a lot of surprises to the research team! Shen Qiu said, "Because it has not been found for many years before, this time it is confirmed that the black chamois still exists in Yuhang." "In addition to this, this discovery also complements their understanding of the range of activities of the black chamois!" Black chamois were once thought to be active only at high altitudes. "Chinese Deer" believes that black chamois live in arborvitae forests at an altitude of 1,000 meters. The Anhui Mammal Chronicle describes the black chamois descending to low altitudes only in winter when food is scarce.

First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah

This time, the three positions of the black chamois were photographed, the altitude was 507m, 469m and 321m, and the activity time was in the summer when food was abundant. "Previously thought to be active only at high altitudes, this discovery can show that the population of black chamois has recovered well, so it has spread to low altitudes, proving that they can also adapt to such areas." "This is of great significance for future conservation and research." Shen Qiu explained.

Special research will be carried out in the future!

Shen Qiu said frankly that how to carry out the research and protection of black chamois in the future is a challenging task, and the team will cooperate with the relevant departments of the local government to carry out the next step of special investigation and research. Netizens have been attracted by its hairstyle ↓↓↓

First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah
First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah
First discovery! Hangzhou here surprised the "hidden creatures", netizens: this hairstyle can be ah

Source: Read Yu Hang every day, netizen comments