
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?


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Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

Question: If you only want to buy a few shallots at the wet market, what will the stall owner do?

Premise: Northern stallholders

Answer: Either find a knife to cut you, or send you away as a hanako...

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

Southerners buy vegetables and northerners buy vegetables, often the gap between tons and tons.

Northerners are ready to stock vegetables for a winter, and Cabbage is transported to the vegetable market in 12-wheel trucks; while Southerners only buy the amount of one day or one meal, chicken feet nailed, corn peeling, beef shredded, broccoli to take half.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

The reason for this discrepancy is simple.

First of all, the ingredients in the south are relatively rich, and they are not repeated seven days a week, so the number of the same dish will not be too large; while the northern ingredients are relatively scarce, and five or six pounds of potatoes can be eaten for two weeks.

Secondly, the southern taste is light, requiring that the ingredients must be fresh, and a little longer can be tasted; while the northern taste is strong, heavy seasoning, often covering the taste of the ingredients themselves, so the freshness requirements are not high.

Third, and most fundamentally, there is the difference in climate between the North and the South. The north is dry and cold (especially in winter), which is conducive to the storage of ingredients; while the south is humid and hot, hoarding meat and hair, hoarding vegetables moldy, natural eating and buying is more cost-effective.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

(I would like to dedicate this picture to those friends in the south who have not seen the scene of buying vegetables in the northeast)

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

There are not only quantitative differences in buying vegetables between the north and the south, but also cognitive differences.

Question: Green peppers, celery, beans, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, is it green?

Premise: For Southerners

Answer: Green peppers and celery are not light enough to count; beans and cucumbers do not have vegetable leaves, do not count; Chinese cabbage and cabbage are not green enough, do not count!

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

In the eyes of southerners, green vegetables are an independent dish, must have vegetable leaves, must be green, must be fried or white-seared; and in the eyes of northerners, greens = vegetables, just embellishments and accessories on the table.

The greens of the South do not carry meat, just as the meat of the North does not carry vegetables, which is a matter of principle.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?


Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?


Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

(Sweet potato leaf)

The southern city of Guangzhou is the ashes of "green vegetables". Their obsession with green vegetables is reflected in a sentence passed down from generation to generation - three days do not eat green, walk improperly.

They especially love the heart of vegetables, also known as "vegetables", has the reputation of "the crown of vegetables". Not only clear heat and detoxification, but also go to greasy, lower blood lipids, the status is comparable to Shandong green onion. Because it was too sought-after, the local cultivation was completely insufficient to eat, and a new map was unlocked and raised directly to Ningxia.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

Even Cantonese people also hold a "food festival" for caixin, and tens of thousands of tourists can eat several tons of caixin in a day, which can be described as the top stream of the green vegetable industry that never collapses!

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

Cantonese people love the heart of vegetables, and Sichuan also has a favorite green vegetable - pea bumper.

"Peas are upside down, Sichuan people's hearts are sharp."

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

If you see a group of Sichuan people eating hot pot and deliberately ask for a small mouthful of clear soup pot, there is no doubt that it is specially prepared for shabu-shabu peas.

Pea bumps have no taboos, can be shabu-shabu, can make skewers, is the best partner for sausage bacon, and is also the "green" confidant of various soups. The most homely collocation of pea bumps is to lay the foundation for a variety of flour noodles.

Whether it is vegetarian noodles, mixed sauce noodles, meat noodles, omelette noodles, you must add pea bumps, with it to have a soul.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

I don't want to step on all the green vegetables, but in the eyes of Wuhan people, the above two are not as good as Hongshan cabbage!

Hongshan cabbage is a kind of red rapeseed, which is known as "Chutian famous dish" by Wuhan people. Legend has it that in order to eat it, Su Dongpo's brothers and sisters arrived in Hubei three times to finally taste it; Empress Dowager Cixi also sent people to Wuhan to ask for vegetables and gave them the title of "Golden Temple Jade Dish".

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

In the eyes of Wuhan people, Hongshan vegetables are delicious in the world, vegetarian stir-fried is not thin, and meat stir-fried is not greasy. It can be made into a dish alone, fresh and white, sweet and salty, and can also make a variety of dishes with beef blinds, ham, shrimp, duck breast, and can also use the most advanced way to eat - cold mix! Tastes best.

Yunnan also has a characteristic bitter vegetable soup, that is, white boiled wild vegetables, sometimes add a little oil and salt, and then another bowl of single mountain dipping water is dipped in water bitter vegetables. It is said to treat cholecystitis, gastroenteritis, hypertension, hepatitis... It is about the same as curing all diseases.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

In the eyes of southerners, a meal without green vegetables is incomplete, just like going to an internet celebrity restaurant without taking pictures and punching cards - eating, but not eating completely.

There is also an open secret at the southern banquet, when the host calls the waiter to serve green vegetables, it is equivalent to telling the guests "don't expect it, there is no dish in the back". Walking in the rivers and lakes, how can you not understand the code language?

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

For the phenomenon that southerners must eat green vegetables, netizens have expressed their views, summarizing the following reasons:

1. "Feeling" can't pull out the smell without eating greens;

2. "Feeling" that not eating greens will be too greasy;

3. "Feeling" that not eating greens will lead to a lack of vitamins.

Actually, greens are healthy, but now southerners are increasingly giving "greens" a sense of ritual — ordering at each meal and eating only a few bites — is far less helpful for health than it feels.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

Sometimes the shabu-shabu feels too spicy and greasy, and a plate of green vegetables will be ordered next to it, even if it is not eaten, it can play a psychological comforting role.

It's more like a belief engraved in the genes, passed down from ancestors, protected by the strong atmosphere of a certain area, soothing the soul and building identity.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

One side of the water and soil to raise one person, China's mountains are warm and soft, rich in products, there are not too many harsh conditions, for vegetables and flowers is a natural greenhouse, which determines our diet structure based on plant foods.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the vegetables often eaten by the people were called "five dishes", namely sunflower, leek, herb, and green onion, of which sunflower was similar to today's winter amaranth, lettuce was similar to today's soybean seedlings and young leaves, and herb was similar to today's small garlic or green head.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?
Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

(From top to bottom, it is sunflower, lettuce, and cabbage)

"Sunflower" is a native dish of our country, known as the "king of hundreds of vegetables", "prepared for the four seasons of food, the original rich and drought-tolerant, sweet and non-toxic" (Wang Frame "Agricultural Book").

It is a very typical green vegetable, large leaves, green and light. At that time, there was no technology for stir-frying, so it was blanched with water and eaten directly, which was original.

Until the Ming Dynasty, the world entered the Xiaoice River period, heavy snow, the temperature plummeted, sunflower vegetables were slowly replaced by other cold-resistant and high-yielding vegetables, but the entire history of green vegetable development has never been broken, and the variety has only increased.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

It seems that as long as there are still greens to eat, the days will always go on.

Throughout the year, with the change of dynasties, green vegetables have always appeared unswervingly on the table of southerners, becoming the tradition of southerners and the consensus of "southerners" identity, and will continue to be passed down.

Eat a green vegetable, the north and south people can also fight?

At the end of the day of social life, the workers buy a handful of green vegetables before the supermarket closes, and accompany them in the instant noodles; when the group building dinner that they reluctantly have to go to, order a plate of clean greens and put them in the corner, push the cups to change the cups, and the red is green.

It is companionship and nostalgia, peace of mind and habit.

Green vegetables are the warm and healing fireworks of the southerners.

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