
Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

author:8099999 the streets and alleys

Yesterday (November 2)

A recycling shop in Guandu District suddenly caught fire

The recycling shop is on fire

Nearly hit the repair shop next door

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

At 6:00 p.m. on November 2, a fire broke out at a plastic waste purchase point on Shuangfeng Road, and the raging fire almost hit the auto repair shop next door, but fortunately the community organized a timely rescue and did not cause serious consequences.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

In the video provided by witnesses, a shop near the repair shop is burning, the scene is illuminated by the fire, black smoke continues to rise, and from time to time there is the sound of something exploding. At the scene, staff are organizing the masses to remove vehicles near the repair shop.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

In another video, the police have arrived at the scene and persuaded and evacuated the people near the fire point.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Nearby citizens: "I saw on the roof that the fire was burning so big, the cigarette was quite big, it was a plastic factory, it was a plastic waste plastic. ”

Nearby merchants: "Later, the fire trucks in their market came first, and the fire trucks slowly came over." ”

At 7:30 p.m., when the reporter rushed to the scene, the fire rescue vehicles had been evacuated, the scene was pulled up a cordon, and the police and community workers were diverting the traffic on the road.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Deputy Secretary of Shuangfeng Community: "Just one of our joint defense personnel found out the situation, he was in their house, and his home was here." Just as he was feeding the pigeons on the roof, he saw smoke rising, and he immediately reported it to us. We quickly activated the emergency plan and hurried to the scene. ”

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

According to community workers, the fire started at a plastic waste acquisition shop. Because the shops were full of flammable materials, the fire was once very fierce. After the community organized personnel to arrive at the scene for the first time, they quickly launched a fire to extinguish. And organize forces to evacuate the surrounding roads and households in a timely manner.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Deputy Secretary of Shuangfeng Community: "Organize our community, the group, as well as emergency fire personnel, emergency rescue personnel are all in place, after the arrival of the fire brigade we will carry out fire fighting, before the fire brigade car comes, we basically put out the fire, because it is just a meal, this road is also on the main road, there are more people gathered, we organized our community group staff, in order to ensure the timely arrival of the fire truck, we quickly carried out a temporary road closure, to the fire scene to leave out, Evacuate the residents around the fire point from the scene. ”

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Nearby citizens who witnessed the fire fighting process said that the fire was very large and very frightening, and the fire rescue personnel arrived in time to completely suppress the fire, and the whole process took less than 20 minutes.

Nearby merchants: "Before there was not a car here, as soon as the fire came, this side quickly dredged, I contacted the car to come over, and the handling was quite good." ”

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Nearby citizens: "The fire is too big, but they still save the fire quickly, basically saved for more than ten minutes, the fire was suppressed, they were very fast." ”

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Due to timely disposal and evacuation

The accident did not cause injuries

But everyone found out

The repair shop next to the fire point "hurt very much"

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

So the cause of this fire

What the hell is it?

The cause of the fire is still under investigation

Losses are being counted

This morning, the reporter came to the scene of the incident again. At this time, there are still cordons around, and community workers are at the scene to maintain order. It is understood that the waste collection points that caught fire are mainly engaged in the recycling of old computers on weekdays. The person in charge is cooperating with the firefighters to conduct the investigation on the spot.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

After the fire, the entire computer recycling shop has been burned beyond recognition, and the interior is in a mess. Part of the color steel tiles of the auto repair plant separated by a wall were also burned and deformed.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Outside the auto repair shop, the reporter saw 3 gas cylinders and a gas canister. The adjacent auto repair plant was also closed this morning.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time
Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

Mr. Wang, the person in charge of the auto repair plant: "The fire is too big, it is up all at once." I don't know anyway, I'm already confused. Inside we didn't have any important equipment, it was all iron stuff in it, and the vehicles were all cleared out. The one affected is the one on the left-hand side of the door, and I can't see it anyway, and I can't go in and see it. ”

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

It is understood that there was no one in the recycling store at the time of the fire.

Reporter talks to computer recycling shop owner:

"Those scrapped computers you received."

"Do you know how the fire started in the back?"

"I don't know, I don't know if there's no one in the house."

"How much is the loss now?"

"A few thousand bucks, not big." The main thing is something, a little bit of a bad computer. ”

"Have you ever communicated with the guy next door to see how they were damaged?"

"They didn't have anything over there, so they didn't burn it."

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

According to the owner, this store is closed most of the time, and only occasionally cooks some food inside. I don't know how it suddenly caught fire last night.

At present, the specific cause of the fire is being investigated by the fire department.

Fire, smoke, emergency evacuation of nearby vehicles! Fortunately, he found the fire in time

8099999 reporter reports

Edit: Miao Miao