
Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

author:Florist Xiao Qi

Now that it has gradually entered the winter, the temperature has been decreasing, northern flower friends must be cautious about buying flowers in winter, do not blindly believe in the recommendation of the "big god", although the flowers they say are good-looking, but not necessarily suitable for you, rational choice can be able to raise flowers well, so how should we buy flowers? How can you ensure that you can buy good flowers? You have to learn "3 looks".

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

1, look at the temperature

If you have zero there now, buy flowers below zero to be cautious, because the outdoor has been below zero, the flowers should be wrapped to you through the transport carton, prone to frostbite, even if he added thermal insulation measures, you look relatively good after hand, but its leaves in the case of mild frostbite you can not see, if you take the home to slow seedlings, it is easy to have problems, so if the outdoor temperature is below zero, you try not to buy flowers from the Internet, You can go to the flower market to choose your favorite, buy it in your hand and put it directly in the warm place of your home for maintenance, it is not easy to have problems.

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

Another is to look at the indoor temperature, because some flower friends in the home flower room will not be heated, such as Shanghai, Zhejiang and other areas, their temperature is not too low, no sub-zero, not heating but most of the flowers in this season is not long, if your temperature is not high, to buy some need to reach the temperature of more than 15 degrees of flowering plants, you do not want to buy, after buying back it does not grow into a dormant state, what do you put there? It is better to wait for the right temperature when you buy the right flowers to directly maintain the flowers, you can see the flowers, you can see it grow vigorously.

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

2, look at the flowering period

Now many flower friends like to buy those beautiful flowers from the internet from the flower market, beautiful flowers you can buy, but be sure to look at its flowering period, such as some plants it blooms in the spring and summer and other seasons of flowering, you buy it, although the winter can also see the flowers, but in your home conditions are not appropriate, but they artificially push the flowers out, you can see the flowers at home, after the flowering itself he wants to grow leaves normally, the result is that your indoor temperature is not appropriate, the season is not right, It will enter a stage of stopping growth, flowering consumes more nutrients, and the result is not growing, can it be good? It will definitely happen directly to the yellow leaves dry up and so on.

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

Our common gardenia and the like, these are in the spring flowering, now can not buy or buy, if you want to buy, before buying to understand this plant its flowering period is when, if it is in the winter and spring two seasons of flowering, you can choose when you buy, if its flowering period is in the summer, you do not want to buy. If you buy is with flowers, the indoor temperature is not high, it is not recommended that you buy, because it flowering is the need for the right temperature, the general plant flowering normal growth needs to be above fifteen degrees, if you can not reach this temperature, want to flower is more difficult, and the temperature can not reach the received after the flower buds will fall, it will enter the stage of stopping growth, itself to form a flower bud Consumption ratio is more, the result is directly dormant root system is relatively weak, the entire plant is easy to rot roots and die.

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

3, look at the environment

Generally in the northern region after entering the winter outdoors will be very cold, to the indoor temperature is relatively high, the general flower friends will not choose to open the window, because the window ventilation is very poor, for some of the more temperamental flowers, if in the unventilated environment is easy to have problems, our common rhododendron, camellia, etc., these plants if in the winter it normal growth, normal long flower buds, if your environmental ventilation can not reach, after watering the soil dry slowly, there will be rotten roots and rotten leaves fall leaves and buds.

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

For the conditions can not reach the environment is not good at all, you try not to buy flowers in winter, you can choose the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, buy to let it grow roots in your long, adapt to your environment, naturally form flower buds, to the flowering season it can flower, in the family cultivation, after buying because of no ventilation you can not change pots, you buy back in other seasons to change pots, with good breathability of the soil, small pots, as long as the root system grows well, even if the winter is not ventilated, it is relatively simple to maintain.

Buy flowers in winter need to be cautious, do not blindly believe in the "big god", rational choice can raise flowers well

This is what we need to pay attention to in winter to buy flowers, generally in the northern region is very easy to buy flowers is easy to problem, we buy it after the pot, change the pot ventilation is not good watering dry slowly, will be stuffy roots rotten leaves, try to buy some cheap, good skin, do not need to change pots, with simple pots can be normal to raise some plants, so that maintenance will be much simpler, such as we know the longevity of flowers, crab claw orchids, cyclamen, etc., there are some foliage plants, we can all try it.