
Hubei 20-year-old girl has been missing in the morning for three days, and her family has re-walked the scene: some tourists have reported seeing her in the park

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Tian Lulu

On November 6, Xiao Zhu, a 20-year-old girl from Hubei Province, was greeted with an important exam, but she has been missing for three days. Three days ago, Xiao Zhu was practicing in the morning at Nanshan Park in Zhushan County, and she made a phone call with her family on the way, but she did not go home that day. After several days of searching by the family and the local police, there was still no result. Xiao Zhu's family has returned to the scene many times, retaking The Xiao Zhu Morning Training Route and trying to find some clues. At present, Xiao Zhu is still in a state of disappearance.

Hubei 20-year-old girl has been missing in the morning for three days, and her family has re-walked the scene: some tourists have reported seeing her in the park

Family description

The girl has been preparing for the exam

But there wasn't much psychological stress

On the morning of November 4, the cover news learned from Xiao Zhu's mother that Xiao Zhu had been working in Shenzhen since last year, and the mother and daughter lived together in Shenzhen. Some time ago, Xiao Zhu knew that there were public institutions recruiting in Shiyan's hometown in Hubei Province, and planned to return to his hometown to take the civil service examination, so he returned to Zhushan County on October 18.

Xiao Zhu has a regular life, does not fall in love, likes sports, and also has the habit of morning running when working in Shenzhen, so when he goes out early, his family is not surprised. Xiao Zhu generally gets up at 5 o'clock for morning running and often exercises for more than an hour. Xiao Zhu's mother said that because her daughter often video called her after returning to her hometown, she has always known her daughter's movements very well, and said that the two are in close contact, and generally the video is not received, Xiao Zhu will immediately return the call. "My girl has been busy preparing for the exam lately, and when she was in Shenzhen, she bought materials and came back to read books."

It is understood that xiao zhu registration exam will be held on November 6, Xiao Zhu likes to read, when he returned to his hometown, he also brought back a lot of books, but the state of the whole person is not very stressful.

Xiao Zhu's mother recalled that during her daughter's review, she only mentioned her worries on October 30th, "She said that when she was in Shenzhen, she could read books and read them, how to read them when she went home, what to do if the exams were not good." "My mother comforted her, it's okay if you don't do well in the test, it should be an experience, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

She plans to stay until after the Spring Festival and then consider returning to Shenzhen, "She also gave me a plan, where to travel during the Spring Festival, and the mood is more normal." ”

Hubei 20-year-old girl has been missing in the morning for three days, and her family has re-walked the scene: some tourists have reported seeing her in the park

Retrace the section of the incident

The mountain is not steep and densely wooded

Someone had seen Xiao Zhu Chenlian

On the morning of November 1, Xiao Zhu, who was originally in contact with her mother every day, had a different appearance for the first time, which made Xiao Zhu's mother in Shenzhen feel uneasy.

According to Xiao Zhu's father's description and monitoring, Xiao Zhu went out at 6 o'clock to go to Nanshan Park. Public video shows that at 6:47, Xiao Zhu arrived at the foot of Nanshan Park, wearing a sports suit, wearing headphones, running with headphones in his hands, and there was no one else around. "She has a habit of running with headphones on."

Xiao Zhu's mother said that Xiao Zhu's morning training route is: first run to the river at the foot of the mountain, then go up the mountain, reach the top of the mountain and then go down the mountain to return home. According to the family's deduction, Xiao Zhu should reach the top of the mountain after 7 o'clock. "After the incident, we walked again according to the time and route she went out, about an hour to the top of the mountain, and the normal home should be after 8 o'clock."

Xiao Zhu's mother said that after her daughter disappeared, her family went to Nanshan Park many times to look for Xiao Zhu's traces along the way, and calculated the time of walking and the location where her daughter may have disappeared, but nothing was found.

She once saw xiao zhu's walking steps in the circle of friends for more than 8,000 steps, according to the monitoring shows that Xiao Zhu appeared at the foot of the mountain, the location of the missing contact is probably on the way up the mountain or the top of the mountain, "only there is monitoring at the foot of the mountain, and there is no monitoring anymore." ”

Xiao Zhu's mother said that when her daughter went out, it was indeed dark, but there were many people running by the river during that time, and it was not dangerous, and when she went to the mountain, the sky was already bright. "One after another, there are still people going up the mountain, there are cleaners." In the process of searching, Xiao Zhu's mother showed photos to tourists, and some tourists who often exercised said that they had seen Xiao Zhu exercise here.

Before her daughter disappeared, she also had a phone call with her family. At 7:41, Xiao Zhu's father called to ask when Xiao Zhu would come back, Xiao Zhu said that there was still some time, and asked on the phone, "I am a little tired from running today, can I come and pick it up." Xiao Zhu's father said that he was about to go to work.

At 8:20, Xiao Zhu's father called her phone again, and it was already turned off. Xiao Zhu's mother said that the communication unit told them that the base station showed that at 7:58 Xiao Zhu's phone had no signal. "She can't be out of power, she goes out every day to exercise must be full of electricity and then go out."

At about 2 p.m., Xiao Zhu's mother dialed Xiao Zhu's phone, found that her daughter was turned off, and only after talking to Xiao Zhu's father did she learn that the phone could not be called in the morning. "I didn't feel right, and immediately asked my relatives and friends to knock on the door, I was afraid that I would have an accident at home after I came home." Relatives rushed to the house, after unlocking the lock found that there was no one at home, it turned out that Xiao Zhu had not returned, the family was very anxious, called the police.

On the morning of the 2nd, Xiao Zhu's mother rushed back from Shenzhen, and her relatives have been returning to nanshan park many times to look for it, without any clues.

Hubei 20-year-old girl has been missing in the morning for three days, and her family has re-walked the scene: some tourists have reported seeing her in the park

Multiple people participate in search and rescue

The police have stepped in to investigate

Monitor and troubleshoot suspicious people

According to the website of the Zhushan County People's Government, the newly built Nanshan Park took one year to complete, and two new small amusement parks were added - bamboo expo garden and primrose garden. Two new squares were built - Taiji Square and Meihua Square. Two observation pavilions, supporting the construction of small sets, park trails and granite landscape gates, etc., is an ecological and natural landscape park to meet the needs of the masses for health, fitness, leisure and entertainment. Some netizens said that several exits of Nanshan Park are monitored, that is, the hiking trail is a bit high. Netizens said that the area of the park is not large, the entire South Mountain can be climbed in half a day, and there is no possibility of getting lost.

After the incident, the local public security organs have intervened in the investigation, launched search and rescue, and screened suspicious people through monitoring. The reporter called the family to provide the telephone number of the police responsible for the case, and the other party said, "I am not responsible, I don't know about this matter, please contact the Propaganda Department." ”

At noon on the 4th, the reporter called the zhushan county chengguan town government telephone, a staff member answered the phone and said that he understood the matter, and said that the local government has sent a number of personnel to search and rescue, the specific situation please learn from the propaganda department of the county party committee.

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