
The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

author:Xixian New Area

Today, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission released the latest news: at 0-24:00 on November 2, no new local confirmed cases, suspected cases, and asymptomatic infected people were reported. Since the beginning of this round of the epidemic, Shaanxi has had no new local cases for nine consecutive days, and everyone's nervous mood has relaxed slightly.

Implementing the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, staff from all walks of life in Xixian New Area have built an "iron wall" of epidemic prevention and control with their strong figures. There are the "repetitive actions" that you are used to, and there are also persistence and perseverance that you have not paid attention to.

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

Do nucleic acid testing for the masses

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

Take the temperature of your students

Again and again nucleic acid testing, we are used to the discomfort of cotton swabs poking into the mouth, they are also accustomed to working in fully armed protective clothing; wearing masks, scanning codes, measuring body temperature, we are used to the "three-piece set" of epidemic prevention and control, they are used to reminding again and again, killing over and over again. There are still many people who silently give in places where we can't see...

Muraguchi is on duty, and he also draws epidemic prevention cartoons in addition to "work"

"The cartoon you drew is really good, a lot of epidemic prevention knowledge, my colleagues in my unit have seen it and stretched out their thumbs, praising us for having capable people in the village!" At the epidemic prevention duty station in Sunjiapu Village, Taiping Town, Airport New Town, Xixian New District, Wang Zhiming, who was on duty, was praised by the villagers.

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

Wang Zhiming's epidemic prevention cartoon

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

Wang Zhiming, 53, is a native of The Airport, a former teacher, and now works as a renovation worker. During the epidemic last year, Wang Zhiming actively participated in the epidemic prevention work, and in the face of this round of epidemic, he took the initiative to ask for help, and stayed on the front line of epidemic prevention with village cadres and volunteers to carry out temperature measurement, code scanning, registration and other work. Between the tense epidemic prevention work, Wang Zhiming also played a hobby, creating epidemic prevention cartoons with smooth mouth slips, forwarding and sharing in WeChat groups.

"I am ready to create a series of cartoons in combination with the key points of epidemic prevention, so that the masses can learn more about epidemic prevention." Wang Zhiming said that as a party member, you should contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic!

Supplies are transported, and they can't eat

In the mind of Li Sanhong, the medical aid group for epidemic prevention and control in Jinghe New Town, every epidemic dispatch and transfer order is a big test, and he and his colleagues are fighting side by side and racing against time.

In the new round of the epidemic, Li Sanhong's epidemic prevention and control medical assistance team is responsible for coordinating the personnel of the entire new city and the transfer of nucleic acid materials. They adhere to the front line of prevention and control, responsible for the allocation of medical material reserves, circulation reports, personnel transfer, docking patient transfer, treatment, material distribution and other work. In recent times, they have coordinated more than 350 transshipment trips. In addition, they have to address the urgent medical needs of quarantined people in a timely manner.

In the face of the epidemic, they are too busy to even eat, from morning to early morning, all night is also a common thing.

They often work until three or four in the morning

"This passenger has a heart out of heart and is in urgent need of treatment!" On the evening of October 20, in Fengdong New Town, a transfer truck was waiting for passengers to check into the quarantine hotel when one passenger was unwell. The transport team immediately contacted the medical staff for emergency treatment, and also sent food such as instant noodles and biscuits to other passengers to calm everyone's mood. The warm service of the staff made the passengers very impressed.

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

At 3:00 a.m. on October 20, the staff of the Sanqiao Community Health Service Center in Fengdong New Town braved the rain to collect the car and kill it.

Transporting close contacts, carrying out disinfection work... Since October 18, the Sanqiao Community Health Service Center has begun a "race against time" work model, many people start from 8 a.m. and work until 3 or 4 a.m. the next day, without rest, and often do not care about drinking water and eating.

It is also the forefront of the fight against the epidemic, and the staff of the isolation point is also very hard, measuring the temperature at a fixed point, cleaning and killing, and sorting out the retained data... "No one wants to be isolated, and everyone is quite cooperative with our work." Every time someone leaves at the end of the quarantine period, we are happy. Speaking of his work, Zhang Xinyi, a staff member of the Fengdong New Town isolation point, said that although it was hard, every time he heard everyone's thanks, he didn't feel tired.

In the office, she works an average of 18 hours a day

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

Work scene of the office of the pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters of the new coronavirus infection in Fengxi New Town, Xixian New District

"Hello, this is the office of the pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters of the new coronavirus infection in Fengxi New Town, do you have any help?" "Yesterday, the data report of the nucleic acid test in Xincheng gave me a look." "Wait a minute, I'll submit this document"... In the office of the headquarters for the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection in Fengxi New Town, the telephone rings and the voices of the staff rise and fall.

In the face of the sudden epidemic, all the staff of the Fengxi New Town Epidemic Headquarters Office were on standby 24 hours a day and stuck to their posts. Someone received an urgent document at 3:30 a.m. that needed to be processed urgently, and in a hurry, he accidentally fell on the stairs and broke his knee, and after a simple bandage, he hurried back to his post to process the documents overnight. Party member Yan Binglin has been on duty for two consecutive weeks, working an average of 18 hours a day.

In the lab, he was accustomed to working overtime all night

The frontline of epidemic prevention, and these that you can't see...

Wear protective clothing for medical tests

Sun Hao, 21, just joined Qinhan New Town Shaanxi Huiju Yuguo Biomedical Center Co., Ltd. in August, and is a medical laboratory technician. In the face of frequent all-night overtime, he has long been accustomed to it: "When all the staff was tested in August, I did not go out of the company building for a whole week, got a sample at one or two o'clock in the morning, got the results at four or five o'clock, and ate and rested quickly in the gap between waiting for the results." ”

Taking off the protective clothing and walking out of the laboratory, Sun Hao revealed a young face after 00. He said: "I hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible and everyone will be healthy and healthy." ”

Although the number of confirmed cases has not increased, it is still not to be taken lightly. Wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, gather less, and guard the first line of personal epidemic prevention and the first line of family epidemic prevention, you are a member of the "iron wall" of epidemic prevention and control.