
"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

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"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Poster of Ant-Man 2: The Wasp Woman Appears

Ant-man and the wasp is currently being screened, and in addition to Scott Lang, Hope is also wearing a battle robe to fight Ant-Man. As Uncle Mei said before, "Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" is a family movie, and even in the end, even the villain is ready to change his ways... In "Ant-Man 2", the villain is a ghost played by Hannah John-kamen, we have seen her in three popular movies this year, and today Uncle Mei talked to you about Hannah Jon-Carmen.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Stills of Hannah in Ant-Man 2: The Wasp Woman Appears

Hannah Jon-Carmen was born in 1989 in Allabi, East Yorkshire, England, with an older brother and an older sister. His father is a Nigerian and a judicial psychologist by profession, while her mother, a former model, is from Norway. It seems that although her skin color inherited from her father, her appearance and figure were definitely inherited from her mother. Hannah's family education is more relaxed, so their three children are called musicians (brothers), doctors (sisters) and actors.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

The ghost of the villain played by Hannah Jon-Carmen

Hannah Jon-Carmen has loved acting since she was a child, and she once said in an interview that she would write a "script" at a very young age and then arrange for her Barbie doll to "perform". Although Hannah is an authentic British, according to her own words, she had an American accent when she was a child, because she was madly in love with Disney animation and movies at that time, and after watching one by one, the accent "went astray". However, her parents did not interfere too much in this regard, but supported her interest.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Stills of Hannah from Super Boy

Presumably friends familiar with Hannah Jon-Carmen know that she officially debuted in the third season of "Misfits" in 2011, but what you may not know is that the first TV series she took on was actually "Whitechapel". In the introduction to Hannah Jon-Carmen, there are many references to the third season of "Whitechapel Blood" that aired in 2012. But Hannah Jon-Carmen made it clear in an interview that her first television role was in Whitechapel Blood, before she graduated.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Hannah in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Hannah Jon-Carmen has only made four films since her debut, but each one is a hit. Her first film was Star Wars: the Force Awakens, released in 2015 and directed by J.J. Abrams, in which she played an officer of the First Order. Although her role did not play a key role in the plot, the first film she participated in was such a popular movie, which was enough to see the affirmation she received in the circle.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Tomb Raider: Battle of origins hannah

The second film, "Tomb Raider," released earlier this year, features Hannah Jon-Carmen as Sophie, a friend of alicia Vikander's heroine Lara Croft. Like Star Wars: The Force Awakens, this character is not a significant one. Although the box office of Tomb Raider: Battle of origins is not particularly high, the topic of this movie before and after its release is still very hot.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

The Qi bangs in "Ready Player One" are impressive

The third film is "Ready Player One" directed by Steven Spielberg, and this time her role in the film can finally make a deep impression, in "Ready Player One", she plays the assistant of the film's main villain F'nale, and her cold-blooded appearance is still fresh. Of course, what is even more memorable is the hairstyle... Uncle Mei still remembers the neat bangs, it is really too neat.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Ant-Man 2 director Peyton Reed

Because of her superb acting skills in "Ready Player One", Steven Spielberg recommended Hannah Jon-Carmen to the director of "Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" after the filming of "Ready Player One", and Payton Reed finally decided to let her play the ghost of the movie in "Ant-Man 2". Hannah Jon-Carmen also did not disappoint Payton Reed and Steven Spielberg, and in "Ant-Man 2", she vividly interpreted the fierceness and entanglement of the role of ghosts with her excellent acting skills.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Stills from Hannah Jon-Carmen in Black Mirror

In addition to movies, she has also participated in many well-known British and American dramas. Among them, the classic British drama (now the American drama) "Black Mirror" she broke the convention and starred twice. Although "Black Mirror" has found many big-name actors to star, few actors can perform more than one episode in it. In addition, in the popular American drama "Game of Thrones", she has also starred.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Stills from Game of Thrones

Of course, most of her friends in Game of Thrones probably didn't notice... She appeared in the sixth season of Game of Thrones as Onera, a young member of Doshikarin, who eventually became friends with Daenerys. After Daenerys is captured again by Dothraki in the sixth season, she is once imprisoned in a large domed building containing former Carlicie, who has lost her husband. Hannah Jon-Carmen plays Carlyssy, who has lost her husband.

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Stills from Space Hunter Sweeper

Hannah Jon-Carmen's longest-running American drama is the space science fiction American drama "Space Hunter Killjoys" produced by Syfy, which also mentioned in yesterday's article that it began broadcasting in 2014 and will end in the fifth season of 2019. To tell the truth, this American drama is actually not very good, although under the banner of "space opera", in fact, in uncle Mei's view, it is more appropriate to call it "space soap opera".

"Ant-Man 2: Wasp Woman Appears" villain Hannah Jon-Carmen Do you know these things?

Hannah Jon-Carmen stills

In Forbes' list of "Most Promising Entertainment and Sports Celebrities", Hannah Jon-Carmen, along with 29 other people including "Game of Thrones" duo maisie Williams, is among the most promising entertainment and sports celebrities in Europe. This is not only an affirmation of her current acting skills, but also an affirmation of the brilliance she can bloom in the future, and I believe that Hannah Jon-Carmen's future development path will be better and better.


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