
Little Girl Flower Does Not Abandon Lin Dansha's Ending What is Lin Dansha's personal data as Lin Ziqing

author:Minnan Net

[Minnan Net]

Lin Dansha is a supporting role in "Little Girl Flower Does Not Give Up", but because of the people who make up for it, everyone likes it, come to see what is the ending of Little Girl Flower not abandoning Lin Dansha?

What is the ending of little girl flowers that do not abandon Lin Dansha:

According to the original novel of "Little Girl Flowers Don't Give Up", Lin Dansha finally became intimate with Yun Lang, whom she liked for a long time. Because Lin Dansha knew the news that Hua would not give up his fake death, and Yunlang's father had been forcing him to marry, he and Lin Dansha were betrothed. Due to Yun Lang's obsession with flowers, the wedding was postponed to April.

Little Girl Flower Does Not Abandon Lin Dansha's Ending What is Lin Dansha's personal data as Lin Ziqing

Little Girl Flower Does Not Abandon Lin Dansha's Ending What is Lin Dansha's personal data as Lin Ziqing

At the end of the novel, Lin Dansha has not officially married Yun Lang, but only to the engagement stage. But from the direction of the story, it is only a matter of time before the two become relatives. Because from the words left by Yun Lang who received Hua Bu Ren left behind, "Relieve The Worries and Remove Dansha for Jun", he was very worried about the details of Hua Bu Ren killing Lin Dansha, Yun Lang already liked Lin Dansha very much at this time, so he would rush to save Lin Dansha, but he did not realize the importance of Lin Dansha to himself.

Lin Dansha is a big miss of Yaolingzhuang, the family has money and background, and looks beautiful and has a good personality, which is a typical white rich beauty in modern society. In the past, Yun Lang was just too obsessed with flowers, so he didn't see Lin Dansha's goodness. Fortunately, the thoughts never forgot, and finally there was an echo, Lin Dansha finally waited for Yun Lang.

Lin Dansha played by Lin Ziqing Profile:

Name: Lin Ziqing Weibo id: Lin Ziqing lesley

Location:Beijing Gender:Female

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Birthday: February 23, 1993

Height: 165cm Weight: 45kg

Occupation: Actor Contracted company: Shanghai Feibao Culture Media Co., Ltd

Acting Experience:

In November 2017, he cooperated with Huang Zitao, Yi Qianxi, Hu Bingqing and others in the bloody youth inspirational drama "Yanshi Fan's New Youth".

In March 2018, he co-starred with Ariel Lin, Zhang Binbin and others in the costume drama "Little Girl Flowers Don't Give Up", in which he played Lin Dansha, the big miss of Yaolingzhuang who had been hidden for a long time for revenge.

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