
What are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers

author:WeChat store newsletter

  Summer weather is hot, many farmers are the most headache is flies and mosquitoes, do not feel small flies and mosquitoes, they are very harmful. It is understood that although flies can carry germs, their transmission ability is not very strong, and they can easily avoid risks with good hygiene habits. Mosquitoes do not need to explain much, the strongest vector animals do not have one, killing the largest number of human creatures. So what are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers? Let's take a look at the introduction in the following article!

What are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers

  What are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers

  1. Chemical fly extermination method

  Chemicals are the most effective way to control flies. Chemical drugs can kill not only flies, but also fly eggs and larvae. Chemical drugs are divided into larval killers and adult insecticides.

  Larvicides are commonly used at home and abroad to control flies through the feed route, such as expelling net (cipromazine premix), feeding every other week or continuous feeding, and must be mixed step by step method after mixing evenly, the livestock and poultry are also safe, and the mixture is added in proportion, and the effect is very significant.

  Adult insecticides can quickly kill flies and mosquitoes. Often used adult insecticides are permethrin, organochlorine, organophosphorus, carbamates, etc.; the effect of permethrin compounding is more prominent, not only can quickly kill flies, but also long-term killing of flies, like everyone commonly used net fighter, is a high-efficiency cyfluthrin solution, high-efficiency environmental health insecticide.

What are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers

  2. Biological fly extermination method

  There are three types of natural enemies of flies cultivated in feces: One is predatory predators, including frogs, dragonflies, spiders, praying mantises, ants, lizards, geckos, insectivorous flies and birds. Chicken manure is a breeding organism of houseflies and stable flies, but there are often ferocious giant claws and cockroaches that prey on the eggs and maggots in the feces. The second is parasitic natural enemies, such as bees, small bees and other parasitic bees, they often lay eggs in maggots or pupae, hatching larvae and then eat maggots and pupae. Third, the natural enemy of microorganisms, Japanese scholars found that Morita bacillus can inhibit the breeding of flies, Chinese scholars have also found that "fly single-branched fungus" spores such as falling on flies, will make flies infected with single-branched insects.

  In nature, there are fewer natural predators of flies in the feces. Dry pig manure is conducive to the development of natural enemies of flies. Natural enemies of flies can be regularly stocked on the feces of pig houses.

What are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers

  3. Wet soil sealing fermentation method

  That is, the manure is transported to the manure field (house) for accumulation, patted flat, covered with l0cm thick soil mud to smooth, so that it does not enter the air and does not leak, so that it naturally ferments to produce heat, kill germs and parasites, this method is suitable for long-term piling of fecal piles.

  4. Plastic film sealing fermentation method

  Cover the manure pile on the manure yard with plastic film, around the soil, stone compaction, not breathable, leave a end of the lid convenient, the daily cleaning of fresh manure added, and then compacted, if the film is narrow, you can use multiple pieces, press each other, if the feces are too thin can be appropriately mixed with some soil accumulation, after a few days of sunlight fermentation, to often open the film to dry, if there are fly maggots and breeding, cover the film can be quickly killed, after a period of time, the feces will dry into a pile. If the feces are not used or sold for a long time, it is best to seal them with mud. This method can make the manure pile heat up quickly, kill maggots well, and be suitable for a wide range.

What are the common methods of killing mosquitoes and flies in sheep farmers

  5. Digester fermentation method

  In the breeding farm (house) built a biogas digester, the manure sent to the pool to produce biogas, can be used to boil water to cook rice, etc., can also use biogas as energy to make puffed feed, fermented feces odorless, manure in the digester should be removed to the outside of the pool in time, with dry method or fermentation method to accumulate storage.

  Summary: The above is a brief introduction to the commonly used anti-mosquito fly methods for sheep farmers, if you still want to know more about breeding knowledge, welcome to leave a message in the comment area ~! ~