
Invasive species of the African giant snail

author:Ono Miscellaneous


Invasive species of the African giant snail

The African giant snail, the ordinary citizen simply does not know, this snail is not worth protecting.

But a wave of people who protect the environment were taken away.

The African giant snail is an invasive species.

Casually searching on the Internet, the heroic posture of this big snail is very shocking, so big one.

Invasive species of the African giant snail

It is a medium to large terrestrial snail with an adult shell of 7 to 8 cm long, omnivorous mollusk.

The species are:

Mollusk phylum → gastropods→ orthopedopedic subclass→ stalk eyes→ Agate snails→ African large snail genus

This thing is very big and can't stand it.

According to the Guinness Certification, the largest land snail has a total length of 39.3 cm and a weight of 0.9 kg.

It is native to Africa and spreads around the world by ships and planes.

In China, it is distributed in Guangdong Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Invasive species of the African giant snail

Snail intrusion path

Like Brother Sign, it is large and prefers a humid environment, living in a vegetable orchard crop.

It is omnivorous, and its favorite food is these vegetable crops, which are eaten in staggering amounts and cause serious economic losses.

It is transmissible, an intermediate host for parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and spreads tuberculosis and eosinophilic meningitis.

The harm is very great, and it is intolerable.

Invasive species of the African giant snail

A snail invading a vegetable patch

It is quite fertile.

Hermaphrodite, allogeneic mating, 150 to 300 eggs per spawn, 4 times a year.

It has a long lifespan, with adult snails living 5 to 6 years.

It is an invasive pest that needs to be locked up.


In 2003, the African giant snail was included in the list of the first invasive alien species in China.

Invasive species of the African giant snail

Its control is easy to do in cash crops, and pesticides are the easiest way.

But in the wild, in addition to cash crops, wild African large snails, larvae may be partially killed by insect-eating bird frogs, but adult snails, basically no natural enemies.

So can it be eaten?

The answer is yes, but only in paleogene and backward areas where the parasites are not understood.

As an African delicacy, in our case, it is because of parasites away from the table.

It should be noted that it is not a raw material for The French Baked Snail, which uses farmed French large snails and scattered snails, not African large snails.

In fact, it is not impossible to eat invasive species.

However, the environment needed is the poor population in poor areas.

The standard of living is enough, what we prefer is: only need simple cooking of high-end ingredients.

It is not very high-end, but also requires complex cooking.

So here's the problem.

So this young doctor in Hong Kong killed an invasive species.

In line with China's treatment of invasive species, it is not a self-defense counterattack.