
The missing girl in Shiyan Zhushan was found dead, and the police have blocked the access road to Nanshan Park

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Guan qianyu Jimu news reporter learned from the relevant parties in Zhushan County, Shiyan City, that Zhu Moutian, a 21-year-old girl in Zhushan County who had been missing for 5 days in the morning of morning running, had been found on nanshan Park Mountain on the morning of November 5 and had unfortunately passed away.

The missing girl in Shiyan Zhushan was found dead, and the police have blocked the access road to Nanshan Park

The red box is the main entrance

According to public information, Nanshan Park in Zhushan County was completed in January 2020 and is an ecological and natural landscape park that meets the needs of the masses for health, fitness, leisure and entertainment. Every day, there are many people exercising here. In the early morning of November 1, Zhu Moutian, a 21-year-old girl from Zhushan, went up the mountain for a morning run here and suddenly disappeared, and her family and friends looked around and did not find it. After calling the police, the local police also used a variety of police forces to search for them. On the morning of November 5, Zhu Moutian was found. Unfortunately, she has passed away. A living life withered away, and everyone felt very sad.

The missing girl in Shiyan Zhushan was found dead, and the police have blocked the access road to Nanshan Park

Ecological Eye - Zhushan Nanshan Park

The police have not yet released the reason for Zhu Moutian's disappearance, nor has they announced the cause of death. According to well-informed sources, at about 8:00 a.m. on November 5, searchers found Zhu Moutian in the grass next to a platform at the highest point of Nanshan Park, when her body was covered with leaves and weeds, her hair was messy, her clothes were untidy, her body was scarred, and there was no sign of life.

At present, the police have blocked two roads in and out of Nanshan Park, and further investigation is underway. Remind everyone that when exercising in the wild, we must pay attention to safety and prevent accidents.

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