
How did Wei Xiangong send the powerful minister Ning Huizi to the guillotine? Wind and thunder stir the heavens to change--- Wei XianGong Restoration (3)

author:Rui Yue Reading

Wei Xiangong colluded with Ning Huizi to plot wei Xiangong's restoration and eliminate the Sun Wenzi clan.

Sun Lin's father and others were not aware of the conspiracy of Ning Huizi and others, the danger was imminent, Sun Lin's father was still in the fiefdom, his two sons, Sun Jia, were on an envoy to the State of Qi, and only Sun Xiang remained in the capital on behalf of his father.

On the sixth day of February 547 BC, Ning Huizi and Right Zaiyu and others led the family to besiege Sun Xiang, and were repelled by Sun Xiang, but Sun Xiang was seriously injured and soon died. The secretaries and doctors who had already monopolized power over Sun Lin's father, upon learning of Sun Xiang's death, decided to take advantage of the fire and robbery, and together with Ning Huizi, attacked the Sun family again, killing all the people left in the capital of the Sun family.

How did Wei Xiangong send the powerful minister Ning Huizi to the guillotine? Wind and thunder stir the heavens to change--- Wei XianGong Restoration (3)

Sun Lin's father

Since the killing ring had been issued, Ning Huizi did not stop for a second, and on the seventh day of the first month of February, she killed Wei Gong and Crown Prince Ji Jiao. Such traitors and thieves as Ning Huizi have never only cared about selfish interests and have not paid attention to morality, which is shameful.

When Sun Lin's father heard the news that his son Sun Xiang had been killed, he was devastated and wanted to take back the capital, but Sun's power was insufficient, so he defected to the Jin state on the condition that the land be transferred to the Jin state. Qidi was given by Wei Guo to Sun Lin's father, and Sun Lin's father actually regarded it as private, so the Zuo Zhuan was very dismissive of Sun Lin's father's behavior, believing that his crime should be punished.

Ning Huizi's rebellion succeeded, so he welcomed Wei Xiangong back to China. When Wei Xiangong returned to China, he showed his usual attitude of contempt and arrogance. Some officials of the Wei Dynasty went to the border line to greet Wei Xiangong, and Wei Xiangong went forward to take their hands, made a very affectionate appearance, and thanked them; some officials greeted Wei Xiangong on both sides of the avenue outside the capital, and Wei Xiangong stood on the car to salute them; for those officials who greeted them outside the city gate, Wei Xiangong only nodded and gestured. This kind of estranged and dismissive and arrogant attitude was disgusting, and more than ten years of exile had failed to teach Wei Xiangong a single lesson.

How did Wei Xiangong send the powerful minister Ning Huizi to the guillotine? Wind and thunder stir the heavens to change--- Wei XianGong Restoration (3)

Wei Xian Gong

When Wei Xiangong returned to China, his ass was still hot, so he sent someone to reprimand Uncle Yi, saying: "The widows have been in exile for many years, and the doctors in the country often inform the widows of the situation, only you do not pay attention to me, and the widows are very resentful of this." Tai Shuyi replied, "The subordinate knows the sin." The subordinate has no talent, and he cannot follow the monarch to take refuge and protect the monarch's property, which is the headline sin of the subordinate. There are two monarchs in the guardian country, one abroad and one at home, and it is impossible for a subordinate to serve two monarchs at the same time and pass on the news from home to you, which is my second indictment. The subordinates did not do what he thought, only to die to repay the monarch. "After saying that, I fled from the nearest city gate. Wei Xiangong still had some conscience, and quickly asked people to stop Tai Shuyi, and welcomed him back, and appointed him as secretary of state the following year. It is not difficult to see that in the Spring and Autumn Period, the secretaries still had an independent personality, loyal to state affairs, rather than loyal to individuals.

The Wei state sent troops to attack QiDi, and Sun Lin's father complained to the Jin state, and the Jin state sent troops to defend the east of qidi. After some fighting, the Defenders were defeated and captured.

In June 546 BC, the Jin allies met at Liaoyuan and sent troops to attack Weiguo, seizing part of wei's land and giving it to Sun Lin's father as a reward for Sun Lin's loyalty to the Jin state.

Wei Xiangong also went to the League with a group of ministers, and as a result, the Jin state arrested Ning Huizi and other Wei officials and escorted them back to the Jin state. Wei Xiangong went to the Jin Dynasty to meet the Duke of Jinping, and was also detained by the Jin State.

How did Wei Xiangong send the powerful minister Ning Huizi to the guillotine? Wind and thunder stir the heavens to change--- Wei XianGong Restoration (3)

Jin PingGong

The rabbit died and the fox was sad, Qi Jinggong and Zheng Jiangong saw that Wei Xiangong was detained by the Jin State, and feared that they would suffer the same fate in the future, so they went to the Jin State to intercede for Wei Xiangong. Guo Jingzi of the State of Qi sent Yan Bao to say to Shu Xiang of the State of Jin: "The monarch of the State of Jin preaches his virtues everywhere, expresses sympathy for the troubles of the princes, makes up for their shortcomings, corrects their mistakes, and helps them to govern the turmoil of the country, so he becomes the lord of the alliance." But now he was arresting their monarch for the sake of his courtiers, was this what the allies should do? Shu Xiang informed Zhao Wenzi of this, and Zhao Wenzi went to persuade Jin Pinggong. Jin Ping pretended to list the crimes committed by Wei Xiangong and promised to release Wei Xiangong and Ning Huizi and others.

Having said that, the State of Jin still held on to Wei Xiangong, and Wei Guo had no choice but to take various pro-family measures to marry a daughter of Wei Guo to duke Of Jinping, and Duke Jinping only then released Duke Wei Xiangong back to Wei Guo. When the princes saw that the allies were so immoral, they expressed disbelief from the bottom of their hearts.

After some fright, Wei Xiangong finally sat firmly in the position of monarch, but he was not happy in his heart, because the power of state affairs was in the hands of Ning Huizi. The minister of wei, Bisun Zhiyu, was also dissatisfied with Ning Huizi's arbitrary behavior, so he demanded that Ning Huizi be eliminated, and Wei Xiangong read Ning Huizi's merits and was still a little unbearable. Gongsun Yu bypassed Duke Wei Xian and, together with Gongsun Wudi and Gongsun Chen, led an army to attack the Ning clan, and it took two successful actions to kill Ning Huizi and Right Zaiyu. Ning Huizi repeatedly became a villain, and finally ended up in a different place.

How did Wei Xiangong send the powerful minister Ning Huizi to the guillotine? Wind and thunder stir the heavens to change--- Wei XianGong Restoration (3)

Spring and Autumn War

Wei Xiangong's younger brother Xian, seeing that Wei Xiangong was so ruthless and unjust, angrily scolded his mother: "Those who expelled the monarch from the country, fled to the Jin kingdom, and welcomed the monarch back to China, but died without a place to bury, so rewards and punishments do not pay attention to rules, how can the people obey?" The monarch is so untrustworthy, the national criminal law is chaotic, and the country is afraid that it will give birth to new disasters. I have faults about these things, I don't have the face to stay in weiguo" So Zi Xian fled to the Jin kingdom. Wei Xiangong was dissuaded several times, but Zi Xian did not leave Wei Guo after all. However, Zi Xian did not want to be an official for the rest of his life, and protested to the Wei monarch in a silent way.

However, after the restoration, Wei Xiangong did not live a good life for a few days, and two years later, Wei Xiangong closed his eyes and went to see the King of Yan. The story of Wei Xiangong's restoration also came to an end.

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