
That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

author:Alao Xing

Snap! A series of rapid slamming on the door,

"Is Jianjun at home?" Build an army, build an army! ”

"Yes!" My father agreed in the courtyard and went to open the door, and at the door stood the fifth uncle of the same village,

"What's wrong? Five brothers"

"You come with me, the eldest son of the National Day family, as if he fell into the river"

"Are you talking about the Dalei of the National Day family?" What a situation! ”

"Oh, a few children went into the water to take a bath, and when it was time for dinner, the children went back, so he didn't go back, and when he went to the West River, he saw that his clothes were on the shore, and the people were gone."

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

Guoqing is now working in other places, his daughter-in-law has cried and passed out on the west river, there are few male laborers in the village, you quickly change your clothes and go with me to catch people."

"What else to change clothes, it's too late, let's go now!"

"Small, you eat dinner with the children, Da Lei is drowning, I have to hurry up and catch people," my father shouted into the yard and followed Uncle Five.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

My mother was bathing my brother in the yard, when she heard my father's shouts, my mother chased out and replied to my father: "Jianjun, you pay attention to the water, the water in the West River is very large."

Dad didn't respond because he had already trotted away with Uncle Five, and my mom went back into the yard and sighed and said to herself, "Hey! Every summer there have to be a few small children drowning."

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

Just when I happened to come back from outside, I saw my mother bathing my brother, and I said to my mother with a sweaty head, "Mom! Is the meal ready? I finished eating with DongSheng brother and a few of them went to take a shower, it was too hot this day."

"What do you say?"

"Go take a bath, Brother Dongsheng took me, I followed him, he was tall and couldn't drown"

Although every bath is sneaky to go, back to be known by my mother is also a scolding, but every time I hid with a hippie smile, and then I went to the river to take a bath at night, I would tell my mother in advance, my mother did not agree, I soft grinding hard bubbles of various guarantees, and finally when my mother's attitude eased a little, I ran away with a cigarette.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

But every time I just went into the water to play for a while, my mother would come to the river to find me, and under the "gentle" advice of my mother on the shore, I would still soak for another twenty minutes under my mother's watchful eye.

But today my mother's tone seems to be a little wrong, at this time my brother is squatting naked in the big basin to take a bath, I went over and argued: "It's so hot, I'm so big, can't let me take a bath in the big basin, how convenient it is for me to go to the river to bathe" I said I held a handful of water with my hand, and spilled it on my brother, who jumped up happily in the big basin.

"Go for it! You go to the river to wash it, Da Lei went to take a bath and drowned, and now he hasn't fished it up yet, "My mother stared at me and said,

"What? Uncle Guoqing's big Lei? ”

"How many big lei are there in our village?"

"In which river is it flooded?"

"Which river are you talking about?" Don't you wash it every day? ”

"West River?"

Without waiting for my mother to come back to me, I ran away with a cigarette, saying as I ran, "I'll go and see!" ”

I ran all the way to the West River, and I saw that the West River was crowded, and there were many people rushing there along the way, and many people went to see the liveliness.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

The West River is an artificial river, listen to my grandfather, when this river was built, people in eight villages in ten miles participated in the repair of the river, and my grandfather also bought boiled water at a stall by the river.

The West River has water all year round, because the river bank is stable, there is sand and gravel in the river, summer is a good place to take a bath, at night when it is just dark, the men in the village go to bathe in groups, and when it is dark, the women go to wash again.

Our little boy is that adults don't pay attention to wash a few times during the day, follow dad to wash once at night, and then follow mom to wash again.

In the summer, the feeling of bathing in the West River, in one sentence: it will be addictive!

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

When I got to the river, I saw Da Lei's black half-cut pants, white top and a new pair of sandals, and at noon today a few of us had secretly gone to take a shower together, and when we went home for dinner, he also showed me the new sandals that his father sent him, which were new products in Shenzhen, and we didn't sell them here.

Originally, I made an appointment to take a bath together, but in the afternoon I went to Dongdi with a few friends to steal watermelons, who knows who he went to take a bath with in the afternoon, and he has not come up yet.

There were already several uncles and uncles in the river wading around in it, sometimes diving down for a while, when I saw my father, I squeezed excitedly toward the bank of the river, shouting at my father, my father saw me and asked me to stand back, don't fall into the river.

I proudly said to my friend next to me, "See? That guy is my dad."

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

When I heard Da Lei's mother wake up crying and tearing her lungs, I realized that this matter was a bit serious, and many aunts were pulling Da Lei's mother, and she kept crying and rushing into the river.

Suddenly my dad's voice came from the river: "Found it!" "Then my dad dived down, and soon my dad was sticking his head out against a bare-ass kid, and that was Da Lei, who was lying softly on my dad's shoulder. Head and hands were down on my dad's back, and his legs were hanging down on my dad's chest.

Hearing that the child was found, Dalei's mother cried even harder, and many aunts had kindly advised Dalei's mother: "Children may also be playful, and they don't want to wear clothes when it's hot, so they pull their clothes by the river."

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

When I saw my dad carrying Da Lei up, many aunts also began to cry, when my dad came up, I ran to see, my dad stopped me! He told me to stay away, but I was already in front of my dad, and I had already seen Da Lei's pale face and dark blue lips, and there was blood oozing from my nostrils, and my dad quickly turned around to prevent me from seeing.

"Hasn't 120 come yet?"

"Where are the cows?"

Da Lei's grandfather staggered to my father in tears, took Da Lei with tears in his eyes, and cried: "Lei, Lei Lei, my good, you wake up"

Saying that, he put Da Lei on the back of the cow to control the water, and the morning glory man began to drive the cow away, and Da Lei's grandfather helped Da Lei cry while shouting his name.

Da Lei's mother saw Da Lei fishing up, crying to come up to see the child, someone in the crowd said: "Stop her, don't let him see first, delay the time, save the child first"

When my mother came, I was watching the liveliness with a group of children with the cows, my father was sitting on the shore to rest, my mother pulled me away when she came, I struggled not to go back, my mother gave me a slap, I obediently left.

My dad didn't go, and when I left my dad was doing chest compressions on Da Lei.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

It was nine o'clock when I got home, and my mom started sleeping with my brother and me, my house was a big bed, my mom and my brother slept at one end, I slept on my own, and my dad slept in another small bed in the bedroom.

As soon as the lights were turned off, I began to think of the picture of Da lei just now, pale face, dark blue lips, and a nose with blood, I repeatedly rolled on the bed, my mother asked me what was wrong, I said I was thirsty, my mother got up and poured me a glass of water.

After turning off the lights I was scared again, I said I was hot, and my mom turned on the electric fan impatiently.

In the summer, there are mosquito nets, and the electric fan blows the mosquito net back and forth, and I scream in fright.

My mom asked impatiently what I wanted to do, twittering in bed, I said I was afraid, my mom asked me what I was afraid of, I said I was afraid of Da Lei, my mom said I was right next to you, what are you afraid of! Just let you come back you still don't come back, quickly close your eyes, don't think about it.

Saying that my mother slept, I forced myself in bed, but the terrible pictures still struck one by one, and I did not dare to disturb my mother, I was afraid of being beaten.

There was finally a knock at the door outside, and when my dad came back, I heard my dad say something like, "The doctor is coming, and he can't be saved," and I fell asleep.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

The next day I excitedly followed the funeral procession for a long distance, and the children in our village who had not grown up could not enter the ancestral grave when they died.

Da Lei's father had rushed back from Shenzhen overnight, crying all the way unable to stand up, the old man heard a big man tearing his heart and lungs crying, Da Lei's mother's voice was already crying dumb, but still shed tears and whimpered.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

Da Lei's father was holding Da Lei's portrait and was carried by several people and walked in front of the line, da Lei's mother sat on a board car and pulled, she was already crying and could not stand up.

The friends in the village all came to see Da Lei's funeral, but they did not see Dong Shengge, who often took us to bathe.

There are no children in the West River to bathe during the day, but at night there are a few adults who still go to bathe.

That summer, many children drowned in our village, including my hair xiao dalei

When I went to look for Brother Dongsheng, his father said that he had followed his cousin to learn to repair cars.

Half a month later, I was standing with a few people my age on the west river where Dalei had drowned.

"It was really hot"

"It's too hot to bear!"

"Can't get down?"

"You go first"

"You take the lead first!"



Flutter, flutter!

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