
Gao Yunxiang sexual assault details exposed! Zhang Xin cried that his clothes had been forcibly taken off and that his injured knees had bruises

author:Entertainment broadcast station
Gao Yunxiang sexual assault details exposed! Zhang Xin cried that his clothes had been forcibly taken off and that his injured knees had bruises

Gao Yunxiang Wang Jing's sexual assault case is still being retried, after two and a half years, this sexual assault case has not yet made a final judgment, the female parties Zhang Xin and Wang Jing Gao Yunxiang both have their own opinions, I don't know if after changing the jury, will come out the final result.

On the fifth day of the retrial, Wang Jing came to the door of the Downing Central Court first, and soon Gao Yunxiang appeared alone in the courtroom, walking hurriedly.

However, the overall state of the two is very good, and the whole person seems to be confident and seems to have no worries about the final outcome of the case.

Gao Yunxiang sexual assault details exposed! Zhang Xin cried that his clothes had been forcibly taken off and that his injured knees had bruises

Today's trial is about playing Wang Jing's defense lawyer Corning's questioning of the female client.

Corning is well known in the Australian legal profession and is best at fighting this kind of lawsuit.

She did not play her cards according to common sense, and the time and space span was very large when asking questions, but each question poked Directly at Zhang Xin's sore spot, and from the following points of view, it can be seen that Zhang Xin has no power to fight back.

Was Zhang Xin's stay in the hotel room voluntary or forced?

When asked this question, Zhang Xin retorted that he had no chance to leave, and Wang Jing took off all her clothes and had no way to leave, and asked the lawyer if he would let me run out naked.

Whether Zhang Xin is voluntary or forced to stay in the hotel is indeed very critical, but there is no camera in the room, and it can only be broken from some small details.

After Wang Jing and Zhang Xin entered the hotel, Gao Yunxiang entered the room after a period of time, during this time, why did Zhang Xin not choose to leave? Instead, he continued to stay in the room and waited until Gao Yunxiang came in.

The woman had plenty of time to change sanitary napkins afterwards

Corning continued to ask the female client, there are sanitary napkins in the hotel room, when you were about to leave the room, there was plenty of time to change sanitary napkins?

To this end, the female party's answer was that I was a very clean person, the sanitary napkin on the panties was dirty, and it needed to be replaced, when Wang Jing was already lying on the bed, there was no threat to herself.

Gao Yunxiang sexual assault details exposed! Zhang Xin cried that his clothes had been forcibly taken off and that his injured knees had bruises

But sanitary napkins are also a huge mystery, and it is not possible to judge whether they were changed before the relationship or after the relationship?

If it is before the incident, it means that Zhang Xin was not forced, and she was in a state of natural relaxation in the room, then the crime of coercion is not established.

And Zhang Xin said that it is a bit far-fetched to love clean.

Zhang Xin Wang Jing's testimony was completely opposite

The testimony Corning received during the interrogation was the exact opposite of Wang Jing's.

Wang Jing revealed the specific dialogue between Zhang Xin and himself, Zhang Xin once said" "It's so late, why don't you tell me" "It's all your harm" Didn't you say that your husband is not at home? These words.

Mr. Zhang denied the conversations, saying Mr. Wang was lying on the bed with his stomach facing up and saying he was fabricating testimony.

When Kang Ning pointed out that Zhang Xin had not been raped at all, Zhang Xin retorted that they lifted my leg up and forced me to have sex, and my legs were all bruised.

Forced to question, she collapsed on the spot, and her expression was painful and she could not cry.

Gao Yunxiang sexual assault details exposed! Zhang Xin cried that his clothes had been forcibly taken off and that his injured knees had bruises

During the jury members listened drowsily, not knowing whether it would affect the judgment.

Wang Jinggao Yunxiang's fate is in the hands of the jury, waiting for the final result.

Gao Yunxiang sexual assault details exposed! Zhang Xin cried that his clothes had been forcibly taken off and that his injured knees had bruises

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