
The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

author:Tianshan cloud media

This autumn semester is the first semester for primary and secondary schools to fully implement the "double reduction" policy, and the primary and secondary schools in the high-tech zone (new urban area) refine the implementation plan, optimize after-school service projects, control the total amount of homework, and effectively reduce the burden on students.

The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

Students attend classes

In the "First Lesson of the First Class" of the fifth class of the ninth grade of the Municipal No. 54 Middle School, the class teacher is introducing the club projects such as skateboarding and broadcast hosting in the new semester for the students to choose their own after-school service projects.

Huang Lina, a student in the class, said that in the custodial service last semester, she participated in the chorus, roller skating and tao flute club, which made her gain a lot, and after the "double subtraction" policy was launched this semester, there were more club activities, which made her and her classmates look forward to it more.

The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

54 Middle School Eighth Grade After School Service Roller Skating Class

The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

54 Middle School Eighth Grade After-School Service Pottery Flute Class

The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

54 Middle School Eighth Grade After-School Service Cross Country Snow Class

The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

54 Middle School Art Club Class

It is understood that in May this year, the Municipal No. 54 Middle School opened after-school care services, and opened more than ten club activities such as roller skating and pottery flute for students. This semester, in accordance with the "double reduction" policy, the school will carry out the "5+2" after-school service model from Monday to Friday, ensuring that the after-school service is not less than 1 hour per day, and the custodial service starts from the afternoon school to the end of 20:00, connecting with the parents' off-duty time, and constantly enriching and updating the form and content of the club, and comprehensively doing a good job in after-school services.

Zheng Kaiyuan, principal of the No. 54 Middle School of the city, said: "The club includes sports, art, culture, and science and technology, and uses 70 minutes of custodial service time every day to carry out various club activities in class units. In terms of teachers, some teachers are provided by teachers within the school, qualified teachers in the society are responsible for some, and then some other experts on this professional aspect are hired to enrich the teaching team. ”

Zheng Kaiyuan introduced that in the new semester, the school will also focus on improving the homework management system, improving the quality of homework design, classifying and controlling the total amount of homework, strengthening the guidance for homework completion, and effectively reducing the burden on students.

"According to the requirements of junior high school homework is not more than 90 minutes, the class teacher monitors the homework every day, and tries to complete the homework as much as possible in the one-hour time of the custody service. We found that homework burden reduction is closely related to the teacher's classroom efficiency, collective lesson preparation, and the teacher's literacy. To this end, we held a meeting of the corresponding teaching and research group preparation group, and clearly required teachers to work hard in efficient classrooms at their own teaching professional level to ensure that the homework burden is reduced. Zheng Kaiyuan said.

The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful
The Municipal No. 54 Middle School has solidly promoted the landing of "double reduction" The campus hosting is rich and colorful

54 middle school nucleic acid testing site

Before and after the start of the school year, the discipline inspection team dispatched by the Discipline Inspection Commission of the High-tech Zone (New Urban Area) focused on the re-supervision of supervision, woven a safety net for campus epidemic prevention and control, and urged schools to implement the "double reduction" policy while ensuring the normal opening of schools in the autumn in the whole district, effectively reducing the burden of primary and secondary school students inside and outside the school, and better ensuring the comprehensive and healthy growth of students.

Su Lei, head of the third discipline inspection team assigned to the Discipline Inspection Commission of the High-tech Zone (New Urban Area), said that the discipline inspection team strengthened the follow-up supervision of the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures in the district-affiliated schools, and went deep into the Municipal No. 54 Middle School and the Municipal No. 36 Primary School to supervise and guide the epidemic prevention work.

Su Lei said that the discipline inspection team will further urge teachers to lead by example, continuously improve the level of professional ethics and the quality of education and teaching, based on discipline teaching and research, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, optimize homework design, truly implement and reduce the burden of students' homework, and effectively lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive development of physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students.