
It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

author:Frogs in half an acre pond
It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

Yi Yin is the originator of the Chinese chef world, the "Yuan Sheng" of the Chinese medicine world, he is also a sage of the Shang Dynasty, and a famous figure in Chinese history.

Last time, the King of Shang Tang listened to Yi Yin introduce cooking skills and talked about the wisdom of governing the world, knowing that he met the talents. In order to obtain Yi Yin, he offered to marry the daughter of the King of Xinguo, but on the condition that Yi Yin had to come to the Shang Dynasty as a servant accompanying the marriage. The king of The Kingdom of Xin weighed and agreed, and Yi Yin came to the Shang Tang Kingdom.

Slave society was a hierarchical society, and it was not easy to promote a dowry slave to a figure similar to the chief of the general staff of the military division.

What to do? Shang Tang is also painstaking.

King Shang Tang asked for help to pray to the gods.

First of all, he held a ceremony for Yi Yin in the temple to eliminate disasters and evil spirits. This ritual, on the one hand, burns the ancient so-called ominous fire on the "orange mallet". ("Orange mallet" is a primitive tool for lifting well water, with a horizontal wooden pole supported on a wooden pillar, a bucket hanging at one end, a heavy object at one end, and moving up and down at both ends to draw well water.) On the one hand, he smeared boar's blood on Yi Yin's body.

The next day, Shang Tang held a solemn ceremony to meet Yi Yin, and Yi Yin was named "Ah Heng", and Yi Yin officially assumed his duties. The position of "Ah Heng" was similar to that of the later prime minister.

From then on, the two monarchs and courtiers took it as their duty to "cut down the xia and save the people" and wanted to eradicate the brutal rule of the unscrupulous emperor Xia Jie.

It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

Yi Yin suggested to King Tang that in order to seize the world, it was necessary to promote the royal way, and he put forward the strategic idea of "compulsory benevolence", focusing on first buying people's hearts.

So there is an interesting story that opens up.

King Tang went out hunting, and his men first spread nets on all sides, preparing to round up their prey.

King Tang said, "This is not good! ”

He let his men drop three nets, leaving only one net, and changed the original prayer "May all the beasts of the world enter my net" to "Beasts of the world, to the left and to the right, there is a way to live, and those who are destined to die, go into the net." ”

When the people of the world heard about this, they were greatly moved, and they all said, "King Tang is still like this to animals and beasts, so it can be seen how benevolent he is!" ”

In the specific era of Xia Jie's abuse of government and fornication, King Tang soon established a good image of benevolence.

Strategically, Sensetime is still at a disadvantage.

Shang was a vassal state of Xia, which originally occupied only a place of 70 miles in radius, and was at a disadvantage in both politics and military.

How to turn disadvantages into advantages and turn weaknesses into strengths? This is the big problem facing SenseTime.

It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

Yi Yin put forward to Tang Wang the tactical idea of "ruling a big country if cooking small fresh": We must be patient when frying fish, and we must master the heat. We must not be too hasty in seizing the world, but we must wait patiently and grasp the opportunity.

In order to understand the situation and better grasp the opportunity, Yi Yin decided to go to Xia to learn more about the political, economic and military details.

In order to dispel Xia Jie's suspicions, Shang Tang and Yi Yin performed a bitter meat trick.

One day, Shang Tang deliberately looked for stubble and personally shot Yi Yin with a bow and arrow.

Yi Yin pretended to flee, and first came to the Iloilo Valley of Xia, and found a way to meet and befriend the Yuan Concubine Yuxi, who was abandoned here by King Xia.

Through Yu Xi, Yi Yin learned a lot of important information within the Xia Dynasty and began to carry out counter-offensive activities within xia's ruling clique to promote internal division.

Yi Yin spent 3 years to grasp many political, military, economic, and geographical situations of the Xia Dynasty, and learned that Xia Jie was absurd and unscrupulous, did not sympathize with the people, was jealous of each other at home, and the people were resentful, and people looked forward to the early demise of the Xia Dynasty, and the rule of Xia Jie had been resented by the people, and the crisis was deep, and there was a crisis of extinction lurking.

After Yi Yin returned to Shanghao, he reported to Shang Tang the crisis of the rebellious rule of the Xia Dynasty, and the monarchs and subjects swore an oath and formulated a strategic goal to destroy Xia.

However, Yi Yin and Shang Tang did not adopt a military strategy of directly raising troops to destroy Xia, but instead used Shang as Xia Fangbo, who had the special power to conquer the princes, and adopted a strategy of combining military strikes and political struggles, befriending and annexing the vassal states of the Xia Dynasty, cutting off their wings, and expanding their own strength.

The state of Ge, near the Shang capital, was a vassal state of the Xia Dynasty, with weak power and unstable rule, which became a breakthrough in the Shang annexation war.

However, shang did not directly take military action to requisition Ge. They first seized on the fault of Ge Bu's ancestors and launched a political offensive to give legitimacy to the Shang conquest.

Then, in the name of helping the sacrifice, Shang sent people to Ge to help cultivate and provide wine and food to the old and weak to win the hearts and minds of the people.

But the stupid Gerber not only did not change the indecent behavior of not sacrificing his ancestors, but instead plundered the wine and food sent by Shang Tang and killed the children who did not hand over the wine, which made him lose the hearts of the people.

Shang Tang and Yi Yin quickly seized this opportunity, Xingshi questioned the guilt, and destroyed Ge Guo.

Then Shang Tang successively destroyed the three kingdoms of Wei, Gu, and Kunwu and occupied the Yanyu Plain.

It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

After shang cut off the four kingdoms, the situation of strong and weak military forces in Xia was changed, and the time was ripe for a general decisive battle with Xia.

As a result, King Tang wanted to cut it down, but Yi Yin stopped Tang.

Because, in Yi Yin's view, the fighter has not yet reached its best time. He offered a plan to "obstruct the tribute", first conducting fire reconnaissance and observing Xia Jie's reaction to catch the fighter.

Therefore, Shang Tang deliberately did not pay tribute.

Xia Jie was furious and mobilized the Nine Yi Division to prepare to attack Shang Tang.

Yi Yin saw that Xia Jie still had appeal, and felt that the time was still not ripe to attack Xia now, so he asked King Tang to apologize to Xia Jie and resume the tribute. Xia Jie felt that he had subdued King Tang and was proud of himself, so he called off the army.

The following year, Shang Tang did not make an offering, and Ji was once again angry and wanted to transfer the Jiuyi Division to cut the soup, but this time the Jiuyi Division did not obey the order, and Xia Jie was completely isolated and helpless politically and militarily.

Yi Yin saw that the time was ripe to extinguish Xia, so he assisted Shang Tang in ordering the immediate cutting of Xia.

Before the attack, the whole army prayed for an oath of alliance.

Because, after all, this is the first action in Chinese history for subordinates to overthrow the king, and it must be based on the law.

After sacrificing the Shangcang and Zongmiao Temple, Yi Yin issued a general mobilization order for war, playing the banner of the Mandate of Heaven and boosting the morale of the whole army.

As a result, the Shang army was in a hurry, and the Xia army rushed to battle and defeated Mingtiao (now Shangqiudong, Henan). This is the famous Mingtiao Battle in Chinese military history, Shang Tang won a great victory, and Xia Jie was defeated and fled south.

After destroying the three vassal states of the Xia Dynasty, Tang marched westward and soon captured the Xia Dynasty's confidant area, the Iloilo Valley, and then set the capital in Xibo, and the Xia Dynasty fell.

It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

Yi Yin was not only rich in offensive strategies, but also an outstanding courtier in governing the country.

During the founding of the Shang Dynasty, he assisted Tang he's sons Wai Bing and Zhongren, Tang's grandson Taijia, and Tang's great-grandson Wo Ding to govern the country, creating the foundation of the Shang Dynasty for more than 500 years.

After Shang Tang's grandson Tai Jia succeeded to the throne, he had a faint personality and tyranny and chaos, and Yi Yin repeatedly went to court, advising Tai Jia to distinguish between right and wrong, and learn the virtues of King Tang's heavy virtue and diligence and frugality.

Seeing that the people were about to suffer from tyranny like Xia Jie again, Yi Yin had no choice but to personally regent himself, and exiled Taijia to Shang Tang's mausoleum Tong Palace, asking him to reflect and reform.

Three years later, Taijia truly repented, and Yi Yin personally went to the Tong Palace to greet him and handed over the royal power to him, and he continued to be Taijia's assistant.

Under Yi Yin's patient education, after Taijia was restored to the throne, he "diligently cultivated morality" and inherited the government of Chengtang, and sure enough, there was a good performance, and the politics of the Shang Dynasty appeared again.

It is really the first photo in China! Yi Yin offered such a serial plan to the King of Shang Tang, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed

At that time, people praised Yi Yin, who had gone through four dynasties, as the elder of the country.

There is an old family, such as a treasure. The state has an old man, and its value is priceless. Now Chinese medicine puts the licorice with gentle properties and functions to "reconcile the various medicines", also known as Guolao.

During Thewouddin's reign, Yi Yin died at the age of 100. Wodin buried Yi Yin with the gift of the Son of Heaven and reused Yi Yin's son Yi Zhi (zhi). Yi Zhi inherited his father's title and later became a courtier of the Shang Dynasty.

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