
"Robinson Crusoe" interpretation three: pay more attention to the bright side of life, less look at the dark side

author:Lifelike Wenyuan
"Robinson Crusoe" interpretation three: pay more attention to the bright side of life, less look at the dark side

Learn to look more at the bright side of your life and the dark side of your life; think more about the enjoyment you get and think less about what you lack. This is robinson's life principle obtained by constantly thinking in the life of an isolated island.

Today, I will interpret the third part of "Robinson Crusoe", which is full of infinite challenges when there is a life-threatening island life.

First, by relying on his hands and wit, he enriched his life

Robinson had been living on the island for four years, and by his own hard work he had begun to live a quiet and prosperous life, which made him very grateful to God for his providence and enabled him to live in peace and sorrow. He often communicated with his thoughts, communicated with God through prayer, reflected and repented of his past actions and mistakes, and kept himself content and happy.

Robinson finds it ridiculous that those who are not satisfied are ridiculous, and he thinks that we are always feeling that we are missing something and cannot be satisfied because we lack gratitude for what we have received. These truths, which have been obtained through contemplation, not only make Robinson's thought clearer, but also enrich the spiritual world of the self. It can be seen that self-motivation is very effective.

Without tools, find ways to make; with tools, you begin to improve your environment and life, which is Robinson's creativity and learning spirit. He is a hard-working, serious and intelligent person, who will not get by because of temporary food and clothing, but constantly discover, constantly create, and plan ahead; not blindly fantasizing, but doing it when he thinks.

With rice and barley, he tried every means to make the tools needed to make bread and pastries, and then made delicious bread and pastries, which greatly improved his life; without clothes, he sewed clothes, umbrellas, hats, etc. from the furs of animals that were usually dried; domesticated a group of goats so that he could not only eat lamb at any time, but also drink delicious goat milk every day; dried a large number of raisins, and enjoyed delicious snacks every day after labor. Thinking about his isolated island life is really beautiful enough, reading this, I have to sincerely praise Robinson's wit and cleverness, and I simply admire him.

"Robinson Crusoe" interpretation three: pay more attention to the bright side of life, less look at the dark side

Second, the terrible man-eating savages appeared

Robinson owned two small estates: one was his castle connected to a small cave, where he often lived and moved, and the other was his country house, on the other side of the mountain, where he could sometimes rest when he went out hunting. In order to make life comfortable, he will work tirelessly to complete whatever he can do, and according to such living conditions, he will have no problem in the island for the rest of his life.

A rich life once gave Robinson the idea of small wealth and peace, but he still did not forget to make another canoe to realize his desire to travel around the island. On November 6, the sixth year of his life on the island, Robinson embarked on a journey around the island in his elaborate boat. Halfway along the way, unexpectedly encountered a strong torrent, the boat almost lost control, fortunately, there was no danger, safely ashore. This time the danger made him more focused on real life, and he did not dare to breed any risky thoughts for the time being.

On an outing, Robinson accidentally found footprints left by other people on the beach, which really frightened him. He fell into a deep fear, more flustered by his wild thoughts, lost his soul, and stayed up all night. He began to exhaust human wisdom and try his best to find ways to protect himself. First, a wall was built outside his dwelling, and willows and trees were planted to turn it into a dense jungle. Then the sheep are kept in a hidden place, so that people will not be able to detect the traces of inhabitation. After several years of hard work, everything was arranged properly, so that I could continue to live with peace of mind.

In his seventeenth year of living on the island, Crusoe one day found traces of wildlings on the island. He found the shadow of a distant ship in the distance, so he came to the southwest corner of the island, which was a coast he had never been to before, and the phenomenon in front of him made him panic, because the ground was full of human skulls, hand bones, foot bones, and so on. Obviously, this was once a place where wild people ate human flesh by fire.

Robinson abhors these barbaric acts of dehumanization. He wanted to kill them all, but he was afraid that they would be so numerous that he would lose his life if he was not defeated. At that time, he could only temporarily dare not take care of the affairs of the wild people, but his mood was seriously affected, and he was sad, depressed, and reclusive, and did not dare to go beyond his own scope of activities, which seriously affected the quality of life.

"Robinson Crusoe" interpretation three: pay more attention to the bright side of life, less look at the dark side

The arrival of the Savage disturbed Robinson's normal life

This frightening life lasted for several years, and in the twenty-third year Robinson once again saw a group of savages, coming in canoes, making fires and revelry on the shore, all naked. After the wildlings left, they left a pile of blood and human bones. This left Robinson distraught, fidgety, and often having nightmares. It seems that the arrival of the wildlings has broken Robinson's original peaceful life, and they seem to have landed on the island more and more frequently.

One day, a storm broke out on the island, and Robinson heard several shots. The next day, he found a ship that had crashed into a reef, which gave Robinson a glimmer of hope that he was too lonely to have a companion. So Robinson risked his life, took a canoe, and went through all the hardships to board the wrecked ship. The disappointment is that no one on the big ship has survived, only one puppy is still alive, which makes Robinson very sad and depressed. He could only load the useful items of the ship into the canoe and move back to his residence.

The content of this part of the content span is very large, but the author's description is detailed and appropriate, vivid and lively, eloquent, the language is simple and clear, the plot is tortuous, and the story structure is clear and rich and interesting.

Do the wildlings who eat human flesh still visit the island often? Will Robinson's life be in danger of being driven by the arrival of the Savages? Let's look forward to tomorrow's interpretation.

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