
Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

author:Sheng Hong
Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

In the literary world, many writers have lost their hands with the Nobel Prize, such as: Lao She, Ba Jin, Shen Congwen... They missed this supreme glory for various reasons.

In the field of physics, Yang Zhenning's Nobel Prize is a tribute to China, and he proved to the world that Chinese can also win such an honor as the Nobel Prize!

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Yang Zhenning's ability to embark on the road of physics is closely related to the war of that year, and it can be said that if there was no turmoil in that year, Yang Zhenning may not be a well-known physicist today.

In 1938, Yang Zhenning took the unified admissions examination in his sophomore year of high school and was admitted to the Southwest United University with excellent results, and he first followed his father's wishes to apply for the Chemistry Department. Later, Yang Zhenning, who had seen the cruelty of war, switched to the physics department, and at that time he hoped that he could curb the occurrence of war with his own hands.

In order to fulfill his dream of "world peace", Yang Zhenning embarked on a journey of continuous research. In 1945, in order to improve his academic ability, Yang Zhenning decided to participate in The "Overseas Talent Training" program in China at that time, and he became a member of the overseas study faction with his outstanding academic achievements.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Yang Zhenning came to the United States and entered the University of Chicago and began his overseas study trip. Yang Zhenning quickly adapted to the rhythm of life in the United States and constantly bloomed his personal charm in the ocean of knowledge.

A few years later, some of the theories proposed by Yang Zhenning in combination with practice were recognized by many American physicists, and Yang Zhenning also began to emerge in the physics community.

Unlike other scientists, Yang Zhenning also has a father who is very good at mathematics, and his father Yang Wuzhi is a famous mathematician and mathematics educator in China, who worked in the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University in his early years.

Influenced by his father, Yang Zhenning laid a good foundation in mathematics from an early age, which also played a role in his future physics research.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Yang Zhenning's "idol" is Einstein, who also has the same aesthetic orientation as Einstein - the symmetry of objects. Yang Zhenning and Einstein both believe that the aesthetics of an object lies in its own symmetry! Yang Zhenning's pursuit of "physical aesthetics" led him to study the Yang-Mills theory earlier through symmetry.

In 1956, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao collaborated deeply, and they studied the mystery of θ-τ that puzzled a number of physicists at that time. After the two of them continued to experiment, a year later they came up with the law of "cosmology is not conserved", and in the same year, Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Yang Zhenning, who was awarded the award, has received more and more attention from the US government, and the US government has continuously thrown an olive branch to Yang Zhenning. In 1964, a thoughtful Yang Zhenning decided to become an American citizen.

For Yang Zhenning's decision, his father Yang Wuzhi expressed strong opposition, and even went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade Yang Zhenning to return to China to work.

At that time, Yang Zhenning had no way to agree to his father's request, as a budding physicist in the field of physics, he urgently needed the support of the United States to continue to complete his subsequent scientific research projects, not to mention that Yang Zhenning was involuntarily at that time, and he was disguised by the US government to restrict his life freedom.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Yang Zhenning did not inform his father of his hardships, which made the gap between father and son more and more serious. At that time, Yang Wuzhi thought that he had given birth to a white-eyed wolf, and when he had a chance, he would leave the country behind! When Yang Wuzhi persuaded Yang Zhenning for the last time, he said, "If you don't go home with me today, I will treat you as a son." "

In the face of his father's "threat", Yang Zhenning is very bitter in his heart, and he also wants to return to China desperately to repay the motherland, but in addition to his identity of "Chinese", he also has another identity - a physicist, he must be responsible for his scientific research team and for his dreams.

Finally, Yang Zhenning shook his head at his father, and he chose to stay in the United States and continue to complete his scientific research projects.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Yang Zhenning's refusal to return to China made Yang Wuzhi furious and said on the spot: "In the future, I Yang Wuzhi will no longer have your son, so you will continue to stay in the United States to eat your foreigner's meal!" We in the Yang family do not have such unscrupulous descendants as you! After Yang Wuzhi finished speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Yang Zhenning wrote in a 1983 book: "When I made the decision to become a citizen of the United States, my heart was also very painful, and I hesitated for a long time before I made up my mind, but because of this, I lost contact with my father, who did not forgive me until his deathbed." "

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

In the face of Yang Zhenning's change of nationality, the world's people have different opinions, and most of them criticize Yang Zhenning for being unpatriotic. Is it unpatriotic to change nationality?

First of all, patriotism is not a verbal promise, it depends on a person's specific actions, if patriotism is only distinguished by a nationality, is it too sorry for those foreign Chinese who have dedicated themselves to the motherland?

Secondly, the change of nationality cannot erase the identity of the descendants of Chinese Yanhuang, and the patriotism of Chinese comes from the admiration of the five-star red flag in the bones and blood.

Finally, the change of nationality is the free choice of each independent person, the change of nationality may be for the better development of oneself, I think no one can judge which person is patriotic or not based on nationality alone.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

Although Yang Zhenning has become a U.S. citizen, he still has not forgotten that he is a Chinese. He once said: "What circulates in my body is my father's blood, the blood of Chinese culture." "

During his time in the United States, Yang Zhenning constantly lobbied overseas workers to return to China to serve, the most famous of which was Yao Zhizhi, an academician of the Two Academies of sciences in the United States, who returned to China under the persuasion of Yang Zhenning and devoted himself to China's construction.

Yao Qizhi's return to China has made China give birth to a large number of talents in artificial intelligence, which also makes Yang Zhenning have a lot of comfort in his heart. In 1971, Yang Zhenning returned to China, and he was very relieved to see the prosperity of China, and he shed tears of excitement on the spot.

Yang Wuzhi went to Geneva, Switzerland, three times to meet Yang Zhenning and persuade him to return to China to work, but in the fruitless war years, the nobel laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics who studied abroad in the era of war and chaos renounced their Chinese citizenship in the United States and had a heart in China

"Serving the country is not work, it is faith", patriotism is not a mandatory work, it is the love of people from the depths of their hearts, it comes from the soul of a nation. No one can go and not love their country, how can a person who has not even loved his homeland be called a human being? It's just a walking dead! After all, the state is a existence worthy of our flesh and blood.

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