
Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

author:Little Bee's Food House

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

Happy National Day holiday is coming, I don't know what arrangements everyone has in the holiday?

Whether it's traveling or staying at home, I hope you can relax and continue to work for the next year.

During this seven-day holiday, I will continue to share some baking basic recipes with you, hoping to help you improve your baking skills!

Nagasaki honey cake

(20x12x5cm formulation)

protein...... 85 g

Caster sugar... 60 g

yolk...... 60 g

honey...... 20 g

High gluten flour... 60 g

whole milk...... 20 g

The traditional baked Nagasaki cake honey mold is a bottomless wooden box frame. If there is no wooden box frame, here is an alternative method:

Place the cake pan in a larger cake pan with corrugated cardboard sandwiched in the gap between the two cake pans. To prevent the cardboard from catching fire in the oven, wrap it in foil and padde the bottom with oil-absorbent foil.

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

Production process:

1, whisk the egg white until the bubbles are small, then slowly add fine granulated sugar several times, beat to a solid (not hard) state, reduce the speed, and stir by hand to eliminate large bubbles.

2: Once the egg whites are thick and silky and creamy, add the egg yolks one by one (divided into 4 times), after each addition, stir well at low speed. This method makes the egg foam very stable.

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

3: Add honey and stir well.

4: Sift half of the flour into the batter, stir until almost evenly, sift through the remaining flour and mix well.

5: Pour the milk into the batter and stir well. Scrape and fold with a spatula until everything is evenly mixed.

7: From a height of 30 cm, pour the batter into a lined cake dish (allow the bubbles to flow out). Shake the cake mold 3-4 times on the table top and place in a larger cake pan.

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

8: Preheat the oven to 160°C and bake the cake on the bottom of the oven for about 35 minutes until the cake is browned. Gently pressing the cake will make a soft squeezing sound. If the squashing is loud, the cake is still too wet. If there is no sound at all, the cake is estimated to be burned.

Remove the cake pan from the oven and drop the small cake pan from about 30 cm high, 2-3 times. After a short pause, the top of the cake begins to wrinkle slightly.

Place the cake sash upside down on a wooden cutting board. Wait until the top of the cake is smooth and smooth, put on a rack to cool, demold, trim and cut. Cakes are best eaten on the day of making and cut when eating. Or seal it in plastic and enjoy it the next day.

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!
Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!
Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

In the seventeenth century, Portuguese missionaries and merchants traveled far and wide to Nagasaki, and the things they brought, such as glass, tobacco, bread, etc., were novelties to the locals, and in order to establish friendship with each other, missionaries distributed wine to the nobles and desserts to the commoners, hoping to spread Christianity. Merchants also made a large number of pastries to distribute on the streets.

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

At that time, a pastry made of sugar, eggs, and flour was so popular that the Japanese asked what it was, and the missionaries said it was a dessert from castella (Castile: the name of the Spanish city). As a result, the Japanese mistakenly passed down the name castella as a dessert, which is the origin of castella.

Now, Nagasaki honey cake has become a world-famous pastry, with a delicate and sweet taste, soft and moist, which is unforgettable!

The most famous cake shop in Nagasaki today is Fukusaya, where in the 17th century Fukusaya first learned to make this kind of pastry made from flour, sugar, and eggs, and is now passed down to the 16th generation.

Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

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Nagasaki honey cake, which is popular in Japan, has all the details of the operation such as stirring and baking!

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